News & Blogs The reasons why you aren't and will never be a gypsy...


Professional knob twiddler and sound anarchist
Apr 18, 2013
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Though it is tumblr, I thought it was a really well done and important read.

I’m sorry, but no you cannot & never will you be.

What is a “gypsy”?
Some will have you believe that simply moving frequently, or wearing boho-esque clothing will make you a “gypsy”. I have read countless websites about Pagan “gypsy” magic, and articles on how to dress “gypsy”. I’m here to tell you; you’re doing it wrong!

So, you want to be a “gypsy”? Well, you can’t. Not only are you not a “gypsy”, but you can never become a “gypsy”.

This little word, “gypsy”, makes my skin crawl. It causes aches in my heart and beats at my soul. I die a little inside everytime I must say or write the word.

"Gypsy" is a racial slur. It is tantamount to the "N" word.

Like the “N” word, “gypsy” was created by people who believed we were sub-human and enslaved us. “Gypsies” were slaves?


These “gypsies” you speak of are actually people who belong to the Romani ethnicity. We are an ethnic minority with no nation, no homeland. We trace our ancestry back to Rajasthan in India and parts of what is now Pakistan. This is not speculative. There is no more question as to where “gypsies” came from. This has been proven through extensive DNA and linguistic studies.

You cannot be “gypsy”. You cannot wake up one day, start moving around, and call yourself a “gypsy”. How many people say they want to be African American, or Asian? They don’t. It’s an impossibility.

White female arrow-10x10.png youth pay large sums of money to dress “gypsy”, or what they call boho. Well, Bohemia is a region of the Czech Republic. You cannot be Bohemian either, unless of course you are Czech. There is also a huge problem with equating Boho to “gypsy”.

The Czech people murdered us.

"Vi man sas ek bari familiya,
Murdadas la e kali legiya.”

"I once had a big family,
but the Black Legions murdered them.”That is a line from our anthem. We may not have a nation, but we have an anthem and a flag. “Gypsy” people have been so greatly oppressed in the Czech Republic that this line made it into our anthem. The Black Legions were a military unit that opreated in the Czech Republic during World War Two. They are responsible for killing nearly ninety-percent of the “gypsy” populations in parts of the Czech Republic.

Not only have you offended me by trying to dress “gypsy”, but calling yourself a “boho-gypsy” just tore my heart into one million pieces.

Before you ask and I have to answer; yes. Yes. Yes, I had family in the Czech Republic and Hungary during World War Two. Yes, they died in concentration camps like Auschwitz and Lety.

We are Romani. We call ourselves Romani. We are the Romani people.

You cannot be “gypsy”. The only way you are “gypsy” is if you are from the Romani ethnic population. Perhaps in your next life you can be born to Romani parents and be “gypsy”, but not in this one. No, you simply cannot.

Why would you want to?

Why would anyone on Earth want to belong to the most oppressed and persecuted race of people on this planet?

I don’t have a choice. I cannot scrub my “gypsy” off. I cannot simply wake up and decide I no longer want to be “gypsy”. It’s my ethnicity.

There are similar words used in Central and Eastern Europe to describe us. They are akin to “gypsy”:

Zigeuner, Czigany, Tigane, Tsigane, etc..

I dare you go to Central and Eastern Europe and utter these words to a “gypsy”. I triple dog dare you. See how much they like their “gypsy” word.

It means slave. Tsigane means slave. Zigeuner means slave. Czigany means slave.

There is a similar word in every single European language of this region. They all mean slave.

Like “gypsy”, words similar to tsigane have been used as a means of oppression.
Maybe I can put this into persepctive.

In America, we do the same thing with the “N” word. Not me, personally, but I have heard it from countless Americans. Someone is “N” word rich, that car is “N” word rigged, don’t act like an “N” word.

The same is done with “gypsy” and “tsigane” in Europe. Don’t act ”gypsy” with me, it looks like “gypsies” live here, that’s such a “gypsy” thing.

Does it make sense now?

Please stop trying to be us. We are not flattered. What truly flatters Romani “gypsy” people is when others try to learn about our true culture. Please don’t argue with us & tell us that you know all about “gypsies” because you belly dance, read Tarot cards, or move a lot. If you really knew so much about “gypsies”, you would afford us the respect of not calling us a racial slur. You would know that there is no such thing as “gypsy” magic, that we are not dirty people who do not bathe, that we do not all steal, and that we have a beautiful culture.

No, you cannot be “gypsy”. Maybe in your next lifetime."

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Kim Chee

You cannot be “gypsy”. You cannot wake up one day, start moving around, and call yourself a “gypsy”. How many people say they want to be African American, or Asian? They don’t. It’s an impossibility.

Good read, but too bad the author is offended by these bizarre types who deny their own heritage and take up that of an oppressed people.

For example:


...because they do indeed exist.
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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2012
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Where the fun never ends.
The "Traveller" scene is full of kids who rip of other cultures and then turn around and argue everyone else is destroying their authenticity. Good article, good post.

In Portland a few days ago, some white guy asked me if I know what the colors on my hat stand for. I told him I am from Jamaica so yes. He then called himself testing me. I wasn't having it.


New member
Oct 23, 2013
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Gypsy can also refer to Irish Travelers.

If you're of the opinion that racial groups can "own" cultures then there's plenty of neo nazis that would agree wholeheartedly, globalization and dissemination of culture are things that actually happen regardless of socioeconomic status

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
i knew most of this before i read the article, and it's one of the reasons i don't really refer to stp or our community as gypsy punk or whatever...

i know there's a lot of people that will think im an asshole for saying this, but i also believe the term 'gypsy' has been 'taken back' in a way, since i don't know anyone that thinks of it as a racial slur anymore (although my knowledge is limited to my privilege as a white male american). but in the end i don't know if that excuses it's use or not.

i know everyone hates labels, but i think they're useful sometimes. like, instead of having to refer to ourselves as "those travelers" or "those dirty train kids" or "those kids that hitchhike and train hop" i've started to coin the phrase 'wanderpunk' if for no other reason than it's just fucking easier to say to people when describing ourselves. [/siderant]


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
@NoShow did you actually read the article ? the term Gypsy refers to the Roma race and was derived from the word eGYPtian. which is where white Europeans thought the Roma had come from, probably due to their dark colouring... Irish Travellers are disenfranchised Irish who took to living on the road 300 years ago when times were tough in Ireland... the two groups rarely mix and generally do not get on and should definitely not be grouped together....
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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2015
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Exeter, United Kingdom
It should be noted that not all Roma consider the term 'gypsy' a racial slur - I have spoken with Gordon Boswell, a well respected Roma elder, at his museum in Lincolnshire in England - he used the word gypsy freely as we talked and did not appear to consider it a bad / racist / negative word ....
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2017
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Montreal, Canada
I know it's an old post but i'm just wandering around on stp tonight

I mostly agree with what eh OP said, but from a linguistic point of view (trust me, I'm a linguist) (this is actually true), it would be "okay" to use the word "gypsy" in the sense that the meaning changed. The only fact that you have to share an article that explains that the meaning we think it has is not the "real one" shows that the majority of speakers use it more as a "general" word. Then again, linguistically, the majority is always right, and that's actually how languages evolve. Or course this evolution can be altered by politics around a word (like for the n-word) but theoricaly, the fact that the ancient meaning "disappeared" (nobody longer knows what it originally meant) makes the new using okay.

That said, I was quite surprised that it was such a common word in the US, being from Europe myself I knew which populations this word was actually about.
Also, I am not saying that we should use this word, I'm just trying to explain what linguistic theories say about it


Guardian of the Knowledge of the Wastes
Dec 13, 2013
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Slab City, CA
I find it odd that I have absolutely no recollection of seeing this thread before tonight.

Much like you said, @Matt Derrick , I myself also knew most of the things that this article said. That's actually why I switched (quite awhile ago) from referring to myself as a "Gypsy", and began using the much broader, yet more accurate & appropriate term "Nomad".

Wandering Man

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Apr 15, 2017
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Canton, OH
Very informative thread, knew some of this before. Upon reading through, I actually did research on the irish travellers (saw the comment and was curious because of the comment debating), and they were also called gypsies, they were also called tinkers, pikeys, or pavees, among other words. There are pictures of families in covered wagons, I assume them to be irish because my search was "what were irish travelers called", but I cant say that the pictures are actually of irish people.

Funny enough, I use the word traveler to describe myself. Even knock around the word hippie jokingly, but I'm really just a traveler.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I know it's an old post but i'm just wandering around on stp tonight

I mostly agree with what eh OP said, but from a linguistic point of view (trust me, I'm a linguist) (this is actually true), it would be "okay" to use the word "gypsy" in the sense that the meaning changed. The only fact that you have to share an article that explains that the meaning we think it has is not the "real one" shows that the majority of speakers use it more as a "general" word. Then again, linguistically, the majority is always right, and that's actually how languages evolve. Or course this evolution can be altered by politics around a word (like for the n-word) but theoricaly, the fact that the ancient meaning "disappeared" (nobody longer knows what it originally meant) makes the new using okay.

That said, I was quite surprised that it was such a common word in the US, being from Europe myself I knew which populations this word was actually about.
Also, I am not saying that we should use this word, I'm just trying to explain what linguistic theories say about it

that's an excellent explanation, thank you for posting it. that's basically the way i've always felt about it, much like the south park episode where they 'changed' the term 'fags' to mean loud motorcyclists, it's important to remember that terms can and do change and that is indeed how languages evolve. i'm sure some of the ultra-left pc folks will get on my case about this, but honestly some of this 'cultural appropriation' stuff is just people being way too PC.
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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2017
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Gang Mills, NY
It's the ability of one group to define the speech of another group as offensive or abusive. In more general terms, it is the materialization of the groupthink thought police in the book "1984" therefore, causing people to self-censor.
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