St Augustine anti-homeless group harasses StP community

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I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Nov 21, 2018
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on the move
This thread was created by a fake account from the 'St. Augustine Vagrant Watch Group & Citizen Night Watch' on facebook. Please follow the link in this thread to report them to facebook for bullying/harassment.
Hi. I'm new to stp, but not new to the lifestyle. if you ask me, in today's world, it's the only way to go. So, this post is about good old st Aug. I spent a lotta time there back in the day. Used to be a fav. But, my fellow travelers, the times are a changin'! I dropped in recently and stayed about a month. I'm kinda a loner, but friendly, so i did a lot of observation and a fair amount of chatting up some of the local nomads. Nice bunch. So i thought it my duty to warn some of the newbies. St Aug has taken a torn for the worse. Busking is frowned upon, if not illegal. Street performers are no longer allowed on ST George street, where most of the tourist action is. the cops are arresting these peaceful folks right and left, just for being there. they check ID and now they have special officers on bikes whose only job it is to police, harass and arrest folks for just sitting there. Not cool. There's a somewhat new ordinance which basically criminalizes our lifestyle. It gets worse. A little bird whispered in my ear, that before spring, the city is enacting a new, stricter ordinance and is hiring 5 new cops to help enforce it. There are eyes everywhere and the JAX news ratted out some prime camps and I think the city or the private property owners have been clearing them out. Oh, i 4got to give u THIS juicy morsel - in FL they have the baker act where they can just say someone is crazy and put them in a mental institution against their will. I guess that is one way to get rid of us! And this one dude told me they're printing up fliers they give to tourists when they check in at their hotels that warn against giving "handouts to vagrants". Friends, fellow travelers of this great land, I'd just steer clear of ST Augustine. It isn't what it used to be. There are plenty more welcoming places out there! B safe. Peace out!


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2017
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I was there for about a week in early October, and it was fine.
Two interactions with cops, and they were actually decent.
Busked on St. George Street (15 ft away) and made good $$ everytime.
"Vagrancy" is getting stricter everywhere. I was actually surprised with how mellow it was for being the wealthiest place in FL.
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Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails
(just adding to the topic, not trying to debunk anything u said)

@Rhubarb Dwyer and I were there just yesterday thru a few days ago and it's chill. We were sitting on st George, clearly drinking beer out of different containers and cop who rolled by on a bicycle didn't even care. I didn't busk there but we walked all around and didn't get hassled. The feeds were great. The people were nice.

Not saying bad shit can't or doesn't happen there (especially for home bums or poc) but we had no trouble there. I think it's like most places where if u mind your business and are respectful, nothing truly bad is likely to happen. U might just get asked/told to leave certain places

Rhubarb Dwyer

Fragrant Vagrant
Apr 30, 2016
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Providence, RI
Bum rumorz
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Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Hi. I'm new to stp, but not new to the lifestyle. if you ask me, in today's world, it's the only way to go. So, this post is about good old st Aug. I spent a lotta time there back in the day. Used to be a fav. But, my fellow travelers, the times are a changin'! I dropped in recently and stayed about a month. I'm kinda a loner, but friendly, so i did a lot of observation and a fair amount of chatting up some of the local nomads. Nice bunch. So i thought it my duty to warn some of the newbies. St Aug has taken a torn for the worse. Busking is frowned upon, if not illegal. Street performers are no longer allowed on ST George street, where most of the tourist action is. the cops are arresting these peaceful folks right and left, just for being there. they check ID and now they have special officers on bikes whose only job it is to police, harass and arrest folks for just sitting there. Not cool. There's a somewhat new ordinance which basically criminalizes our lifestyle. It gets worse. A little bird whispered in my ear, that before spring, the city is enacting a new, stricter ordinance and is hiring 5 new cops to help enforce it. There are eyes everywhere and the JAX news ratted out some prime camps and I think the city or the private property owners have been clearing them out. Oh, i 4got to give u THIS juicy morsel - in FL they have the baker act where they can just say someone is crazy and put them in a mental institution against their will. I guess that is one way to get rid of us! And this one dude told me they're printing up fliers they give to tourists when they check in at their hotels that warn against giving "handouts to vagrants". Friends, fellow travelers of this great land, I'd just steer clear of ST Augustine. It isn't what it used to be. There are plenty more welcoming places out there! B safe. Peace out!

as if the bolded parts together didn't make this obvious enough, 'wild child AKA strawberry fields forever' somehow does not recognize the irony of the term "local nomad"....

this shit is honestly hilariously bad it makes me wanna smoke some hash and read it outloud in a mickey mouse kind of voice

Gabriel Pullman

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Dec 8, 2017
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Bum rumorz, or rumorz vagos, was a person on here.
That's his tag or moniker, (bum rumorz)
He is a dirt bag and wanted to get banned. So I just post his moniker sometimes.
Don't forget MOTHERFUCKING Oscar


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails

Why do these fuck asses think people who obviously don't regard the law, rules, regulations, and are used to being treated like vermin are gonna listen to "people will make u feel unwanted here" as if we aren't used to that in most places??

@ members of said group: eat my ass. You're fucking idiots if u think u can get rid of people who eat out of garbage cans, sleep on the ground, get rained on, walk in the heat and cold regularly by saying your ~neighborhood watch~ isn't cool with us.
We've all endured more than u can throw our way.
Leave us the fuck alone.
Also I hope u become homeless one day and get treated like a roach for it.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails
Also uhhh a baker act means if u threaten to kill yourself or someone else they can forcibly put u in the local mental hospital for 72 hours. But guess what hospitals don't want to do? Treat people with no insurance.
Guess what probably 90% of stp users and homeless people don't have? Insurance. They don't wanna house and feed us for free

Last time I got baker acted they were pushing me out the door the next day even tho I still wanted to kill myself.

Gabriel Pullman

Well-known member
Dec 8, 2017
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St Augustine Vagrant Watch if you're watching........

This is from my home town. Well not but last place I paid for rent in Huntsville Alabama.
I knew people that knew him and managed his going viral

He went viral. Talkshows. Rehab.
The usual
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