Shaggy tall dreadie kid


Sep 3, 2013
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Same motherfucker. Shaggy in Missoula. 100% sure. I know that dude. I know that patch. That is his facebook. Dude, I took his fucking profile picture when we were stranded with some kids in North Dakota or Montana (can't remember). And yeah, he's pretty lovely til he gets wasted and then...yeah. Mutherfucker. And, yes, would not be the least bit shocked if he took your shit. It's not a first. He really has been riding for a long time, but not ten years (I have reason to believe he's 25 give or take and he knows his shit about trains but I dont buy that he's been riding since he was 15 for a couple good reasons). He's probably locked up now but please dont hesitate to private message me if you want more details about him (real name? the fb name is fake but I can give you the other names. He's got a couple he gives to bulls and I know his full birth name.) Goddamn, I've got stories...


Mar 2, 2013
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Same motherfucker. Shaggy in Missoula. 100% sure. I know that dude. I know that patch. That is his facebook. Dude, I took his fucking profile picture when we were stranded with some kids in North Dakota or Montana (can't remember). And yeah, he's pretty lovely til he gets wasted and then...yeah. Mutherfucker. And, yes, would not be the least bit shocked if he took your shit. It's not a first. He really has been riding for a long time, but not ten years (I have reason to believe he's 25 give or take and he knows his shit about trains but I dont buy that he's been riding since he was 15 for a couple good reasons). He's probably locked up now but please dont hesitate to private message me if you want more details about him (real name? the fb name is fake but I can give you the other names. He's got a couple he gives to bulls and I know his full birth name.) Goddamn, I've got stories...
Does this shaggy have circles around his knuckles. I met a shaggy in little five before


Active member
Sep 2, 2011
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So here's my first post... Am I the only one here that would never keep the company of somebody wearing a Confederate flag or any national flag patch for that matter?
PC loser...


Active member
Sep 2, 2011
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Then I'll add this. Shaggy is a good kid who like most of us has the capability to be a dick. Whoever told any of you kids that all train riders will be nice to you is a liar. We live a dangerous life, a lot of time surrounded by dangerous people. This is the real world, riding freight and having drum circles in the woods are two different things. I wish I could say that being a tramp is for nice people but that's just not the case.


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Jun 25, 2017
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Long valley nj
I've know shaggy for a bit he's a good guy when he isn't drunk I'm sorry if anyone has had to deal with that bullshit but if you have been ridding for some time you would know what kindve attitudes to stay away from but like I said he is a good guy just don't get drunk with him


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
It's stories like this that keep me traveling solo. People fucking suck. I don't care if that dude is a "good kid" or not, jumping people for no reason=you are an asshole, and getting drunk is no excuse, I get drunk all the time and don't jump people who I'm chillin' with. I prefer not to hang around with assholes.

Also, karma is ultimate.


Previously NotSoSirius
Feb 16, 2017
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591-599 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94610, USA
Sounds like a kid I know from Savannah GA, he claimed to be a traveler but in the 3 summers I visited there he was always in the same town in the same camp so I figured him as home guard/homebum status. One of the first kids i met on the road actually. He was always a dick when he was drunk thou, and i had to put him in his place a few times over theft of small things but never that much.

The fact it happened in little 5 points and he was heading towards NOLA makes it sound like him.

Did he have a cat?


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
I wish I could say that being a tramp is for nice people but that's just not the case.

Ya, I don't agree with that at all. You are basically saying you have to be a dick to travel. Everyone chooses their own personality, and I've met many a nice traveler. You don't have to be a drunk asshole that gets violent for no reason to be a tramp. I get having to be hard nosed to survive on the street and travel, but shit you should be able to turn that shit off sometimes.

Like I said, you pick your own personality, and also the groups you hang out with. That, I do agree with.

Hobo Mud

Well-known member
Nov 25, 2015
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Columbia, Tennessee
The most important thing is that your alive and survived this encounter. Your stuff can be replaced, however you can't! My advice to you is to stay away from junkies and only drink with people you have known for years.

If this kid has done what you have claimed he will get whats coming. The rails have a funny way of working things like this out. I am extremely picky as to whom I will or will not associate with pertaining to the rails or traveling.

Even are intuition can sometimes misslead us if we are facing a master manipulator. Once again the important thing is that you are well and safe. Hope something was learned from this experience, i am glad you shared this information with us.

Safe travels brother.......


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Oct 23, 2017
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Wolf Point, Montana
yeah you're talking about that huge oogle "shaggy" or "dirty dog"... he's only been riding for probably 5 years and has been in prison for half of that, and is usually just homebumming GA but he still trys to count it. One time he came up to us claiming he just "stole a half gallon without even looking to see what it was", even though it was from a store where all the bottles have alarm caps on the tops(this Sailor Jerrys did not) and he was with a guy with a hatchetman tattoo and the other had a giant anarchy tattoo on his cheek. So, we drake his booze and listened to him brag about how he went to prison, never washes his "dreadhawk" and all of the places he never been to... hahahaha probably the biggest oogles ive ever met. Oh yeah he also tried saying "hell crew"(some lame crew he said he was starting) is the new FTRA but he didnt even know how to hop out of roseville hahahahahaha
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Jun 18, 2018
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Galesburg IL
so a couple nights ago i got jumped, robbed for $70 and got my vest, leather tobacco pouch i made, and smart phone taken. not too sure the kids name but i think i heard people calling him shaggy. real tall long dreads black bibs with a rebel flag patch sewn on the back. he seemed ok till he got drunk then started screaming bout how i wasnt a real rider and just a west coast scum fuck and how hes never seen me before. As im sure many of you know im from ohio and have been around for quite some time. This kinda shit coming from these younger kids pisses me off.
The one kid shaggy? was bragging bout how he just got outta prison and showing off his prison id to a bunch of people and also kept talking bout how hes been ridding for 10 years sollid. Kinda hard to ride trains in prison isnt it?
As far as i know he is only one that attacked me. he was with aa few other kids. one girl goes by kelly scumdom has a wrong way kids tatt on her neck. another goes by twitch and another older kid that goes by possum. and one goes by Twittie. (real name Brian) The one kid twitch was talking bout how he had just od'd on heroin the night before.
Knew a kid in Ohau Hawaii that fits that description an same name. Bin about five years, he'd be about 30 or late 20s.

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