My bucket list road trip


The Necromancer King
Nov 22, 2010
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Brooklyn (but not hipster Brooklyn)
I would like to share with all of you a trip I've been planning for a couple years now. I started with a handful of graves and other destinations with the trip ending at Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee's graves. As I've shared the image of it around, I get more ideas from friends and others who see it. I don't think I will be adding many more, if any, stops to this trip. This is roughly 10,500 miles and that's just if I'm going straight to the places with no detours whatsoever. Let's be honest, there's going to be detours.

If anybody has additional stops I should check out, lemme know. I'm mostly visiting places I find interesting and graves of people I feel influenced my life in some way. The theme is mostly centered around death with like 2 or 3 exceptions.

I also hope this inspires some of you who have hung up your packs to get back out there.


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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
Staff member
Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
I visited Bruce about 24 years ago. Be sure to drop in and pay Jimi a visit in Renton too, not far from Seattle. They share the same birthday, didn't realize that till I visited their graves.

They also share two parts of the same crystal. Kinda weird story behind that. We were visiting Bruce and my friend Lee who's a huge Bruce Lee fan had a crystal in his pocket he was kinda just rolling between his fingers while we were there and it broke in two.

He lifted up some grass at the base of the headstone and buried one half with Bruce. He planned on keeping the other half for himself. We then went to visit Hendrix in Renton and he decided to leave the other half with Jimi, also buried under grass at the base of his headstone.

Not to be all metaphysical about it or anything. Just a random thing I witnessed, thought it was worth sharing. Also, when we lifted the grass where Jimi lays it looked like a treasure chest. There were hundreds of shiny objects all intertwined into the soil.

Fun fact. He had a song/album? called "Third stone from the sun" and his headstone is third from the sundial in that cemetery.

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