Most common question as a solo female van-dweller.


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Sep 5, 2017
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This happens to me too, OP, and I find it pretty offensive. Not only do I feel like they are trying to find out if they can approach me sexually, I sometimes feel like folks are trying to find out if I'm traveling alone and hence an easy mark. I generally don't answer the question.

Sometimes though, women ask me, and then I try to use the conversation as an opportunity to encourage them to be fearless and to live the life they want to live (not the life society tells them to live).


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Apr 19, 2016
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New mexico
In the squat the planet tradition, when a woman asks people about their female experience there are a bunch of dudes that just can't keep silent lol.
Now to the question. yeah, after where are you from that's the second least favorite question of mine. Both of those questions I find too personal and prying to ask a stranger. I don't ask people I'd just met those questions then why do they ask me those? Well because I'm a female who lives in a van and has a none american accent. Annoying? Absolutely. Do I answer them? Fuck no. You don't have to answer anybody's stupid questions if you don't like them


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
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I have actually never asked that question. After living in my van for six years I assume it's one person and the dog. Two people in a van is just not comfortable living. That's just my idea. Most of the women I know these days live in vans or another type of vehicle. I always wave first and if I get a positive response I go over and BS... You know, is your dog friendly? or where you heading? I talked to my friend Nina who lives in a van and told her about this thread. She said nobody's asked if she was with a man. Maybe it's because she looks like Albert Einstein without the mustache, although she does have a little mustache.
It's hard to approach solo women these days. I never know how they might react. That's why I wave 1st and hope for a positive reaction. I think people who live in Vans have some kind of common Bond. I also think it is easier to be friendly than not.
Oct 26, 2018
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I traveled all over the US (van camping, tent camping in the woods), traveled Asia and some Central America. Its a common question. When I leave the country it comes alot from women because they are scared for me, think I am brave or I am naive. I have had quite a few conversations about this. Most of the men think its sexy or whatever testosterone mandates the unevolved ones to think and hit on me. I do get concern from some men and it is valid since I have almost been raped while traveling quite a bit but mainly in Europe.

I think that there is surprise because overall most women don't want to live out of a van by themselves, camp by themselves in the woods for a year or travel internationally alone (though I see more younger women doing it).I can see their point of view and if you don't have it in you, you just dont. I think some of it could be concern. Obviously you have a weapon like a gun or taser so your fine, thats what I told some people especially if I was out far in the woods and met some stragglers out there.

Really being able to have done what I did and now travel internationally with just my kids is a luxury. Most young or older women in other countries need to work or help take care of their brothers and sisters, their children if they have any or try to get a "better" life as in go to school or save money.

But I do hear you it is annoying..

If you ever explore Europe you'll see how much you get hit on there. I was grabbed three times in bars and they just kiss you on the lips drunkenly. It was fucking weird.

Anyway good on you! America is a beautiful place its fun to explore it!
Oct 26, 2018
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Just read a reply from above and it may have to do with body size also. I am 5'3 petite. My friend who is a 6'1 woman has never been hassled in a bar by a guy, never had men act aggressive towards her and I remember finding it shocking.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
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I traveled all over the US (van camping, tent camping in the woods), traveled Asia and some Central America. Its a common question. When I leave the country it comes alot from women because they are scared for me, think I am brave or I am naive. I have had quite a few conversations about this. Most of the men think its sexy or whatever testosterone mandates the unevolved ones to think and hit on me. I do get concern from some men and it is valid since I have almost been raped while traveling quite a bit but mainly in Europe.

I think that there is surprise because overall most women don't want to live out of a van by themselves, camp by themselves in the woods for a year or travel internationally alone (though I see more younger women doing it).I can see their point of view and if you don't have it in you, you just dont. I think some of it could be concern. Obviously you have a weapon like a gun or taser so your fine, thats what I told some people especially if I was out far in the woods and met some stragglers out there.

Really being able to have done what I did and now travel internationally with just my kids is a luxury. Most young or older women in other countries need to work or help take care of their brothers and sisters, their children if they have any or try to get a "better" life as in go to school or save money.

But I do hear you it is annoying..

If you ever explore Europe you'll see how much you get hit on there. I was grabbed three times in bars and they just kiss you on the lips drunkenly. It was fucking weird.

Anyway good on you! America is a beautiful place its fun to explore it!
I think some people's behavior is shameful! We should look at ourselves as brothers and sisters and the idea of predator is disgusting... Sorry that is happening!


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2012
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When I first started out in a van, in 02, had a dog & my only fear was teaching her to learn how not to bark when we were in the van at night. She would do her low growl, & be on alert.
I felt safe with her, & by the time she was stolen in 05, was used to dealing with living & knowing when to get out & such.
Anyone can learn the basics of knowing stealth living, and how that can keep you safe!
At 6’1”, I get in my van & automatically lock the door, even when I have the window down & anyone with sense will do the same!
When I see people lurking on foot, I don’t approach, however if someone parks near me to do their drugs, I do walk up & ask em to leave & not blow up my spot! ( been here , off & on since 05)

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