hey from Pittsburgh!


Deleted member 9462

just joined today. my inspiration to join has been due to the sailboat meetup in maine. just posting around to see if anyone would wanna hop in a car with us and help us split the cost of gas. also really excited about this site in general as a resource. i deleted my facebook account a while ago and it's been hard to find out about things since people don't make flyers as much anymore.

anyway about me,

i grew up just outside of pittsburgh, moved here when i was 19. went to philly for a bit, came back. lived in maine on a farm north of portland for a bit last year. came back. this is my home base where all of my friends/family are. i love this city so much but i like to leave from time to time for a few months or for the winter. i prefer to travel via motorcycle when possible. right now i ride a rebel 250, but i'm looking for a larger ride so that i can float on the highway rather than be reminded of my mortality every time i hit 50mph... i also have a small truck which is most likely the way i'll be traveling this winter for my big first trip out to the west coast with my dog and hopefully a friend.

i make art and make music. i enjoy working on bikes of all sorts. just recently started getting into motorcycles thanks to a pal that knows a whole hell of a lot and let's me hang around at the shop. i also love farming, gardening, and foraging for food and medicinal herbs. food justice is really important to me. down with monsanto. up the bees!

2013-02-17 15.21.41.jpg


New member
Jul 20, 2016
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Whoa! I'm from right outside of Pittsburgh too! And joined for the Road Dog/MeetUp threads and Boat Punk. If you're ever back in Pittsburgh let me know maybe I'll be there too and we can meet up! Right now I'm in Cali On my way to Santa Barbara. Where are you at now?

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
met her at the jambo last year and her home base is in pitts... not sure where she's at now, but i'm sure she'd like to meet more peeps in her area!

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