Destroy America, The fall of the new world order


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 10, 2018
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ville de québec
So, this place is where anarchists come to talk about smokin pot and jumping on moving freight cars, lets discuss the world. And be real :)

I wonder why people keep working in cubicles? its clearly because they think it is beneficial to them to work in such environments. If they thought it wasn't beneficial for them to work in cubicles, you wouldn't have people working in cubicles unless they were held at fuking gun point, man. The day they begin to think for themselves instead of money will be the day that the government falls. Example: mass police shortage across the country. Hilarious, the greatest joke in US history. What do you think happens when everyone quits their cop job ? They'd need to hire drones and arm them with gatling lasers. Hello Terminator matha fuckasss.
Working as a cop sounds about as shitty as a job can get. Who wants to tell other people what to do? i dont give a damn about what other citizens are doing on their free time... and i dont give much of a shit about the laws either, so let alone enforce them.

Im not a violent person, i make music and for all i care there could be no cops in this country, and i would still drive my car in an efficient manner.

Then, you'll tell me that you need food and water, well you ACTUALLY DONT. Ive been fasting for four days. Ive been spending 10 bucks on food a day for the past 2 years, that's less than 300 bucks a month and when i dumpster dive it sounds more like 150. Which i earn by pickin fruits like a migrant. Easy, and i wouldn't mind doing it till i died for the sake of the civil uprising, which i hope will soon gift the world of free men and shake up the fucking stage mother fuckers. its that or the super toxic world thats being built. We dont need to help build it.

Last but not least, here is the blue-print that is simply going to fix the place: one woman, one child.
Cuts the population of the world in half within 100 years, and then in half again and again and again until the world be sustainable once more. I'm sure this childish idea has been proposed before and discussed, its such an easy fix for a problem that we thought difficult.

What if the world is flat and at the center of the universe? The sun and the moon revolve in circles around the north pole which is in the center of the world. Antarctica, forms a barrier around the world. A giant wall. Antarctica is the edge of the world, Antarctica is also the only place in the world where you are not allowed to visit. In fact, no one has ever been there. Do you know anyone thats been there? no flights fly over Antarctica... why not? it would be much simpler to fly over it then circle around it. but in the flat model, you cannot fly over Antarctica... Lets be real, we cannot visit Antarctica and this fits perfectly with the conspiracy. They dont want you on the edge of the world, because they want you to think that its a globe. Now there is a possibility that the Earth is truly a globe, but we cannot know that without irrefutable evidence. We do not have such evidence.

Video footage can be faked, as seen in Hollywood. So Nasa footage could also be faked. Fly on a plane, and see for yourself, the horizon rises with you to eye level. The horizon does not curve, only the planes window is curved. You notice this when you go parachuting, theyu build planes with curved window. Hilarious, but it works ! Look at a star trails time lapse video on youtube and tell me if the same video could be filmed from a moving car. If not, then why can it be filmed from a planet that rotates and that orbits a sun which itself travels in the cosmos? That is what science proposes. It sounds funky compared to the flat model, but its a possibility. Take a stroll through Saskatchewan, tell me it doesn't look flat.

So, if it is flat why can't i see the edge of the world? Because you cant see forever... You can prove this with a telescope. Look out to the sea with your naked eye, see that you cannot see anything. Now look through a telescope and notice that you can see boats on the horizon that should be visible to you if you could see farther. This proves that the edge could be in front of you but too far away for you to be able to see it. We cant see forever! Below is the map of the flat model and a visual representation of the orbit of the sun and moon in this model. Note that the map is not to scale, it still requires work. If the flat map were to scale, we would be able to calculate flight plans using it. Right now, that doesnt work which simply means someone has to fix it. I might do it one day if i care enough and if i can learn how to do it, But i dont "currently" give a shit about flight plans, i just do philosophy.

Now what difference does it make if the Earth is flat? If it is flat, then it is the center of the world and the stars are not suns but in revolution in the sky. If we are the center of the universe, then suddenly we matter. Science says were insignificant. The flat model says were important. Suddenly, global warming's a big fucking deal isn't it? and killing animals is also a big fucking deal isn't it? Imagine when you die, do you know what happens? no. most likely not. So? that idea of death is open to any interpretation. hahahah What if were all reincarnated ? What do you think about being incarnated as a milking cow in dairy farm? disgusting right? go look at the slaughter house videos on youtube.

Tell me the weeps of those animals doesn't pierce your heart, and i would worry about you. I think the reason why people kill animals is because they lack compassion and imagination. If you could imagine yourself in these animals' position, you'd immediately want to stop the pain. These animals sure seem sentient...

Its only because people think they're doing the right thing that people do the things they do. No one does something, while thinking they aren't doing right... that's what an idiot is. Its someone who thinks they know something that isn't true. A wise man doesn't know every word in the dictionary, a wise man simply knows the difference between what is truly known beyond doubt, from what is believed. 1+1 is known, god is not. God is believed. I cannot say that it is known beyond doubt that the Earth is a globe. I simply can't. Saying that would mean that i would be done deal with it. In other words, if the Earth was flat, i'd never go and have a look.
That's exactly what mind control could look like. But if you can understand what you dont know beyond doubt, then you can doubt that thing, whatever it is. That's what being wise is, its knowing you're possibly incorrect.

Lets face it, reality is strange and its ...stranger even than fiction. All im doing here is using reasonable thinking.. its easy if you try.

Anyways, i've gone vegan, if i spare these animals from the pain that i could potentially inflict by supporting the market, then god may notice and spare me from a hell of a reincarnation. Its possible that you will not be re-incarnate, but you dont know that until it happens. So be the wiser and go vegan, friend.

also, this is a good time to ask if anyones got a boat. Cuz if we can get the whole punk community to build a fucking boat and sail to the Antarctic, then we could check out the sick fucking edge of the world and smoke a giant joint over it. Prove the truth and all that, i got a hell of alot of dope so i got yall covered for the ride. And if we dont make it back, then we'll be forgotten forever. If we find the edge, then we can walk on it and take a real picture of the edge. We'll know its a real picture. And if we go there and walk across the edge only to find another sea, then it could be that that sea we found is the other side of the globular south pole or that its a sea in another dimension mother fuckers. So, shoot me a pm if you got sails=D

As for the purpose of human life, i think it resides in artistic creation. When you take a look around, you notice that artistic creation is not exactly at the top of the list for politicians and governments. So, what exactly does the fucking government want if it isn't something fun? well, its exactly that, something thats not fun. But the idea of fun is subjective, so they just need to direct your conception of what's fun and not to be able to control you. Its already been done. Smartphones, television, money, the biggest best selling shit on the market. That and food addiction.

As a human, the only thing i really want to do is fun stuff and Is there anything in this world that makes me feel more human that strumming a guitar or drawing? Maybe LSD, and when i take lsd i always wind up strumming my guitars

Its possible that the people that work for the governments are not humans, they are bots. programmed to destroy human creativity. Most of what the government does is against the flow of artistic creativity. And most crime is committed to obtain a thing that governments imagine: money. They only imagine it, when we stop partaking with it, for that we need to find a way to sustain ourselves without money. Thats where the addiction comes in, we dont know how do make do without money. We forgot. And escaping the world order isnt such an easy thing to do you know, there are not free places left.

let me know what you think about society, governments, law enforcement, the future and the developing technologies of the world. What are we gonna do when sub machine wielding droids come knocking? are we gonna go sit our beta asses on dem cubicle chairs? or will we rage against the machine? peace out homes and glory to the female anatomy!


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Sometimes traveler is traveling.
Jul 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
HI there - welcome to STP - I'm going to move this out of festivals and into the introduction area - and have to agree with SlankyLanky - hellovan intro!


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
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folks who know me have my #.
so, this place is where anarchists come to talk about smokin pot and jumping on moving freight cars, but why aint there no posts like these, talkin about the world we live in.

you need to read what the fuck other people have written, before you throw stones like that, asshole.

checkout @Hillbilly Castro , for instance..



plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
folks who know me have my #.
Lets assume the world is flat and at the center of the universe and that every person is reincarnated, then youll be reincarnated in this shit hole when you die.

oookkayy... let's assume that..

i'll read yer stuff...

Deleted member 17306

To answer your question regarding why there isn't more of those posts here.. well, because we're not cubicle workers. We already know this shit. So unless we're gonna sit around and masturbate together over a mutual hatred for government, there's just no real point to preaching to the choir.


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
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folks who know me have my #.
remember everyone to be civil.

don't assume other people aren't as angry at the obvious..

it's sort of an implicit assertion of ignorance,
hence the stated imperative to check stuff out, before bitching at us.

some of us fuckers here have *died*
Fucking *died* to be what we are,

so fuck the noobs that come in spitting,
unless their tongues are acid..

& they do what they speak,

instead of imagining & pretending..

we are not fucking civil, here..

we are real...

but yeah, unless folks are... useless...

at least remain polite,
but do not remain gentle,
unless you see them wondering what the edge of the stones below mean,
& are willing to risk their feet thereupon..

scary shit.

may you die fucking fast,
& never need to regret.

may you die slow, knowing you did so, well...

but may death always, for all of us,
be with as little pain as possible,

& may we get to see as much shit in between now & then
as our cowardice


or our Courage

allows us..

dumpster harpy

Well-known member
Mar 10, 2016
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Hell, MA
How would one enforce this "one woman, one child" policy? And what gives one the authority to dictate what women may or may not do with their bodies?
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Deleted member 125

yeah ive edited and reformulated my text cuz i found imperfections in it, and i also wanted to exactify certain aspects of it

what youv edited and reformulated has turned into even more of a wingnut manifesto. or a decent troll. i stopped skimming after yer flat earth stuff. welcome to the site, but come on...


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 10, 2018
Reaction score
ville de québec
How would one enforce this "one woman, one child" policy? And what gives one the authority to dictate what women may or may not do with their bodies?
no one would force the policy. its just that we are smart enough to understand that we may not be able to produce enough food for everyone without creating pain and misery. Thats all. im not gonna make anyone do anything. Im not a fucking cop dude. im a stoner kid and i dk how i came to be but some time in 1999 i burst outta that uterus like a fucking missile into the world. ever since then, ive been rocking brother. I think it can be beneficial to the world if we produce less babies. if we produce less babies, then we dont need to work as much, because theres less of a need... think about it dude. The idea is simple, few children and fewer needs therefore easier to aquire said needs. its like mind calculation dude.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 10, 2018
Reaction score
ville de québec
what youv edited and reformulated has turned into even more of a wingnut manifesto. or a decent troll. i stopped skimming after yer flat earth stuff. welcome to the site, but come on...
yeah, its kinda hard core, but i wanna get down to the bone marrow you know. I think its fun to discuss obscene things like that of a flat earth. imagine the flat world, how hilarious would it be. even worse then putting acid in a cities water treatment facility. Suddenly, the world is flat LOL. But when you think about, antarctica is truly the only place on Earth that you cannot visit... why? i want to go there if they dont want me there. in fact, Antarctica is the single place that id wanna be at right now. this is a real fucking adventure, all of it real and its possible that weve been mistaken all along.

Deleted member 125

you can goto antartcia. i dont know what where you got the information that you cant came from. but you might wanna double check all the sources yer getting information from.

Deleted member 17306

Ever notice that earths shadow is always round on a lunar eclipse? Because the earth is a sphere.. just like the sun, moon, and other planets. If it was flat, it would sometimes cast a flat shadow. Find me a flat shadow and I'll listen to your flat earth shit


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 10, 2018
Reaction score
ville de québec
Ever notice that earths shadow is always round on a lunar eclipse? Because the earth is a sphere.. just like the sun, moon, and other planets. If it was flat, it would sometimes cast a flat shadow. Find me a flat shadow and I'll listen to your flat earth shit
or maybe eclipse are actually a third object in the sky which passes over the sun and or moon. Because it has been recorded that there have been eclipses while both the sun and moon were in sight...


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 10, 2018
Reaction score
ville de québec
you can goto antartcia. i dont know what where you got the information that you cant came from. but you might wanna double check all the sources yer getting information from.
no, as far as im concerned, you cannot go to it. no one seems to have. They take tours on boats to it but no one goes on the wall. even so, who knows where that tour goes. And if you check, no airplanes fly over antarctica.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 10, 2018
Reaction score
ville de québec
or maybe eclipse are actually a third object in the sky which passes over the sun and or moon. Because it has been recorded that there have been eclipses while both the sun and moon were in sight...
in the flat model, the sun doesnt go beneath the disc, it revolves above the Earth... also, youre calling my theory bullshit. i think this is the point of the flat model, its possible that you're wrong but you wont know it until you doubt your own knowledge of the matter. open yourself to the theory and try to debunk it with me, not against me.

Deleted member 125

no, as far as im concerned, you cannot go to it. no one seems to have. They take tours on boats to it but no one goes on the wall. even so, who knows where that tour goes. And if you check, no airplanes fly over antarctica.

gotta be straight with you here, im not sure if yer trolling or just somebody who actually believes their own bullshit.

but "as far as im concerned" isnt a valid point wen it comes to debating truth. either way yer skating in kinda thin ice and maybe stp isnt the place for yer flat earth theories.

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