Coolest ride/kickdown ever


Special. Very Special.
Me and my boy dublin caught a ride from a mail truck a few years back. i got to play "scarface" on xbox in the back with the secondary driver while dublin shot the shit with the primary.

on my way back to atlanta (same run) I got a ride from an ice cream truck. he gave me 25 buck in quarters and all the ice cream i could stomach before he dropped me off.


Active member
I got picked up on Vancouver Island outside some gas station in buttfuck nowhere well after dark, was gonna give it another half hour then find somewhere to crash in the bushes when this big van rolls up. They pick me and my dog up and start blasting party music. Their headed to Tofino, my exact destination, and the passenger is shit drunk and their both bombing back whiskey and blasting tunes. Apparently they're on their way to meet up with friends at a campsite. By the end of the trip we're all pretty drunk and they offer for me to stay at their campsite which is awesome.

We sat around a fire, they kept feeding me booze and smokes and we rambled, laughed and shared stories most of the night. The next day I woke up and realized the campsite was right beside (literally RIGHT BESIDE) Poolsland, which is the place I was looking for but didn't have much of a clue as to it's location but "It's in Tofino, man".
Fucking awesome ride.


back in 2001, i took my then girlfriend on her first hitch hiking trip, we where out about 4 months and found out we where preggo, so we where in a bind a bit, easter night got droped off in down town nashville, this church group picked us up got us a hodie and then paid for us to get married, paid upfront on the room for a month it was insane, i got a job and all that shit. me and julia where married for 7 years.


Well-known member
Was dropped off by a man only going to a small town 60 miles south of Arcata California. Stood at the onramp for the 101 for awhile, no cars, shit. Walked up to the 101 ignoring the signs that read "no pedestrians". Walked back down to the on ramp. Couple pulls up with an old sedan and invites me in. They said they saw me on the side of the 101 and decided to turn around to pick me up. We drove straight through to Arcata smoking bowl after bowl of primo and hash. Feels good man.


I had just gotten separated from my dude in Salem VA, I got on a car and he didnt and by the time I saw he def wasn't gettin on it had sped up with the quickness. Since we had planned for this type of thing it was all good and I stayed on to the next place which was Bluefield WV... dunno if any yall been thru that trainyard but it sucks because its hilly and drab as hell. Anyway stayed on and left heading north to Ohio. bout 1am the train comes to a stop on the side of some huge fxckin mountain, on the other side a huge river and no lights in sight for miles. Turns out it was an area outside of a a yard used to store cars; engine dislocated from the cars and left with me sittin there like wtf?! cold and in the middle of the kentucky/wv wilderness with nothin but a small knife and some potato chips. fxck this is a long story already. i sleep on the car, wake up, walk somethin like 7-8 miles till finally i see a town. got no $ and no food/water left, then i see a few guys sittin on some atvs next to the rails. i walk up askin about some water, which they didnt have, but then they hit me up with some ice cold beers, a bag of smoke, some pills of some sort i dont remember, and showed me a spot i could camp in till the next train. over the next 2-3 days they came out to my campsite edvery few hours with drinks and food, took me atv'in in the mud, kept me drunk and stoned and loaded me up with food for when i headed out, shxt was rediculous. def a great kickdown to make up for a shxtty 2 days of walking and riding


Well-known member
I recently was hitching out of Hopland (I live near Ukiah, california).
Well this local Pomo (native american) guy picks me up in his
tow truck, we're talking horses as I work on a ranch and he used to do rodeo.
Well we are cruising past Santa Rosa and he says
'Hey see that high school ? It's named after my grandma Elsie"
In my head I'm going NO FUCKING WAY !! WTF ! OMG!!
Shit he means Elsie Allen, crap I've read all her Pomo basketry books!

Turns out he is the grandson on Pomo woman Elsie Allen who was
one of the most well known & important Pomo / native american basket
makers in 'modern' times.
She went against cultural traditions and refused to destroy her
relatives baskets when they died and taught people Pomo basketry to keep
the craft alive !
So he tells me all about her, what it was like to grow up with her,
and how she taught him basketry.

I felt very honored.

This is just exactly why I love hitching.
Hearing amazing stories, meeting amazing people
and in turn sharing those stories.


Well-known member
There have been so many but one amazing ride was in Mexico. I was hitching with another girl and she didn't speak a word of Spanish, while mine was cursory at best. So this guy stops and starts talking at us non stop so fast that he might as well have been from another planet for all that I could make out. Suddenly he veers off the highway and turns onto a dusty little side road. We then start discussing amongst ourselves at what point we're going to jump out and bail, whether the guy seems shady, etc. He then pulls into an area where a huge collection of maguey cactuses are growing. He gets out and starts checking the center of each cactus one by one while grinning the whole time like this is the most exciting activity in the world. ok. He doesn't find what he's looking for, apparently, and then gets back into the car and drives around crazily. We are curious by now and not suspicious anymore. The driver then stops at a house and motions to a woman who brings over a 2 liter of clear liquid. He hands it to us and says "pulque". Oh! We had been talking about pulque, a homemade Mexican alcoholic drink that is supposed to be good for you and a hangover cure. We didn't know it then but pulque is made from the fermented sap of the Maguey, which is also the source of tequila. The guy was actually really nice and he dropped us off not too far after that with the whole two liter which we proceeded to drink throughout the day. The alcohol content must have been really low because I never got more than a slight buzz and wasn't even hung over the next day.


Active member
So, last year, me and my road dog were in Philly, and had just gotten a bunch of new gear and were getting rid of our old stuff. My road dog puts this cowboy hat out so if anyone else wanted it, they could take it. About 5 mintues later, this guy and his friend walk up and ask about the hat, so i tell him he can take if he wants it, we talk for a few minutes and my road dog asks if the guy knows where to get any bud. The guy says he's got some errands to do, but he'll be back in an hour. So we waited, and I was a bit skeptical about if he'd actually come back, but he shows up with an eighth of dank ass weed, so we invite him to smoke and he says yes. After we smoke he asks us if we need a place to crash/shower/eat and we say yes. We get to his house and it turns out he's a super awesome weed dealer. He smoked us up for like, 3 days, let us play Call of Duty, gets us drunk and as we're leaving, he gives us an eighth of mushrooms and another 3 eighths of weed and buys us bus tickets to NY. Definatly one of the best kicks ever.

As for the best ride ever? Me and my ex had gotten weed of another guy in Mass and we were talking about our hometowns and I mention that I'm for the outskirts of Philly, it turns out that he's driving pretty much to my hometown and offers us a ride there. Which was perfect cause we'd been thinking about heading south anyways and it was a 6 hour ride. He smoked us up the whole time and gave us smokes. Definatly one of the cooler ride I've had.


The Necromancer King
Sweet. I love Army Navy stuff. I would've unloaded him :p I would've taken everything I could. I have a CFP-90, which is about 2.5 times bigger then an ALICE. You should've gotten some MREs, those things are awesome. Some of them at least :p
Best I ever got was $80 out of nowhere in Philly by some old guy walking a poodle in the park xD


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Coolest ride was cool because it was so rare. Me and my girl/ road-dog at the time hitched an ambulance and it pulled over. We weren't to sure about running up to it on account of getting into lagal trouble. It didn't move so we ran up to it, and it was an ambulance that was bought by a private owner. He had bought it for his construction business, and hadn't changed the outside paint. The wierd thing was that he just had all his teeth pulled, and had a mouth full of cotten. So we really couldn't understand a single word he was saying. Kickdowns; my favorite is when someone takes you to Wal-mart and tells you to get anything you want. When this happens I always forget all the cool things I really wanted, and I'm too modest to ask for a laptop, psp, portable dvd player, or any other high-end merchandise. M y old man would always kick me down good shit when I passed through. He'd collect stuff from flea markets and yard-sales until I'd visit home again. He'd always have a tent, tent, fishing gear, portable radios, and other shit relative to the lifestyle. I always liked drug kickdowns. I liked the 2 dollar bill I got.

Blackout Beetle

Well-known member
Well just recently I was on my way to Telluride and I was all screwed off hungover as living hell and these people pull over I'm like fuck it whats up I open the car door and its full of fucking thirty packs and shit I'm like oi fam I dont really care where your going, middle of nowhere, great! Nah they actually were going ten miles in the right direction so I got in and slammed an icehouse, they gave me like 5 beers, a gigantic sticky nugget, ten bucks and an almost full pack of marlboro reds. OI! dude, sent my trip in the right fuckin direction


Well-known member
best ride: i was walking from memphis proper to olive branch, about 11 miles. i was tired as fuck, freezing and it was raining the entire time. i thought the flying j was on the edge of olive branch, and i was technically right, it just wasnt the edge closest to memphis. so its an extra 3 miles. well by this time is about 1045 at night, raining, pitch black. i quit thumbing once it got dark cus i figured nobody would pick me up in the dark. well this dude pulls over, hes got zero hair on his face or head (no eyebrows!) which was kinda weird.. the ride was only a few miles, but it was the best cus it couldnt have came at a better time.

best kickdown was technically a trade, but it was me trading a 5 dollar walmart sweater for a 125 dollar patagonia down vest. thevest itself kinda sucked, but i took it to a outdoor store that sells patagonia stuff and they accept it no questions asked, and gave me 125 dollars store credit. fuck yeah.

Blackout Beetle

Well-known member
I got my first hundo spot last summer too. We all needed a beer too this chick taps me on the shoulder in the ampm parking lot scares the shit out of me, I'm like whats up yo, shes like here and hands me a hundred dollar fucking bill. Me and one of my road dogs Lobo both had no gear so were like, ok well gear up and shit. We woke up the next day with nothing we wanted and enough for 4 peoples wake up nin the bushes in newport... lol thats what you get for being scumbags. But it was a fatty kickdown.


Jumped off my train ever right outside of spokane with two other people met a profesor and his wife. gave us water apples and 20 bucks. made another 40 dollars within the 10 mile hitch to town. ate dank ass food got a ton of beer and cigs and an epic squat for the night not bad.

Blackout Beetle

Well-known member
This high school principal in Austin kicked us down three separate times outside some bar on 6th street. First he gave us a twenty which we were stoked about anyway, then he came by later and gave us another 20 spot, then later a hundo. Haha! then we got a hoty and some hooker showed up looking for some dude that used to live there and smoked a bunch of hubbas with us and left. Hahaha
best kick down by far was when me and my old man and manbearpig were tramping around georgia in 10 degree weather sleeping in piss thin sleeping bags with a tarp thrown over us for our tent having to shake off the snow every couple minutes. when we got sick of trying to sleep we walked to a waffle house where this dude bought us a meal and asked what we needed. we just replied honestly better sleeping bags. he goes give me 10 min and i'll be back. sure enough he comes back 10 mins later with 2 army mummy sleepingbags. those fuckers are legit. you can sweat in those when it's snowing outside. definitely saved our lives.


weirdest most badass ride your never ganna believe

me and my buddy were goin up north on the 101 to eureka and we were in willits and we'd been there for over an hour when a guy pulls over in his truck and tells us he's going to arcata and he'll take us straight to where we need to go but before he lets us in he says "just to let you fella's know i own a chain of pot dispensaries from lake county up to del norte so if you try and rip me off ill kill you" then shows us the huge gun he's packing in his waist. We got in and the guy is pretty upset but is still cool to us, he tells us some trans guy he had workin for him who he also was in love with decided he didnt wanna stay with him so he was determined to go to arcata and find him. we smoked hella dank weed and started driving this guy calls his friend and says "hey check this out 'so and so' quit and took off to arcata and im ganna find that little bitch, go tell all those loser bum transients on the plaza that if they wanna score 20 pounds of my shit they'll find her for me"

we pass the humboldt county line drinking mountain dew after mountain dew because this guy always keeps 50 24 packs in the back of his truck cuz "he dont mess around with his drinks" and right as we cross the humboldt county line he hooks us up with half an ounce to keep and then gets a text message and gets really upset again and does the weirdest thing of the whole trip and calls a local eureka cops personal cell phone and talks to him on a first name basis and they say somthing along the lines of this

Driver:"hey can you give dispatch and call and tell them that im lookin for .... in arcata somewhere and i got 20 pounds for which one of your guys finds hin first"
Cop:"alright ill get dispatch right on that"
Driver:"yeah ok im driving up from clearlake im ganna make a stop in garberville do you want me to pick you up some company?"
Cop: "haha fuck no not after the last tweeker slut you brought us from there haha ill steer clear of that thanks"
Driver: "alright ill be up there in about an hour and a half"

he tells us that he gets his way whether he has to use the cops or not cuz he's got them on the payroll and they've never raided him. Then he starts trying to talk me and my buddy into going to arcata and trying to find this guy but we wernt going for it. this guy was hella cool took us all the way to eureka with no trouble and gave us that fat sack of weed, its just interesting he had the power to just call the cops personally and tell them what to do.

Dead horse

Well-known member
I was in Chilliwack B.C. 3 years ago flying a sign trying to get back to Ontario, I made 185 the first day and put it on a pre-paid credit card. As I walked back from the money mart i loaded the card on the sun was kind of going down and i thought to myself "well 185.00 of it is on plastic not so i won't touch it but i want a couple tall cans to drink when i pass out next to the dumpster behind ricky's restraunt so i'll fly a quick one before the sun is completely gone in the rain) I got to the spot and stood there for 5 minutes before i gave up outta exhaustion and walked off the middle island. Across the street in the parking lot of burger king thinking about how wet my gear was from the rain i heard "Hey! buddy! Hey!" Thinking to myself " I got blisters lady I'm not running out there for fast food in the rain when the sight of mcdonalds made me just wanna puke after living of it on the road for so long i was gonna walk away but she persisted. Finally gave in to the urgent calls from the women and hopped out to the middle island once again towards a GMC Jimmy with the window rolled down to see a cute younger blonde women in her 20's smiling and giddy in the driver's seat reach over to the smiling male occupant and grab something from him and pass it to me. Turned out to be a fat stack of 20's as I took it from her feeling like criminal for not wanting to count in in the public eye took it into the burger king washroom and flipped the pieces of paper. 300.00!!!!

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