Burying your gear


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Jan 24, 2019
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South Carolina
Was wondering if it would be worth it to have one of those foldable shovels with you, and bury your gear around the more natural/forested outskirts of a city, so you could walk around said city without the hassle of a big pack. You’d obviously come up with a way to remind yourself where it is without letting other people see that there’s something there. It would be a bitch to do every time you needed to do it, but so would getting your stuff stolen or being denied access to a place you need to get to.
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Glass Roads

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Jan 20, 2019
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Pullman, WA
Was wondering if it would be worth it to have one of those foldable shovels with you, and bury your gear around the more natural/forested outskirts of a city, so you could walk around said city without the hassle of a big pack. You’d obviously come up with a way to remind yourself where it is without letting other people see that there’s something there. It would be a bitch to do every time you needed to do it, but so would getting your stuff stolen or being denied access to a place you need to get to.
I would say be very mindful of where dogs or critters might be, and bury it deep. I would think they would dig it up just for shits and giggles maybe. Maybe not.
I had a friend do that at the Rainbow Gathering of 2007 and he lost his stuff. I'm thinking he probably should have done it farther from all the people, but it also could have been someones dog.

Crazy Hobo Johnny

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Jul 20, 2018
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Milwaukee Wisconsin
Bury your gear out in the middle of the woods away from people and dog traffic.

Best to put the gear in a protective container such as a plastic pail for example.

Once you dig a hole, don't cover your gear with dirt, place a rock over it so when you come back, you can remove the rock instead of digging up dirt to retrieve your gear.

Make sure there are several rocks in the area and not disturbed anyway. Make it look natural.

There's useful YouTube videos that have ideas burying and stashing your gear away from nosy people and curious dogs.

I found a duffle bag with gear stashed in the woods once but I left it alone.

Just my 2 cents!


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Jun 26, 2014
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Bonn, Germany
My opinion ... keep your backpack as lightweight as possible (depending on your situation) and keep it with you all times. That's what I do.

Okay, I would leave my pack with trusted friends in a squat or caravan for an evening, but that's it. I would not stash it somewhere or leave it unattended for even a few minutes.

What I don't need I don't carry. What I carry I need. So I'm very reluctant leaving it somewhere.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
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Bonn, Germany
Bury your gear out in the middle of the woods away from people and dog traffic.

Well, okay. I would just feel uncomfortable leaving my stuff (mostly sleeping bags(s) and a few other essetials) somewhere. Risk of loosing may be low but if .... it would be really bad.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
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Bonn, Germany
Thanks for the advice everyone, I’m just trying to work out the various kinks in my mind about things that could go wrong before I make the decision to travel for sure. Looking to be as prepared as possible.

Yeah thats good! :)

Just my opinion ... what you really need you should keep with you at all times. What you don't really need ... well stash it somewhere. I would do that only with stuff I could live without.
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
I think it's kinda dumb to accumulate so much shit that you can't even manage to carry the load with you wherever you might need to go. If you can carry a lot of weight, sure take a lot of shit with you. If you can't carry much weight, reduce the amount of shit you're trying to carry around. Never load your pack with more than you can carry and you'll never find yourself needing to hide your pack. That's just way too risky in general, you're practically giving it to the first tweaker that stumbles across it.


Born Wild
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Mar 22, 2017
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Just fyi, the motivation for the question is more about access issues for the times when you do need to stop into a store or something, but a manager is suspicious of a camping or ALICE pack and won’t allow you in.
Simple saloution here. If he won't let you in with the pack ask if you can check the bag at customer services. Nobody there wants your shit and you can have it as soon as your out.

Deleted member 20

In this context of digging a temporary cache is just unnecessary. Most stores do not mind your pack being taken through the store or if they have some sort of policy if in the ghetto somewhere, just leave it up front. Most everyone does not want the dirty underwear & socks or a smelly sleeping bag that sin a travelers pack. If & when I need to go into a concert venue, museum etc that is gonna be a few hours long I have 2 options.

I can pay the $2-$3 to store it in coat check (if I can get past initial door security /pat downs) or I can simply hide it in plain sight. Often I will have a leather-man & knife and I do not want to air my dirty laundry in front of a line of concert goers. I always carry a black trash bag & often stash/store my pack places for multiple hours this way. As concerts are really the only place where this is required in my life; I just stash it out back or near a dumpster, under a loading dock or elsewhere that a black trash bag wont stick out. On occasion I have been questioned to the contents since everyone thinks they are James Bond & preventing a bombing but I simply explain why & what the contents are. I never actually store the bag in a dumpster as dumpster divers & dumpsters can & do get unloaded at any hour of the day. But normally in an area with few homeless people, I get a few hours of cache this way. I have never considered digging a cache myself. I have used storage lockers at gyms, bowling alleys, bus stations before & used portapotties. By having my own lock I can stash my pack & use the porta john as a closet of sorts. I can lock it & unless it is do for cleaning you are safe for a few hours again or more. This also works with trailers large tool job boxes, electrical boxes, sheds, propane/gasoline cabinets & other lockable every day containers that exist & are lockable. Construction sites, trucking or repair yards, ball fields, businesses all usually have somewhere appropriate if you look. Many trailer yards will have junk trailers that need repairs or not in service. Sometimes one can camp in these too for weeks in addition to storing/locking up gear there. Having a lock is key & much less work than digging. It also looks like it belongs most times.

Many hotels will offer to store bags for guests who have checke out so they can explore the city for a few hours while waiting on a flight,train or bus. This courtesy can work if you have enough confidence to pull it off. As shifts change from the night before to the AM, few hotel staff will require an already checked out guest to prove that they stayed there that night prior. An honest approach may also work too if you are friendly & somewhat clean.

If I really had to shed weight or get rid of seasonal items I could always ship them to myself or ship them to a friend etc. When I get south in the winter I am carrying my winter parka, insulated coveralls & heavy winter sleeping bag. Most times I must hold on to this extra gear as I travel in cyclic fashion. So while I may be sweating in the south I still need to wear it to get back north to my home. Its a double edge sword & again stashing it or creatively caching it (above ground) for hours or days is occasionally done to lighten my edc if not just for a temporary respite.
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Born Wild
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Mar 22, 2017
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I have never had a place tell me I can not leave my pack up front while I shop, eat ect ect. But, im west coast you know...


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2018
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In this context of digging a temporary cache is just unnecessary. Most stores do not mind your pack being taken through the store or if they have some sort of policy if in the ghetto somewhere, just leave it up front. Most everyone does not want the dirty underwear & socks or a smelly sleeping bag that sin a travelers pack. If & when I need to go into a concert venue, museum etc that is gonna be a few hours long I have 2 options.

I can pay the $2-$3 to store it in coat check (if I can get past initial door security /pat downs) or I can simply hide it in plain sight. Often I will have a leather-man & knife and I do not want to air my dirty laundry in front of a line of concert goers. I always carry a black trash bag & often stash/store my pack places for multiple hours this way. As concerts are really the only place where this is required in my life; I just stash it out back or near a dumpster, under a loading dock or elsewhere that a black trash bag wont stick out. On occasion I have been questioned to the contents since everyone thinks they are James Bond & preventing a bombing but I simply explain why & what the contents are. I never actually store the bag in a dumpster as dumpster divers & dumpsters can & do get unloaded at any hour of the day. But normally in an area with few homeless people, I get a few hours of cache this way. I have never considered digging a cache myself. I have used storage lockers at gyms, bowling alleys, bus stations before & used portapotties. By having my own lock I can stash my pack & use the porta john as a closet of sorts. I can lock it & unless it is do for cleaning you are safe for a few hours again or more.

Many hotels will offer to store bags for guests who have checke out so they can explore the city for a few hours while waiting on a flight,train or bus. This courtesy can work if you have enough confidence to pull it off. As shifts change from the night before to the AM, few hotel staff will require an already checked out guest to prove that they stayed there that night prior. An honest approach may also work too if you are friendly & somewhat clean.
Padlock portPotty idea is awesome idea.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2018
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up in the clouds
In this context of digging a temporary cache is just unnecessary. Most stores do not mind your pack being taken through the store or if they have some sort of policy if in the ghetto somewhere, just leave it up front. Most everyone does not want the dirty underwear & socks or a smelly sleeping bag that sin a travelers pack. If & when I need to go into a concert venue, museum etc that is gonna be a few hours long I have 2 options.

I can pay the $2-$3 to store it in coat check (if I can get past initial door security /pat downs) or I can simply hide it in plain sight. Often I will have a leather-man & knife and I do not want to air my dirty laundry in front of a line of concert goers. I always carry a black trash bag & often stash/store my pack places for multiple hours this way. As concerts are really the only place where this is required in my life; I just stash it out back or near a dumpster, under a loading dock or elsewhere that a black trash bag wont stick out. On occasion I have been questioned to the contents since everyone thinks they are James Bond & preventing a bombing but I simply explain why & what the contents are. I never actually store the bag in a dumpster as dumpster divers & dumpsters can & do get unloaded at any hour of the day. But normally in an area with few homeless people, I get a few hours of cache this way. I have never considered digging a cache myself. I have used storage lockers at gyms, bowling alleys, bus stations before & used portapotties. By having my own lock I can stash my pack & use the porta john as a closet of sorts. I can lock it & unless it is do for cleaning you are safe for a few hours again or more. This also works with trailers large tool job boxes, electrical boxes, sheds, propane/gasoline cabinets & other lockable every day containers that exist & are lockable. Construction sites, trucking or repair yards, ball fields, businesses all usually have somewhere appropriate if you look. Many trailer yards will have junk trailers that need repairs or not in service. Sometimes one can camp in these too for weeks in addition to storing/locking up gear there. Having a lock is key & much less work than digging. It also looks like it belongs most times.

Many hotels will offer to store bags for guests who have checke out so they can explore the city for a few hours while waiting on a flight,train or bus. This courtesy can work if you have enough confidence to pull it off. As shifts change from the night before to the AM, few hotel staff will require an already checked out guest to prove that they stayed there that night prior. An honest approach may also work too if you are friendly & somewhat clean.

If I really had to shed weight or get rid of seasonal items I could always ship them to myself or ship them to a friend etc. When I get south in the winter I am carrying my winter parka, insulated coveralls & heavy winter sleeping bag. Most times I must hold on to this extra gear as I travel in cyclic fashion. So while I may be sweating in the south I still need to wear it to get back north to my home. Its a double edge sword & again stashing it or creatively caching it (above ground) for hours or days is occasionally done to lighten my edc if not just for a temporary respite.
this is awesome info thank!
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Deleted member 22934

Ive still got buckets barried up north along side of certain roads. I wont say where, but I like having stash spots... Its not really worth the hassle unless you stay in the same town for a while, but its not a bad idea

I started doing that after I had all my stuff stolen. NEVER leave your stuff out in the open. One time, I was a good distance outside of town and I didnt think anyone would stumble upon my stuff, so I left a backpack, tent, and sleeping bag under a tree and went back into town on the bike to bring back like a week or two worth of food. I cam back loaded down with food, and all my shit was gone. I thought there was no way somebody would stumble across it that far out of town. Came back not even an hour later and everything was gone. I was soo pissed off.

To burry your bag is a GREAT idea. hollow out a stump, dig a hole, throw branches nd brush over it. Whatever you gotta do. NEVER leave it in plain sight.


Burrito fund contributor
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Jan 2, 2009
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Foothills of the Cascades, western WA
I've never buried it before, but I have thrown branches/moss/leaves/etc on top and around it to camouflage it really well. I think I'd be more apt to hanging it up in a tree rather than bury it. A lot of times, people aren't really looking UP when they are in the woods.


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Dec 10, 2017
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I've only ever heard of someone burying gear like that in the book "Into the Wild". I've never actually met anyone who did it. I agree with folks that you should try and keep weight minimal and avoid carrying non-essentials. Of course, what's essential is pretty subjective. Most stores are pretty chill with just letting you leave your bag at customer service or something.


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
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Bonn, Germany
I agree with folks that you should try and keep weight minimal and avoid carrying non-essentials. Of course, what's essential is pretty subjective.

It's a difference if you just hitchhike from city to city, ride freight trains or plan to hike 300 miles in the wilderness, away from civilisation. Obviously.

My point is I experienced many people who were just backpacking in densely populated England living in hostels but hauling around gear as if they would be about to hike 300 miles in the wilderness. :D

IMHO most people who start travelling carry too much. Including me. In the beginning I had a tarp with huge pegs with me I never used, a bulky rain poncho I used once (and it was not even needed then), too much spare clothes I rarely used and so on.

Also, little bits and pieces may not weight too much on they own. But they clutter your backpack and the weight adds up. I mean, first time I even had a compass in my backpack. Wtf? What should I do with a compass in cities? Without even having a map? Useful in the wilderness but I was not doing this. I just packed it because it seems to be a good idea "being outside", lol.

train in vain

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Nov 15, 2009
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Out there
I think it's kinda dumb to accumulate so much shit that you can't even manage to carry the load with you wherever you might need to go. If you can carry a lot of weight, sure take a lot of shit with you. If you can't carry much weight, reduce the amount of shit you're trying to carry around. Never load your pack with more than you can carry and you'll never find yourself needing to hide your pack. That's just way too risky in general, you're practically giving it to the first tweaker that stumbles across it.
i hide my pack all the time. its not a weight thing but carrying a big ass pack everywhere is pretty conspicuous. sometimes i wanna be lowkey and not stick out too much. i do think its funny when someone at a grocery store asks me to leave my shit up front..like..wtf do you think im gonna stealthily remove a 40+ lb pack thats clearly packed full and then shove a bunch of stolen shit inside and no ones gonna notice? haha. maybe im concealing a bomb because i have a serious vendetta against kroger and im going to blow the whole place sky high from the deli.

burying a pack seems like a bad plan to me. you can find a hiding place. climb if you have to. rooftops work great. maybe your pack is small but the time and energy id have to use digging a deep enough hole for mine....hell naw haha
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
but the time and energy id have to use digging a deep enough hole for mine....hell naw haha

For real! I wouldn't bury a damn thing. I get what you're saying about being conspicuous and opting to leave the pack hidden though. I guess for me personally I'd have a hard time losing what's in my pack. I'd rather appear conspicuous than get gotten for my warmth, electronics, tools, etc. Take a several hundred dollar hit and be left without any means to replace that shit, hell nah.

I can't count the times I've seen people doing graffiti or stashing something or casing a place out to burglarize and you see them panning their view, looking around frequently. They're legit convinced nobody is watching them, then they make their move. I've watched it numerous times in cities. So who's to say I'm not that sucker, looking around before I stash my pack. Anyone stealing my shit is gonna have to earn it, I'm definitely not laying it down somewhere and just giving it away.

To each their own.
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