Anyone here a fan of Black Metal?


Well-known member
a lot of different bands have been on repeat for me lately. Hate Forest, Drudkh, Abyssic Hate, Weapon, Darkspace, Wold, Grand Belials Key and Gorgoroths "Antichrist." also Darkthrones newest jam "Circle The Wagons" is fucking awesome and i recomend it. im supprised that none of those bands were really mentioned in this thread except Darkspace. anyone have any thougts on the others?


Well-known member
If anyone is looking for some obscure black metal i'd recommend checking out the Red & Anarchist Black Metal blogspot. It rules. Lots of blackened crust which i'm a huge fan of. Has some really obscure stuff too like native american folk metal which i honestly never knew existed.


Well-known member
What do you think about Darkspace? So much hype around them lately. I mean, they're pretty good, but I dunno. They seem to be liked by every kvlt fucker out there, and they are good, don't get me wrong, but eh. Call me a hipster, but I like Portal a lot more. They play the "all-consuming inter-galactic blackhole" sound much better.
Both Portal and Darkspace are great, although Darkspace probably appeals to hipsters because of the ambience factor. Who cares? Good music is good music. Xasthur is the same way but they've put out some amazing material (and a lot of filler). I've been listening to Pensees Nocturnes lately, another band that incorporates classical influences.

And Diocletian is almost unmatched in terms of technical virtuosity, if you like that kind of thing. very much in line with Morbosidad and other "war metal".

I assume a lot of people have already heard Deathspell Omega but I will post them anyways. very experimental with chanting and lots of distortion. also probably the most essential out of all the links so far.
[video]<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/video]
Here is a Mexican band, Argentum, that is virtually unheard of up here. They do what could be labeled a gothic thing but their music surpasses all of that subgenre by far.


Well-known member
Cascadian seems to be all the rage these days, kind of like how DSBM was a few years ago. Not faulting it, though. I love that shit, myself.


Active member
The Cascadian scene happened before the big DSBM scene actually, it's just the Cascadian scene is getting bigger. I was never that much into the norsecore Panzer Divison Marduk stuff, or the minimalism of bands like Darkthrone, or the uber orthodox styles of bands like Gorgoroth. Ulver's Nattensmadrigal and Bergtatt as well as Emperor's In the Nightside Eclipse and Anthems were always more my thing when it came to second wave black metal. What's gotten me most interested lately outside of some DSBM bands like Austere or Lyrinx was the European post-black metal movement with bands like Amesouers and Lantlos, the Cascadian scene, and bands like Altar of Plagues or Woe. It's trendy as fuck now to like that sort of crap, and I hate going to gigs and watching hipsters ooh and aah over the crap I like, but for better or worse I like it


Active member
i'm very diverse when it comes to music but I have to say that b.m. is more of a favorite. burzum wins the title and darkthrone will always be one of my favorties. peste noire is good, alceste, drudkh. etc etc


Well-known member
Yeah, but DSBM was a lot bigger a few years ago. That's all I mean. Everyone I knew was fapping to Nyktalgia and Silencer.

I actually plan on some point in my life getting an Ecailles De Lune cover art tattoo somewhere. You know, when I can afford a thousand dollar tattoo.


Well-known member
Shit, I know your band. On one of my trips to anchorage a few years ago, I met one of your band members. He worked at Hot Topic and was trying to sell White Chapel tickets. He gave me and a friend a demo after about an hour and a half of black methulz talk.

Fuck, what a small goddamned world.


Active member
I don't think he was in my band per se. At the time it was me, Tyler, and a guy named Brett. Brett worked at a hospital, Tyler in a hardware store, and I was a student. You ever catch us live?


Well-known member
Well, this was actually just 2010, now that I think about it. Maybe he was in it later on?

Nope, never did. Where did you guys play mainly? Anchorage? I've never actually seen anyone there live besides the Bac'untry Bruthers.


Active member
Good point. I left in 2008. Might have been Mark or someone else. Yeah, we pretty much only played Anchorage and Girdwood. Too expensive to travel to Fairbanks without a good turnout.


Well-known member
Yeah, that's Fairbanks for you. I've actually wanted to get a BM project going up here for years, but it always failed in the end. The furthest we ever got was a single 9 minute long track we spent 2 months writing, then we broke up a few weeks later because our guitarist was a cock-bag.

Alaska BM makes so much sense, but there just aren't enough fans it seems.

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