Anarchy is actually far right


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Dec 3, 2016
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I see the attack on free speech in the US coming from the left and true liberalism moving to the right. There's a weird shift going on in america. College campuses are brainwashing the youth and it's crazy because I see a lot of socialist claiming to be anarchist. The whole thing is crazy to me because I see them toting the anarchy flag and then spewing socialist communist ideology. Anarchy is actually far right on the political spectrum, no government involvement, am I right?


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 16, 2017
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Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
well im not gonna bother with the political cesspool but i knew this girl from Sydney that called herself an anarchist but she live off the dole and got a government apartment in kirribilli right next to the Sydney harbour bridge were the median house price is three and a half million.

so yeah people have a tendency to misrepresent certain things.

WanderLost Radical

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Dec 7, 2014
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Anarchism is the furthest left you can go, dude...

And most anarchists have socialist ideologies, because yes, revolution sounds great and all, but socialism is a more attainable goal for the moment


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Dec 3, 2016
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Anarchism is the furthest left you can go, dude...

And most anarchists have socialist ideologies, because yes, revolution sounds great and all, but socialism is a more attainable goal for the moment

I've heard this many times, could you tell me why anarchism is the furthest left you can go? I value your opinion


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Dec 3, 2016
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It depends on whether you're describing collectivist anarchism or lassiez-faire anarchism.

Cool thanks for your reply. Another thing I wanna say is how much I hate identity politics. Like because someone is gay they must be leftist or because someone is christian they must be conservative so on. Fuck all that. Political parties are dangerous in my view.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
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Tallinn, Estonia
Wooow.. are you serious or just provoking..

Anarchism is a wide spectrum. Going from far left ideologies to far right ones.

On the left side we have have socio / comunist /syndical anarchism,
On the right there is libertarianism ( think the whole tea party movement) to anarcho-nazis..

And then there is a bunch in between that doenst fall in the socio left-right category. (Like eco/anarchism, queer anarchism , christian anarchism..

Also.. being gay has nothing to do with political idiologies. Its a sexuality. But peronally i still dont understand people who are gay and vote conservative right wing.. as it votes against their own interest
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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
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Tallinn, Estonia
That last one i am saying is because i am from europe.. dont know if you ever read a book or went to a history class, but we had some fucking fucked up wars in europe.. and i do not wantthis to happen again. I will stand my ground against partiotism, nationalism, fascism..


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Dec 3, 2016
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Wooow.. are you serious or just provoking..

Yes to both, provoking people to think is not a bad thing. I'm not angry with anyone and I hope others would have the same respect for me.

Let me be clear this is from an american point of view and the terms left and right are actually economic terms not sociological. All of these terms might have different connotations to different folks.

Be careful watching the media as it is bias and they have been known to report false info.

There is a gay immigrant american man by the name of Milo Yianopolous who is definitely provocative but who was banned from twitter and CNN refuses to interview. When he went to speak at Berkeley a riot in sewed and so they cancelled his speech. This is an attack on his right to speak. There are many of examples of this and most of the violence and intolerance is coming from the so-called left in america contrary to popular belief.

That last one i am saying is because i am from europe.. dont know if you ever read a book or went to a history class, but we had some fucking fucked up wars in europe.. and i do not wantthis to happen again. I will stand my ground against partiotism, nationalism, fascism..

Are you insinuating that I am dumb or uneducated? That's kind of rude don't you think? But that is also typical of people who don't like another persons opinion. That same thing is going on tenfold here in America so called Anti-fa attack a maul people when they hear something they don't agree with, and they wave the Anarchist flag while doing it. I'm anti-fascist as well but I will let people speak and respect there opinions, and I definitely not get violent.

Thank you for reply I value your opinion. Thank you in advance for your open-mindedness and respect.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2017
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New York shitty, NY
I've heard this many times, could you tell me why anarchism is the furthest left you can go? I value your opinion
Noam Chomsky wrote some essays on the spectrum of anarchism and the phenomena of some anarchists holding socialist views in 2017 calling it "practical anarchism" basically he says ppl do this because it's like taking steps slowly toward no govt. so if we removed govt entirely from the equation right now a lot of ppl would be screwed but if we slowly work toward it then the transition would be smoother and less detrimental to the populous.
It's worth reading if you're wondering why ppl confuse and/or interchange anarchism with other political ideologies and platforms.
Anarchism & its supporters often fall on a scale rather than the black & white.


granola punk
Aug 3, 2016
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Olean, NY
Anarchy is an umbrella term for a range of people... But most of the ones I know are far leftists or socialists, with some individualists thrown in.

Check out the anarchist library if you want a lot of texts to look at, authors' opinions are all over different spectrums as far as politics, statism, individualism, etc go.


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Aug 2, 2017
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Western Maine
I find it somewhat irritating that we need to classify it all into these neat little definitions. I appreciate scholars putting much thought into classifications and definitions and ironically I love to engage in the study of botany but we get too caught up in all that jive to make assumptions and judgements about one another which ultimately limits our ability to do constructive work together. Anarchy definitely is some far left and some far right and much in between. It is the delicate balance between order and chaos. More so its a lifestyle rather than a political ideology for me personally. I dig the concept of mutual aid as a greater aspect of human nature rather than competition and I emanate that in my lifestyle as much as I am able.

star el

Oct 10, 2017
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Yes to both, provoking people to think is not a bad thing. I'm not angry with anyone and I hope others would have the same respect for me.

Let me be clear this is from an american point of view and the terms left and right are actually economic terms not sociological. All of these terms might have different connotations to different folks.

Be careful watching the media as it is bias and they have been known to report false info.

There is a gay immigrant american man by the name of Milo Yianopolous who is definitely provocative but who was banned from twitter and CNN refuses to interview. When he went to speak at Berkeley a riot in sewed and so they cancelled his speech. This is an attack on his right to speak. There are many of examples of this and most of the violence and intolerance is coming from the so-called left in america contrary to popular belief.

Are you insinuating that I am dumb or uneducated? That's kind of rude don't you think? But that is also typical of people who don't like another persons opinion. That same thing is going on tenfold here in America so called Anti-fa attack a maul people when they hear something they don't agree with, and they wave the Anarchist flag while doing it. I'm anti-fascist as well but I will let people speak and respect there opinions, and I definitely not get violent.

Thank you for reply I value your opinion. Thank you in advance for your open-mindedness and respect.

I'm not interested in trying to establish where anarchy falls on a rhetorical spectrum of "left" and "right." But to engage with your example: Milo is a nazi. Buzzfeed recently obtained a number of his private e-mails which demonstrate that he collaborates with white supremacists and considers hardcore neo-nazis supporters of his movement and his allies. I'd link you but I think since I just recently joined I can't post links yet? Just google it. He was banned from twitter for inciting his followers to harass Leslie Jones with a slew of racist messages, images, etc., which is in violation of their terms of service. Cable outlets don't want to give him a platform because he has given interviews seemingly endorsing pedophilia.

At his speeches he has released the personal information of undocumented and transgender persons, putting them at risk of being either attacked/trolled by his minions or by law enforcement. This, in combination with his facist politics, is the basis for the black bloc showing up at his speech, because what he is trying to create is a facist ethnostate through genocide. Giving him a platform is itself an attack on free speech, since his eventual goal is to deprive millions of their rights. One could argue against his innate right to free speech in order organize white supremacists under the idea of the harm principle of classic liberal thought, but I don't want to get into an abstract philosophical discussion here.

When you say that "most of the violence and intolerance is coming from the left," and targeted at "people they don't agree with," that is a serious understatement. Specifically they seem to be targeting nazis, white supremacists, and facists. Someone whose entire political project is to kill you and millions more people is not someone that you simply have a minor disagreement with. This also inherently necessitates the practice of identity politics, as they would not be needed were there not the historical and present existence of persistent structural discrimination in the United States. Hopefully this can give you some additional perspective.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
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Tallinn, Estonia
Let me be clear this is from an american point of view and the terms left and right are actually economic terms not sociological. All of these terms might have different connotations to different folks.
Your initial question was "Is anarchism far right?" So i told you no and explained why.

If you would have asked if anarchism like to have a minimum amount of "state" influence i would have answered yes. But when you are talking politics. Left vs right. you have more factors involved then one. You create a two axis model. Or even a three axis one.. .
And since you re talking anarchism we have already established one axis. (Govermental axis) so i put a second axis on yours (the socio one) and explained how you have left and right there. And you can put in a third one if you want (economical).


Active member
Dec 3, 2016
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Thank you for your reply.
I'm not interested in trying to establish where anarchy falls on a rhetorical spectrum of "left" and "right." But to engage with your example: Milo is a nazi. Buzzfeed recently obtained a number of his private e-mails which demonstrate that he collaborates with white supremacists and considers hardcore neo-nazis supporters of his movement and his allies. I'd link you but I think since I just recently joined I can't post links yet? Just google it. He was banned from twitter for inciting his followers to harass Leslie Jones with a slew of racist messages, images, etc., which is in violation of their terms of service. Cable outlets don't want to give him a platform because he has given interviews seemingly endorsing pedophilia.

At his speeches he has released the personal information of undocumented and transgender persons, putting them at risk of being either attacked/trolled by his minions or by law enforcement. This, in combination with his facist politics, is the basis for the black bloc showing up at his speech, because what he is trying to create is a facist ethnostate through genocide. Giving him a platform is itself an attack on free speech, since his eventual goal is to deprive millions of their rights. One could argue against his innate right to free speech in order organize white supremacists under the idea of the harm principle of classic liberal thought, but I don't want to get into an abstract philosophical discussion here.

When you say that "most of the violence and intolerance is coming from the left," and targeted at "people they don't agree with," that is a serious understatement. Specifically they seem to be targeting nazis, white supremacists, and facists. Someone whose entire political project is to kill you and millions more people is not someone that you simply have a minor disagreement with. This also inherently necessitates the practice of identity politics, as they would not be needed were there not the historical and present existence of persistent structural discrimination in the United States. Hopefully this can give you some additional perspective.

Thank you for your response. I do not agree obviously but I appreciate you.

I don't think Milo's black husband thinks he is a nazi and buzzfeed is an obviously biased outlet. Not saying I agree with Milo. The same people call Ben Shapiro (an orthodox jew) a nazi as well. it seems like it's the go to insult when one does not agree. The funny thing is that CNN has interviewed Mugabe (who committed mass genocide btw) and also al-Assad but Milo is too much. It just rubs me the wrong way when people throw the "white-supremacist" label on those who don't agree with them and that's exactly what I mean by the "attack on free speech". It's not right, just because someone is not as progressive as someone else doesn't make them a nazi. I'm not siding with the left or the right, I'm siding with free speech.

Anyway a cool side note on something I found online:
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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
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Tallinn, Estonia
Isnt going on the streets and blocking these speeches on campus free speech? And isnt if a rector cancels an event for security reasons a victory in the free speech debate ? And just saying. His latest berkley rally got cancelled cause he himself didnt file proper paper work.
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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2010
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Tallinn, Estonia
I'm not siding with the left or the right, I'm siding with free speech.
The other day i was debating about what is so great about the usa.

He said " the right to bear arms and freedom of speech"
I said" the rockies, the pacific north west, the prairies, .."
His reply " thats so european of you"

star el

Oct 10, 2017
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Thank you for your reply.

Thank you for your response. I do not agree obviously but I appreciate you.

I don't think Milo's black husband thinks he is a nazi and buzzfeed is an obviously biased outlet. Not saying I agree with Milo. The same people call Ben Shapiro (an orthodox jew) a nazi as well. it seems like it's the go to insult when one does not agree. The funny thing is that CNN has interviewed Mugabe (who committed mass genocide btw) and also al-Assad but Milo is too much. It just rubs me the wrong way when people throw the "white-supremacist" label on those who don't agree with them and that's exactly what I mean by the "attack on free speech". It's not right, just because someone is not as progressive as someone else doesn't make them a nazi. I'm not siding with the left or the right, I'm siding with free speech.

Anyway a cool side note on something I found online:

Ah, I see. I appreciate your desire for nuance. So you'd prefer if he were instead called "white supremacist-adjacent," or perhaps described as a "nazi collaborator" given his well established connections and collaborative communications with high profile members of both groups? Is that fair? Personally I don't associate with people who throw up seig heils, walk around with torches shouting Richard Walther Darré quotes, and murder women with their cars, but maybe there's some additional nuance to that I'm missing too--feel free to enlighten. ::hilarious::::joyful:: In any case I'll see myself out of here and not derail your thread any further. If you want to continue just message me.
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