Featured ya boii Siids rides la Bestia -- {mexico}


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
dont worry about it
Waited by a bridge in Orizaba to catch La Bestia going north. It was around 5am, as our train pulled up with about 50 migrants, mostly from Honduras and Guatemala, escaping gang violence and poverty in their countries so bad that the danger and certain likelihood that they will be assaulted by the cartel, robbed at gun point, kidnapped and tortured, thrown off a moving train, raped, or injured and mutilated while hopping on and off the fly, is not nearly as bad as the dangers they face if they stay in their country. All males, some kids, didnt see females. They all got off when the train stopped and hung around for a minute while the train was stopped. I waited a few minutes before approaching the train and being seen to see what everyone elses next move was, entirely covered head to toe so mfers cant see Im a female. Approached a group that was waiting but they got scared. Migrants usually group up together and elect one person out of the group to speak for them. "Hola, buenas noches :) Como les va ?" I greeted. One or two smiled, one person responded and was friendly but confused, the rest were afraid and stared at me like a deer in headlights, not knowing what to do or say, so they didnt say anything. "Soooo uhhh... se van a subir de nuevo?" ("sooo.. are you guys getting back on?") No one replied, they just stared. Obviously they knew I was a female since they heard my voice, but I was being way too outgoing and perky given the circumstances that we were in the dark and my face was covered like I was bout to rob the train or some shit. They were tired and have been traveling for many days with little to no food and water, and nothing but the clothes on their backs,maybe a school back pack with some stuff, most likely having already experienced some kind of assault. I was just very excited to see them, appointed myself the Orizaba hop out Welcoming Committee and wanted to hang out w everyone Lmao I got love the people of Mexico and have a far easier time talking and socializing when Im in a country hispanohablante. They are usually very open, warm, funny, loving, humble, love to tell their story and quick to welcome you into their family and home. Almost everyone I met in Mexico, even if it was just a random 2 minute encounter on the street, was very mi casa es tu casa. "Aqui tienes tu casa, lo que necesites." ("You have a home here, whatever you need")

Felt bad I freaked them out and continued to walk down the tracks. "Ok...well uhhh..im going to walk away now..pues que les vaye bien!" ("May everything go well for you all.) Everyone stayed away from us. Millitary checked the trains with flashlights and machine guns. Everyone headed to the other end of the yard to wait for the train there so they can catch it while its leaving the yard. Pero yo como cabeza dura, we ran past the millitary guarding the trains who grabbed my friend's arm and tried to stop us "NO SE SUBAN, NO SE SUBAN. AQUI NO, AGARRENLO MAS ARRIBA!" ("DONT GET ON, DONT GET ON. NOT HERE, GET ON FURTHER DOWN!!) Train started leaving, ignored and ran past him to get on a grainer. Didnt realize the train was gonna get worked on, thought mfer was tryina trick us.

Started rolling into the yard, just the 2 of us on the train, in grainer holes face to face. The train slowed down and I heard millitary between our cars. Came to a full stop. Heard him talking to the conductor on the radio, but nothin bout us or breaking the train apart. I hear him fucking around between our cars, suddenly my ass is rolling way too fast. (I was like 4 cars behind the engine) They broke our train apart between our grainers, I was out that bitch, mfer was on the half of the train sittin in the yard. At the moment I didnt know wtf was goin on & was scared as shit cuz of how fast it was moving & didnt know where I was going. I climbed out the hole and saw millitary w a machine gun hanging off my ladder. I threw my pack off, "PERDON, PERDON, PERDON, ME TENGO QUE BAJAR!" ("Sorry, sorry, sorry, im getting off!") Lmao literally climbed over him to get on the ladder, pushed him over so I can hang off of it, except for the last step cuz he was on it. "AGUANTATE, AGUANTATE!!" ("Hold up, hold up!!") he yelled, I dont know if he was telling me to hold up and just stay on til we backed up into the yard again, or telling the conductor on the radio to slow down so I could get off. Either way, he was nice, just never know when its a trap or they're really trying to help. Plus I had too much adrenaline in me to hear, see, think straight and ignored him completely. I never ever hop on/off while trains are moving. Hate that shit. Here I was, hanging off this ladder with this big ass guy in my way with his big ass gun, going fast af, still pitch black out, cant even see shit, cant see if im gonna trip over sutm, the longer i wait the faster its moving, so I jumped off that bitch. Landed perfectly :)

Waited for the train to be worked on. Got on, started rolling out the yard. Was wondering where everyone else was ? They were all lined up, spaced out, ready to hop on while it was moving. So many people, kids, this shit was moving 283747299 mph. Watched everyone get on, had 2 cars between the both of us, and saw like 6 to a car next to us and the next few cars after that. Was sad to see everyone get on moving that fast, slipping and falling, people with babies, kids, unable to get on because its moving too fast, the shit they have to endure to seek a better life with nothing but the clothes on their back. fucking sucks, to say the least.

Sun came up, rolled into the mountains. The cartels run a very organized operation in the mountains. They post up high up in the mountains so they can watch train activity, burn ties and push boulders in front of trains to stop them so they can rob the trains, migrants and conductors. We were riding on top of the train, occasionally seeing migrants pop their heads up from over the lader, one train car over to see what we were doing. About an hour or two into the ride, mfers start shooting at a bitch, I was like wow ok. My friend looked down and said mfers had a machine gun pointed at his head. We were under the impression it was cartel. After a lil while of continuing to ride on top, I thought id take a fuckin break for 2 seconds from the gunfire and went down into the grainer hole. Few min after that, I looked up and saw a young dude on top of the grainer behind mine looking down at me on the porch. Black hair, brown skin, very clean cut, sharply dressed, early 20s. I uncovered my face, smiled and waved at him. He smiled and waved back. My friend called him to jump across to our grainer, then they called me to climb back on top. I introduced myself to him. We didnt have the chance to talk because they started shooting at us again. He said he was from Honduras and that all the others on the train were freaked out because they thought we were police, so he came to investigate. Once the gunshots started, he got really scared and we told him to go hide down in the hole. We climbed down the ladder after him and he spotted the both of us and put his hand behind us to make sure we both got down safely, not that we needed it but he was so sweet, beautiful, happy go lucky and polite. We were excited to hang out with him and get to know him. He was excited to be with us too.

Less than 5 min later, the military stopped the train. We told our new friend to get off the train and run. All the migrants jetted thru the cornfield in all directions, there was military right where our car stopped and told me to exit towards him. Our friend tried to wait for us, but we told him to go ahead and followed behind him. These mfers flew across this cornfield, I was nowhere NEAR as fast as them, with all the uneven terrain and mud, I was falling all over the place. "NO CORRAN!" Military yelled specifically at us not to run. I kept running and mfers shot at me. I was like WTF OK DAMN, put my hands up, told mfers not to shoot at me and walked back towards them Lmao. I walked back up the muddy trail to where 10 of these mfers with they guns was waiting for us in a circle. They caught 10 migrants, everyone else got away. They had them sitting on the floor.

I uncovered myself as we got to them, exaggeratedly out of breathe, trying to answer their questions.

"Que hacen por aqui?" ("What are yous doin here?")

We showed them our passports and told them what we were doing and where we're from. Im lucky I got jokes and Im funny as hell bc they were nice and funny too. It was actually a nice time while they stood around us with their machine guns and calling our passport information into their boss. They didnt try to search us or probe too much, we joked around a lot and they teased and laughed at each others shitty attempts to speak to me in english. But i wanted answers for why the fuck they had to be so over the top and shoot at me to stop me from running.

"Pucha, me dispararon."
("Damn, you guys really shot at me.")

"Nooo te disparamos. Te dije que no corras, que te cruces para este otro lado."
("Nooo we didnt shoot you. I told you not to run, and to get down on this other side.")

"Si, pero yo pense que era un trampa, como iva saber yo?"
("Yea, but I thought it was a trap, how was I supposed to kno.")

"No fue trampa. Te dije no corras, te podias aver caido y lastimado."
("It wasnt a trap. I told you not to run, you coulda fell and got hurt.")

"Pues si me cai y me lastime."
("I did fall and get hurt.")

"Ya vez."
("You see.")

"Si pero no me tenian que disparar, se pasaron."
("Yea but you didnt have to shoot me, that was really extra.")

"No te disparamos. Si te uvieramos disparado, estuvieras tirada."
("We didnt shoot you. If we shot you, youd be on the ground.)

"Si pero dispararon en mi direccion."
("Yea but you shot AT me.")

"It was a precautionary measure, we shot diagonally into the air."
"God damn."

*2 min of silence later*

"But who shot at me, was it you ?!"

"Nooooope, I was down there."

"...... *turns to another one* You ?!"


*looks around at everyone, and everyones trying to avoid eye contact, staring at the ground and awkwardly kicking the dirt around.*

"OK so all of a sudden nobody shot at me. Cool."

We were all laughing and cracking jokes, even the migrants that got caught were laughing, as shitty of a situation this was for them.

Luckily, the guys who stopped the train were really nice, did not want money out of us, were not intimidating, condescending, nor gave us a hard time or threatened us at all. They were genuinely concerned for our safety and warned us that its too dangerous for us to be doing that, we could go missing and no one would know. All things we already knew.

They let us all go. Nice time-- 10 out of 10. Thats my yelp review.

We later found out that the cartel had robbed our train. They tried to rob the one ahead of us but couldnt. Supposedly, cartel members got on when everyone else got on and were robbing the gondolas in front. And the first gun shots were from military, thinking we were the ones robbing the train.





"Dreams also travel."






Guadalupe helped 10s of thousands of migrants from 2009 to 2011, accepting them into her home , hungry, sick, mutilated, until she started receiving death threats and had to leave town. She lived by the train yard her whole life and wanted to do everything she could for people passing thru on their way north. She even hopped a train herself (ONNN THE FLY!!) just because she wanted to experience everything the migrants went thru, the cold, hunger, sickness.


ok kinda irrelevant but not really, we slept in seperate places and linked back up in the morning wearing the same outfit :cool:


heres the both of us being one waluigi united by luigi as a higher power that i went thru ACTUAL FUCKIN HELL to get for her birthday

Heres a video of the ride.

And heres cool people we met at the yard.

Last edited:


sleeps 22 hours a day, eats chutes and leaves
Nov 3, 2015
Reaction score
Siid!!! Shouts to the Welcoming Committee, this time it was you tho! 10 out of 10 looking so fly under that overpass, rockin that fanny pack my dude. Damn that shit is insane but so epic, you so badass, and of course you're out there charming mfers in the cornfield with your humor. Also diggin your hobo fashion of today. ♡


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2017
Reaction score
Holy shit, dude.

So incredible!! So crazy..
What a reality to peek into with all of those migrants fleeing.

Thank you for your write up, thank you for being so inspiring. You're uckin' badass!!!
  • Agree
Reactions: croc

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I'm sure it will surprise no one to hear that I've added this story to our featured threads page :)

@siid thanks for sharing your story and great photos with us!

Timothy Englert

Well-known member
Feb 2, 2017
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Buffalo Ny
Waited by a bridge in Orizaba to catch La Bestia going north. It was around 5am, as our train pulled up with about 50 migrants, mostly from Honduras and Guatemala, escaping gang violence and poverty in their countries so bad that the danger and certain likelihood that they will be assaulted by the cartel, robbed at gun point, kidnapped and tortured, thrown off a moving train, raped, or injured and mutilated while hopping on and off the fly, is not nearly as bad as the dangers they face if they stay in their country. All males, some kids, didnt see females. They all got off when the train stopped and hung around for a minute while the train was stopped. I waited a few minutes before approaching the train and being seen to see what everyone elses next move was, entirely covered head to toe so mfers cant see Im a female. Approached a group that was waiting but they got scared. Migrants usually group up together and elect one person out of the group to speak for them. "Hola, buenas noches :) Como les va ?" I greeted. One or two smiled, one person responded and was friendly but confused, the rest were afraid and stared at me like a deer in headlights, not knowing what to do or say, so they didnt say anything. "Soooo uhhh... se van a subir de nuevo?" ("sooo.. are you guys getting back on?") No one replied, they just stared. Obviously they knew I was a female since they heard my voice, but I was being way too outgoing and perky given the circumstances that we were in the dark and my face was covered like I was bout to rob the train or some shit. They were tired and have been traveling for many days with little to no food and water, and nothing but the clothes on their backs,maybe a school back pack with some stuff, most likely having already experienced some kind of assault. I was just very excited to see them, appointed myself the Orizaba hop out Welcoming Committee and wanted to hang out w everyone Lmao I got love the people of Mexico and have a far easier time talking and socializing when Im in a country hispanohablante. They are usually very open, warm, funny, loving, humble, love to tell their story and quick to welcome you into their family and home. Almost everyone I met in Mexico, even if it was just a random 2 minute encounter on the street, was very mi casa es tu casa. "Aqui tienes tu casa, lo que necesites." ("You have a home here, whatever you need")

Felt bad I freaked them out and continued to walk down the tracks. "Ok...well uhhh..im going to walk away now..pues que les vaye bien!" ("May everything go well for you all.) Everyone stayed away from us. Millitary checked the trains with flashlights and machine guns. Everyone headed to the other end of the yard to wait for the train there so they can catch it while its leaving the yard. Pero yo como cabeza dura, we ran past the millitary guarding the trains who grabbed my friend's arm and tried to stop us "NO SE SUBAN, NO SE SUBAN. AQUI NO, AGARRENLO MAS ARRIBA!" ("DONT GET ON, DONT GET ON. NOT HERE, GET ON FURTHER DOWN!!) Train started leaving, ignored and ran past him to get on a grainer. Didnt realize the train was gonna get worked on, thought mfer was tryina trick us.

Started rolling into the yard, just the 2 of us on the train, in grainer holes face to face. The train slowed down and I heard millitary between our cars. Came to a full stop. Heard him talking to the conductor on the radio, but nothin bout us or breaking the train apart. I hear him fucking around between our cars, suddenly my ass is rolling way too fast. (I was like 4 cars behind the engine) They broke our train apart between our grainers, I was out that bitch, mfer was on the half of the train sittin in the yard. At the moment I didnt know wtf was goin on & was scared as shit cuz of how fast it was moving & didnt know where I was going. I climbed out the hole and saw millitary w a machine gun hanging off my ladder. I threw my pack off, "PERDON, PERDON, PERDON, ME TENGO QUE BAJAR!" ("Sorry, sorry, sorry, im getting off!") Lmao literally climbed over him to get on the ladder, pushed him over so I can hang off of it, except for the last step cuz he was on it. "AGUANTATE, AGUANTATE!!" ("Hold up, hold up!!") he yelled, I dont know if he was telling me to hold up and just stay on til we backed up into the yard again, or telling the conductor on the radio to slow down so I could get off. Either way, he was nice, just never know when its a trap or they're really trying to help. Plus I had too much adrenaline in me to hear, see, think straight and ignored him completely. I never ever hop on/off while trains are moving. Hate that shit. Here I was, hanging off this ladder with this big ass guy in my way with his big ass gun, going fast af, still pitch black out, cant even see shit, cant see if im gonna trip over sutm, the longer i wait the faster its moving, so I jumped off that bitch. Landed perfectly :)

Waited for the train to be worked on. Got on, started rolling out the yard. Was wondering where everyone else was ? They were all lined up, spaced out, ready to hop on while it was moving. So many people, kids, this shit was moving 283747299 mph. Watched everyone get on, had 2 cars between the both of us, and saw like 6 to a car next to us and the next few cars after that. Was sad to see everyone get on moving that fast, slipping and falling, people with babies, kids, unable to get on because its moving too fast, the shit they have to endure to seek a better life with nothing but the clothes on their back. fucking sucks, to say the least.

Sun came up, rolled into the mountains. The cartels run a very organized operation in the mountains. They post up high up in the mountains so they can watch train activity, burn ties and push boulders in front of trains to stop them so they can rob the trains, migrants and conductors. We were riding on top of the train, occasionally seeing migrants pop their heads up from over the lader, one train car over to see what we were doing. About an hour or two into the ride, mfers start shooting at a bitch, I was like wow ok. My friend looked down and said mfers had a machine gun pointed at his head. We were under the impression it was cartel. After a lil while of continuing to ride on top, I thought id take a fuckin break for 2 seconds from the gunfire and went down into the grainer hole. Few min after that, I looked up and saw a young dude on top of the grainer behind mine looking down at me on the porch. Black hair, brown skin, very clean cut, sharply dressed, early 20s. I uncovered my face, smiled and waved at him. He smiled and waved back. My friend called him to jump across to our grainer, then they called me to climb back on top. I introduced myself to him. We didnt have the chance to talk because they started shooting at us again. He said he was from Honduras and that all the others on the train were freaked out because they thought we were police, so he came to investigate. Once the gunshots started, he got really scared and we told him to go hide down in the hole. We climbed down the ladder after him and he spotted the both of us and put his hand behind us to make sure we both got down safely, not that we needed it but he was so sweet, beautiful, happy go lucky and polite. We were excited to hang out with him and get to know him. He was excited to be with us too.

Less than 5 min later, the military stopped the train. We told our new friend to get off the train and run. All the migrants jetted thru the cornfield in all directions, there was military right where our car stopped and told me to exit towards him. Our friend tried to wait for us, but we told him to go ahead and followed behind him. These mfers flew across this cornfield, I was nowhere NEAR as fast as them, with all the uneven terrain and mud, I was falling all over the place. "NO CORRAN!" Military yelled specifically at us not to run. I kept running and mfers shot at me. I was like WTF OK DAMN, put my hands up, told mfers not to shoot at me and walked back towards them Lmao. I walked back up the muddy trail to where 10 of these mfers with they guns was waiting for us in a circle. They caught 10 migrants, everyone else got away. They had them sitting on the floor.

I uncovered myself as we got to them, exaggeratedly out of breathe, trying to answer their questions.

"Que hacen por aqui?" ("What are yous doin here?")

We showed them our passports and told them what we were doing and where we're from. Im lucky I got jokes and Im funny as hell bc they were nice and funny too. It was actually a nice time while they stood around us with their machine guns and calling our passport information into their boss. They didnt try to search us or probe too much, we joked around a lot and they teased and laughed at each others shitty attempts to speak to me in english. But i wanted answers for why the fuck they had to be so over the top and shoot at me to stop me from running.

"Pucha, me dispararon."
("Damn, you guys really shot at me.")

"Nooo te disparamos. Te dije que no corras, que te cruces para este otro lado."
("Nooo we didnt shoot you. I told you not to run, and to get down on this other side.")

"Si, pero yo pense que era un trampa, como iva saber yo?"
("Yea, but I thought it was a trap, how was I supposed to kno.")

"No fue trampa. Te dije no corras, te podias aver caido y lastimado."
("It wasnt a trap. I told you not to run, you coulda fell and got hurt.")

"Pues si me cai y me lastime."
("I did fall and get hurt.")

"Ya vez."
("You see.")

"Si pero no me tenian que disparar, se pasaron."
("Yea but you didnt have to shoot me, that was really extra.")

"No te disparamos. Si te uvieramos disparado, estuvieras tirada."
("We didnt shoot you. If we shot you, youd be on the ground.)

"Si pero dispararon en mi direccion."
("Yea but you shot AT me.")

"It was a precautionary measure, we shot diagonally into the air."
"God damn."

*2 min of silence later*

"But who shot at me, was it you ?!"

"Nooooope, I was down there."

"...... *turns to another one* You ?!"


*looks around at everyone, and everyones trying to avoid eye contact, staring at the ground and awkwardly kicking the dirt around.*

"OK so all of a sudden nobody shot at me. Cool."

We were all laughing and cracking jokes, even the migrants that got caught were laughing, as shitty of a situation this was for them.

Luckily, the guys who stopped the train were really nice, did not want money out of us, were not intimidating, condescending, nor gave us a hard time or threatened us at all. They were genuinely concerned for our safety and warned us that its too dangerous for us to be doing that, we could go missing and no one would know. All things we already knew.

They let us all go. Nice time-- 10 out of 10. Thats my yelp review.

We later found out that the cartel had robbed our train. They tried to rob the one ahead of us but couldnt. Supposedly, cartel members got on when everyone else got on and were robbing the gondolas in front. And the first gun shots were from military, thinking we were the ones robbing the train.

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"Dreams also travel."

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Guadalupe helped 10s of thousands of migrants from 2009 to 2011, accepting them into her home , hungry, sick, mutilated, until she started receiving death threats and had to leave town. She lived by the train yard her whole life and wanted to do everything she could for people passing thru on their way north. She even hopped a train herself (ONNN THE FLY!!) just because she wanted to experience everything the migrants went thru, the cold, hunger, sickness.

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ok kinda irrelevant but not really, we slept in seperate places and linked back up in the morning wearing the same outfit :cool:

View attachment 53081

heres the both of us being one waluigi united by luigi as a higher power that i went thru ACTUAL FUCKIN HELL to get for her birthday

View attachment 53084

Heres a video of the ride.

And heres cool people we met at the yard.

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Wonderful jaw dropping story. You sure know how to write well!! This should be published in a national news page/paper to show the plight of those poor migrants and what they go thru only to be treated like sub humans from the Trumpized border gestapo after being brutalized from the get go.


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
dont worry about it
thank u guys for da luv :):):)

@Juan Derlust but actually is there anyway i can be compensated for years wasted there bc i would like to apply for that

@roughdraft thank u fren <33

@Timothy Englert thanks! I agree, it sucks. I was on a bus in dallas with a couple of people that just crossed the border and were on their way to rhode island. One guy from honduras was thrown in jail w his 8 month old son and left in there for 10 days with nothing they turned thw air corlnditioners all the way up to freeze em he had to lay on his baby to keep him warm his baby got sick and almost died, had a fever when i met him, had a 2 day bus ride before he could get to rhode island and get him tk a hospital, his wife n other daughter still in jail. another lady, 28 y/o with her 15 year old son from guatemala were also thrown in jail and robbed of everything they had, theyd be traveling in the US from the border to dallas for 15 days without a single dime , barely eating. They were so happy and friendly. Excited to tell me about their whole trip and were still smiling.

@coltsfoot Haha yeah i love a good plot twist :cool:

whats even more sad is that all these migrants are leaving their families and lives to come to a country where they are seen as the enemy and are unwanted, and there is no solidarity between mexicans/latinos that are already here and ones just getting here , no support
my friend says "para chingar un mexicano, solo busca otro mexicano." -- (to fuck over a mexican, just find another mexican)
i noticed at first when i was working at the circus, a lot of the mexicans who had already worked previous seasons in the US were more arrogant, unfriendly and didnt generally associate with those who just arrived here for the first time and treated them like they were beneath them.
Ive stayed in touch with a few of them and told them about all the crazy stories i heard from the migrants i met and they responded as cold hearted as i expected.
"Eso les pasa por ser pendejo." -- (Thats what happens to them for being pendejo)

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