Where do you leave your backpack when going into a store?


Jun 13, 2019
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Tri State Area, New York
Hey, this is a very simple and perhaps maybe even a dumb question.

I'm wondering what you do with your pack when you go into a store or find a place to charge your phone or fill up water. Do you always keep your pack on you? Do you hide it someplace in the woods before entering a business? Do you secure it somewhere, and if so, how? Under what occasions do you choose not to wear your pack?

I find the hardest part of anything tends to be the summation of the small nuances that you don't really think about before embarking on an adventure. I'm going to be hitchhiking in August for about a week to try and work out any kinks in the lifestyle before I embark on anything big, but I'd prefer not to have my stuff stolen xD I'll probably find out most of everything I need to know just through the experience, but before I start, I'd like to know what you do with your pack when you don't have it on you.
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Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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Always assume your pack will be gone if you leave it where you can't touch it.

If you have more stuff than you can carry on your back all day long for the duration of your trip, you need either to bring less stuff, or to get stronger.

Both will tend to happen on any longish trip, as you give away (or mail home) things you don't use, and naturally get stronger from carrying that heavy-ass pack.

Deleted member 23212

What @Older Than Dirt said, but with a twist. Always assume it'll be gone if you leave it. But at the same time, I leave mine either right by the entrance or just inside of it. Also -- Don't hesitate to be that asshole with their pack in a grocery cart. That shit gets heavy after a while. Carry anything on your back for a few hundred miles, and you'll appreciate the time where its not on your shoulders.

The pack in the grocery cart lets you crack spange the customers a lot easier. They're gonna be looking at you, wondering what the fuck, and its an easy transition to ask them for whatever you need. Be wary -- store security will be on you like flies on shit.

You can also ask them if you can store your pack right behind the counter. They usually don't decline. But most people in this world probably don't give two shits about some bum's backpack. Dafuq are they gonna do with it? Spite a man when he's already perceptively down? I became used to casually tossing my pack close to the entrance. People pick up on how many fucks you don't give about it. Never lost a pack this way.

You are correct -- Actually traveling the road will teach you what you need to know.
The universe is ultimately kind. It'll provide.
Be wary of when it decides to provide tough love.


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May 4, 2008
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Northern California
But most people in this world probably don't give two shits about some bum's backpack. Dafuq are they gonna do with it? Spite a man when he's already perceptively down? I became used to casually tossing my pack close to the entrance. People pick up on how many fucks you don't give about it. Never lost a pack this way.
Homebums will totally steal your backpack. I've had my pack stolen by leaving it at an entrance. Known plenty of people who have.

Deleted member 23212

You've got a good point. This is why I stay away from cities and places with homebums.

Rule of Thumb -- If two or more places sell fried foods to go, its too big for me.
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
I don't like to leave mine anywhere. I try to pack light enough that I can stand to bring it with me everywhere. Sometimes it's daunting but I imagine losing all your gear on the road would be worse than hefting the weight around.

That being said, I left my pack for the very first time ever on this last ride. I found a really good mess of tall weeds under a large shrub, I pushed the tall grass over and set it there and then kinda brushed the grass back up and over it.

I still didn't like the feeling, even as secluded as it was there. I always assume there's someone watching even if you can't see them. I'll pack lighter next time and keep my pack on.


Apr 7, 2013
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Your pack/backpack is like an arm or leg... even if it's just full of stinky socks or underwear never leave it behind. ..

General rule...



you know how funny it is when someone jacks your pack and all thats in it is wet stinkin socks and underwear with gordy SKID MARKS and CORN!


And then you also learn a valuble lesson... who is a duche; and who is not.


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
This is such a great question. My answer is...it depends.

If you leave your pack somewhere, don't be dumb about it, it better be the best gos damn hiding spot in the world. But, chances are, some tweeker who has been up for 32 years looking for places to hide his worth-nothing flat tire, broken car tape deck, and precious bag of broken shards of glass , has already found that spot and will be back twice that day to check on it.

My point being, homebums are masters of their territories, especially near know "transient" spots travelers use (train yards, on ramps, stores, Walmarts, libraries, ECT) so make damn sure the spot has NO signs of people EVER being there.

As far as stores go, you have to judge the area. If you leave your shit in ye front of a store in Haight/Ashbury, it's probably going to be gone

Some Podunk country store in Oklahoma? Provably not. But it's always a toss up.

My advice? Get used to looking like a fucking bum, and carry your shit where ever you go. No matter what, unless it's a liquor store or something where they MAKE you take it off..

This is advice from someone who has had a lot of shit stolen while traveling.

Fuck people who steal from travelers. No matter WHAT the circumstance. That is the lowest of the low stealing someone's gear.

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Had an old homebum pal named Mark, drinking himself to death type of alcoholic. He wore the same jeans for months, I bet they'd stand up on their own if he ever took em off. Well anyway, one day he shit himself real savage like. Diarrhea all down the legs and such. He finally took those pants off. Balled em up and stuffed em in his backpack that only had dirty socks inside. He wasn't very good at adulting or by any means hygiene, he carried that backpack around a few weeks with all that nasty shit inside. One night some chump ass motherfucker came up and started kicking him in the gut in the night as he slept. That guy took his backpack, that's all he took. When I saw Mark the next day he told me the story. It was the most I've ever seen anyone laugh I think. He said it was worth every kick just imagining his attackers disappointment upon opening that backpack to find only dirty socks and jeans slathered in dump.

train in vain

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Nov 15, 2009
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Out there
Just depends where I am. If im somewhere bummy I will carry it and not even turn my back on it if motherfuckers are lurking. If im in a smaller place or more suburban less tweaker filled zone ill hide it really well. Like so good ive had to search for it myself more than once. Ill usually wear it in stores unless they ask me to leave it up front. My pack is always heavy af so whoever tried to scoot off with it would probably give up as soon as they lifted it.
Short answer: bofum.

Deleted member 20975

Sometimes i will climb a roof with it. Or anywhere that basically has one way in or out. But you have to be prepared to defend your property. Ive always found the best way is to leave it with someone that you either know or seems trustworthy. But never for any length of time. Pay em a beer for the the help. And as always trust your gut. Too me if a store/store owner wont let you stash your pack behind their counter they can fuck off anyway.
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Jun 13, 2019
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Tri State Area, New York
Thanks everyone for all the replies!

Yeah, the pack is your whole life so I see it's better to be safe than sorry, so it's best to bring it everywhere you possibly can.

I'm understanding that the only exceptions being when you HAVE to take off your pack, but then you gotta leave it somewhere you deem "safe" such as behind the desk at the store or being safeguarded by a trustworthy companion.

And of course pack as light as possible so you don't end up with a aching back lol

Thanks guys!

Deleted member 24782

Besides all the obvious advice, it's not illegal to wear your pack into most anywhere. But it is very important to be mindful of how you are perceived publicly once you have your pack on. Especially in areas that may get a lot of travelers. I was recently in Little 5 Points of Atlanta, historically a hippie traveler oogle hot spot. As of recent, a lot of local businesses aren't too keen on these types bumming around, and we felt it. The night before me and my road dawg had partied at Elmers, a popular bar/venue/restaurant. We brought about 10 people and spent alot $$$, no packs, just regular folks having a good time. 2 days later, we return with our packs, to get some food before we hopped out. I have never been treated with more disdain, the employees were very rude and hesitantly seated us, after one guy told we need to put our packs by the door "because they just cleaned the floor" as if our packs were coated in dog shit or something. Reluctantly, I moved my pack. My friends pack looked a little strange as he had a skateboard wrapped in a black garbage bag. The host asked if we had just got "off of an airplane", and I said "no, were train hopping, you know, like hobos?" Dumbfounded he said, "sounds rough" and had no interest in conversing with us any further, for he had already determined he did not like us. Anyways, guess thats what it feel like to be black in rural America!!!


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2017
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Naples, Fl
You can stash your stuff. Just use commin sense. Make sure no one sees you stash, and/or stash deep enough into the woods. Ive never had anything but weed stolen from me, but im careful and have good insticts. Generally, good stash spots are best found using creativity or just doing the work to go deep and camo your stuff. I also use the concept that i dont want anything valuable to begin with and i know i can get by with nothing so in the unlikely event i gey my shit jacked, its no big deal. I certainly dont want to be all worried abiut my stuff when im just trying to have fun. But also, carry it around if you have to. I can care less what people think but it is nice to get your shit off your back once in a while so i definitly stash my stuff often.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jun 3, 2019
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Yea some stores tell you to leave your backpack at there door, instead of that iv left it in bushes before, or in the car, if I had a car to use at the time.. But yeah. Even have left push bikes in bushes before, for multiple days, came back an still there. This also reminds me when we where younger me an friends use to hide.. stuff, around the neighbourhood as to not bring it home an have our parents find it.. nothing was ever taken. Just be smart about where you put things imo thats ok, theres always a possibly it may get discovered and taken but theres always the possibility of that not happening and you can boots the possibility of it not happening by how good you are at hiding things.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I've changed the title of this thread for relevance.
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Jan 8, 2017
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The only time I ever left my pack in public to go inside or anything- I would also tie my dog up right next to it, so that it was never in reach for anyone to grab, without my dog mauling them first.
This was never directly in front of a store, if I could avoid it.
Usually a nearby light post, or dumpster, or something..

The only time I DID NOT DO THIS, (leave my pack to be guarded by my dog while I was not directly present)
Was my first stay in Mexico.
I was being housed up by a local named Jesus, who bought us socks, and offered us dinner. He lived about two hours south of Juarez.
The 4th day of being housed up, we all embarked on a mission to downtown Juarez, to try and score a cheap guitar. We all decided to leave our gear at this man's house, because we didn't feel it necessary to pack around the weight on a casual outing, or draw extra attention to ourselves more than our physical appearances, and having a dog on a leash.. On the bus to the city, I was talking with a friend about how weird the feeling was to have left behind our gear..
Within a couple hours, we had been detained by two vehicles full of riot police, and eventually told to get the fuck out of the country, after being handcuffed, and thoroughly searched.
They wouldn't even let me tie my boots up, let alone go retrieve our gear 2 hours away before walking our white ass' across the border.

So, fair warning.
Feel uneasy about having left your gear somewhere?
You may now end up gearless and fearless, and shit outta luck.

If people give you dirty looks about being a minimalist that carrys what you have on your back, fuck 'em.
If the store has a sign that says "No Backpacks" leave it near the clerk at the entrance while you do your shopping.

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