Cancelled We are moving to the Discourse message board platform!

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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR

UPDATE 05-01-22: Something got hosed in the migration process and after several days of struggling, I decided to give up on this move for now. We'll revisit it at a later date.

UPDATE 04-21-22: I took another stab at importing our data to the discourse platform and... SUCCESS!!!

I finally worked out the previous issues I was having in moving the StP website over to the discourse platform. I won't bore you with the details, but it appears that image attachments are finally working correctly, which was the biggest thing holding back this whole project.

This is extremely good news, since the only alternative was to either stay on Xenforo (our current platform) or pay potentially thousands of dollars to have a professional come in and do the migration for us; something I was actually considering, since I feel like the discourse platform is going to be that good of a move for this community.

Unfortunately, this (bringing over our data) is really just the first step in making the move to this new platform. Next steps include doing some re-arranging of the forums/posts/tags, preparing the new permissions system, and probably hardest of all, creating a design for the site that looks good and (most importantly) functional.

This is an entirely new platform to me, so I imagine it's going to take a few weeks to get used to, especially on the design portion. So 'pardon our dust' is going to be a bit of a mantra here while I get things in order.

In addition to the software change, I'm going to streamline some of our policies and rules here on StP. I've already combined The Complete Guide to Using StP and our website rules into one Community FAQ you can preview here:

If you have any thoughts on that FAQ please let me know, it's definitely not written in stone and I'd like to get your input on it.

My point here is that I plan on relaxing the way we run things in this community to not be so strict on specific rules violations, but also give the moderators more power to discuss and decide how to handle any troublesome users that might come our way. In addition, it's going to be much, much easier for regular users here to become moderators themselves, and this will mostly be based on participation. Exactly what permissions will be available to who and when is a pretty large discussion we'll be having in of itself, so I'll save that for another thread.

The end goal of this move (after a TON of work over the next few weeks) is to actually reduce the amount of work I have to do to keep the website going. It'll be a lot of work to get there, but when it's done I will be free to move on towards doing a HUGE promotional push to advertise StP to folks in real life (something we've never done before in StP's 20+ year history) and focus on creating more community events (in real life meet ups, movie nights, discussion groups, podcast, youtube, etc).

So, a long road, but I think it will be worth it when we get there. As always, questions/thoughts are welcome, please post them as replies to this post.

Old post follows below for reference:

UPDATE 02-25-22: We're making the move to the discourse platform. I am updating the forum categories and tags, so things might be a bit messy for a while.

UPDATE 02-28-22: Unfortunately the update did not go as planned, and I was unable to make the move without losing a ton of data. This project has been cancelled for the time being and we will continue on the xenforo message board platform.

So, I'm considering moving the StP message boards to the discourse software platform.

For eleven years now we have been running on the Xenforo forum software (XF for short), and overall, I've been very happy with it. But it's not without it's issues. It's a bit overcomplicated for users, and is practically a full time job for me to add new features to and maintain. There's also the costs... for the software itself ($150/year) plus addons that give us extra functionality (like the media gallery). It's a lot to keep up with, and I'm trying to reduce the amount of time I spend on maintenance and put more time into the community itself, along with other projects like my youtube channel.

What I like about discourse is that it is a vastly simplified message board system that is fast, simple to use, and best of all, it's open source and costs nothing if you host it yourself. It also incorporates a lot of "quality of life" features we've come to expect from social media while maintaining the archival value of threads and posts. I feel like it's the best solution between the immediacy of social media and the power of being able to search for information posted weeks or even years ago.

Additional features include a built in wiki, and a knowledge base-like documents section that would be incredibly useful for sharing static content like FAQ's, lists of links and resources for hitchhiking, etc. Also, discourse is extremely fast on mobile devices, which is important, considering a whopping 70% of our users are using the site on a mobile device. The search is also blazingly fast as well, so finding content will be easier.

From an administrator's standpoint, it also includes nearly all the features that we have here on StP with XF, but either built into the software already, or provided by free plugins created by the discourse community. Additionally, it includes a trust system that I have not seen in any other message board software. In a nutshell, it gives new users more abilities (posting links, images, create new threads) the more they participate. This is completely configurable by me, but can include new abilities all the way up to becoming a moderator (with or without the need for staff approval, if we want it that way). This is ideally what I've been trying to create on StP with the XF software, but it's built in to discourse by default. This is not only good for mods and admins, but is a great way to filter out spam bots and spam humans alike.

Additionally, the trust system will make registering new accounts much, much easier, since we will not require anything other than your email/username/password to start, and additional options like discord, google and other accounts can be used to sign up to make jumping into the community as easy and fast as possible.

Now, it's not all roses and 40oz liquor bottles. By default, discourse is... ugly. Not pretty at all. So if you go check out the discourse website and it's community themes, try to keep an open mind and understand that I would definitely work on making the design more along the lines of what we have been used to here over the past ten years or so.

Also, there's just no way around it; this would be a massive change to the way StP is designed and how it works. Discourse uses a categories and tags system that would be fairly similar to our current categories and thread prefixes system, but in a much easier format for navigation. That said, StP currently has over 40+ categories of content, and that would be rather overwhelming in the discourse platform. So, this would likely require a huge restructuring of the forum categories as we know them now into much more simple forum sections. For example, I would definitely remove all the sub categories from the where to sleep section and move those threads into the parent where to sleep section and use tags like 'urban' and 'wilderness' to differentiate between the types of thread content. Another example would be to have just one section for destinations and have all the sub categories (united states, canada, etc) as tags for threads in that section.

On a side note, when posting a new thread in discourse, users will have to choose a category and pick at least one tag from a pre-existing list of tags. Users with a high enough trust level (i.e. those that have been around StP for longer) will be able to add their own tags to their posts and for others (with lower trust levels) to use themselves.

So the restructuring of the message board would be pretty radical, but I believe would result in making the forums much, much less overwhelming.

Also, not everything would be making it through the transition. User accounts, avatars, posts, threads, attachments (photos, other files uploaded to posts) would all be carried across to discourse. This is crucial, since I am not willing to give up the 15+ years of content that has been posted here throughout our history. That said, nothing else will be carried over. This includes:
  • Profile information
  • Profile posts
  • Profile banners
  • Status updates
  • media gallery
  • file library (although i will find a replacement for this, since our library is too awesome to give up)
  • private messages
  • etc, etc...
Now, some of these you'll be able to re-create (i.e. you can re-upload your profile banner to your profile when we move to discourse), but everything else will be permanently lost. The reason for this is the script that imports all this information just doesn't work for those items listed above. But, the majority of StP's content will remain on the site.

Our discord server will remain unchanged, and the discourse software has functions to retain the sync we have between the StP website and the discord server! yay!

You can probably already tell by my wording that I'm already sold on making this move although it will involve an utterly massive amount of work on my part. But once it's done, I believe it will make all of our lives much easier. What I want to know from all of you is if YOU think this is a good idea or not. I want to hear arguments for and against, and I'm willing to discuss any of those with you here. Also, I'm sure I haven't answered every possible question or how things will work, so please ask your questions and I will do my best to fill in those gaps.

I am currently testing an install of the discourse software here:

Feel free to look at it, but please keep in mind:

  • it is a fresh install, no modifications have been made yet.
  • it's super ugly. check out the list of community themes. i will modify one of these to make it look better.
  • i'll be experimenting with various features. check out the discourse feature list.
  • it's extremely under construction and not representative of the final product (obviously).
  • i've done a preliminary content import from our current forum, so you can see what your content will look like there.


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SiCK cada

Apr 23, 2021
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sitting on a dick
This is awesome!

I honestly think that maybe less categories with tags would make it easier to find specific things. Especially if the tag system there is easier to use than the current one. would mods also be able to add tags to posts? like if its a good helpful thread, could mods add tags to make sure that other people will easily be able to find it later?

And also, you keep saying that it looks ugly, but personally I think it looks very sleek! I don't think it looks better than the current design, but it definitely doesn't look bad, imo.

I'm slightly concerned about people losing their old profile updates. "stalking" old accounts on here has been pretty entertaining, it sometimes it feels like reading a dirty kid history book LMAO. but honestly everything else outweighs that for me. but I could see that maybe being a bigger concern to some people

I'm excited to see this!
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
One thing I forgot to mention that's probably worth noting is that I'm picturing the timeline for this to be sometime in early 2022. Meaning, I will be doing testing and design development between now and the end of the year, but it will probably be a slow process since I've committed to finishing the Anarchist's Guide to Travel 2nd edition by the end of the year as well, so my priority lies with that project, but I'll be tinkering in the meantime. I imagine a 'live' version of the site using discourse wouldn't happen until around the end of January at the earliest.

So, three or so months out. You never know I might do an energy drink enema and get the work done earlier, but I'm trying to make sure I have all my bases covered and not set expectations too high.

Especially if the tag system there is easier to use than the current one.
Yeah, honestly I barely use our current tagging system. The discourse software would bring tagging to the forefront and make it more useful for finding things.

if its a good helpful thread, could mods add tags to make sure that other people will easily be able to find it later?
Absolutely. Mods will have the ability to add tags to any thread.

And also, you keep saying that it looks ugly, but personally I think it looks very sleek! I don't think it looks better than the current design, but it definitely doesn't look bad, imo.
Haha well I'm glad to hear that. I do think it is 'sleek' in terms of functionality. I like that it loads fast and is simple to navigate. I just have my own personally high standards of what StP should look like, so I will probably add some images to the categories and tweak the design to be a little more 'material themed'.

I'm slightly concerned about people losing their old profile updates. "stalking" old accounts on here has been pretty entertaining, it sometimes it feels like reading a dirty kid history book LMAO
For sure, and I knew before even taking a look at the software that there would likely be some sacrifices that would have to be made. Like you though, I think the pros out weigh the cons.
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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2020
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Personally i am not a fan of the nested forums here, because sometimes it's hard to know exactly which sub-forum is best. I think tags would make things easier.

I am not too bothered about status updates, because i never look at them, but losing the files and photos would be a really massive loss. There is so much history here, i really hope you can find a way to preserve it.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2021
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Mediterranean Coast
You could just spider the current dynamic site and archive it as a static site and serve the old site up somewhere cheap (I've been using for mine). Search the old site with Google search or something similar. Start fresh on the new one. Save yourself a ton of migration work.

Between the static archive and wayback machine / ideally all the old content would remain available.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Losing the files and photos would be a really massive loss. There is so much history here, i really hope you can find a way to preserve it.
Well, to be clear, all photos attached to threads (which is 90% of them) would be transferred successfully. The majority of photos you see in the media gallery are "mirrored" from the threads they are posted in. So, for example, when you post your bike trip photos in the bike touring section, those photos show up in the bike touring section of the media gallery. Deleting the photos from the media gallery does not remove the photos from the thread. This is a feature I implemented a while ago and never really announced, since I wasn't quite sure how it would work until I tested it. We would still lose probably around 400 or 500 photos that were uploaded straight to the media gallery and not posted in various threads. But in the grand scheme of things, that's a pretty low amount of lost photos when you compare it to the thousands and thousands of photos attached to threads.

As for the file library, I'll figure something out. An idea I just thought of right now is that most likely I will probably convert the files into threads (I seem to remember a tool available that will do this) and then import them to the new system and then convert those threads into document or wiki posts. That way they should retain their attachments on import and everyone will be able to have access to them in their own dedicated section like they are now. Just an idea though, I'll have to test it but I'm pretty confident that would work.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Random thought about an interesting feature of discourse, is that there is the ability to reply to threads via email. So, if you're signed up to receive alerts on a particular thread when someone replies, you will get an email with the contents of that reply just like you do now. But the difference is that you can hit reply in your email client and email your response to the STP website and it will show up as a reply to the thread. Just one way it would make it easier for folks to reply to content they're interested in.
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Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Not a huge fan of losing profile posts/status updates. There's been some very entertaining stuff that's taken place in that area on various peoples profiles. Also there's gems that were left on people's pages by friends who aren't even alive anymore. That is definitely not something I'd ever want to lose but on the flip side.. there's a lot of good stuff that you listed and I can totally get behind any sort of changes that make your job less time-involved. So.. I'm on the fence with this one. I wish there were some sort of way to preserve at least some of what you're saying we'll lose, because those are some pretty big losses.

This site hasn't really ever been super user friendly. There's some clunkiness to navigating it. No fault of your own, I think it's just the forum software in general. So it might be nice to have some QOL upgrades in that respect. I also absolutely do not look forward to relearning an entirely new format from the mod side. I feel like I had a pretty good grasp on things a couple/few changes ago and every change since then I'm just like ugh.. how do I do this? Which I eventually figure out or ask you how but all in all this latest version just hasn't been my favorite by any means. Also I'm an old man so technology doesn't come as quickly to me.

Idk. Maybe just do a list of pros and cons and see which side looks heavier?


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Dec 25, 2008
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If it will make it easier and cheaper for you, by all means do it. Would we have to download anything for the change over, like what had to be done for the discord chat feature?

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
If it will make it easier and cheaper for you, by all means do it. Would we have to download anything for the change over, like what had to be done for the discord chat feature?
No, it should work with just your web browser ( and the discord client) same as it did before.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I think the hard reset on all the profiles is gonna suck.
Yeah, it might, depending on how much you use profiles, buuuut, most of the features of profiles will still be there, it's just that the settings won't carry over; meaning, that you can re-build most aspects of your profile after the move.

does discord have advertising? cause I am really sick and tired of buy bombs constantly being thrown at me.
I think you mean 'discourse' here rather than discord (the chat server/app) but the answer is basically, no. it has no advertising unless i put it on there myself. it has a built-in system for placing advertising but it's up to the admin (me) to put it there. i've always been anti-ads, so if it used the ad placements option in the discourse software, it would only to be to promote special projects (i.e. "come join us in the weekly community chat this wednesday" etc), things like that.

just to clarify, you mean 'buy bombs' in general, not on StP, right? cause you shouldn't be seeing anything like that currently on the StP website OR our discord server.

This could just be my personal experience, but I feel that this site used to be busier than it is today.
I don't disagree, but I think there are a lot of factors involved. First off, social media has just plain won the war for people's eyeballs. a LOT of people running message board communities have been feeling the decline over the past 5 years or so. IMO, discourse is the only platform I've seen so far that blends enough of the social media user experience people expect without ditching the archival format of message board threads and static information entirely.

Personally, I don't really use any social media except for IG occasionally, but I see why people are so addicted to it. It has that constant, never ending immediacy (never ending scrolling instead of dividing discussions by page, for example) but has fuck all for searching out posts made even just a few weeks ago much less, years ago, and that just seems idiotic to me since you're just throwing away collective knowledge, but maybe it's just me.

will message boards make a comeback? who knows. i think we are starting to see the burnout of folks' attention spans on social media at least. who knew it would turn out to be such a cancer?

either way though, going forward with StP, i want to keep the static information of the message board format while also including some modern UI updates people kind of expect when interacting socially online nowadays. but in addition to that, i really just want to concentrate on promotion and cultivation of the community itself rather than on the minutiae of likes/hits/views. in the end, i'd rather make a significant impact on a small group of people's lives than be a shallow lake to the masses.

a mile long and and inch deep, as the saying goes. im more aiming for a mighty deep backyard pool that's there for those who are looking for it.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
just a quick update for folks, due to the holiday season, me trying to finish the 2nd edition of The Anarchist's Guide to Travel, job responsibilities, building my van, and taking a film class in January, the project of moving over to the discourse software is being pushed back to mid-February 2022. While I'm really itching to get this project rolling, I need to be realistic and push back a few things to when I'll have time to do it properly. I'm stupid busy and trying to clear a few things off my plate before I can get things like this done, but if anyone has questions about it (or ideas) in the mid-term, we can discuss them here.

Part of the move will require a massive re-organizing of the forum sections, so I'll be posting my ideas for what that will look like here soon.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I managed to find some time today to set up the basic categories of the message board on the test website:

As I described before, I have vastly simplified the message board structure, and even left out some sections we have currently that haven't proved that popular, such as the hobbies section and the off the road section.

For anyone interested in StP's future direction, I'd like to get some feedback on the new structure, even if it's negative. Overall, I feel like it's going to be a big improvement.

the best way to view the new website is on a laptop/desktop, as I'm still working on the design for mobile devices.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I think i prefer it mainly because I'm more text oriented than image oriented and it seems at the moment to be more text and less images then the current version.

But i have no idea if that's only the case because it seems to have no content yet.
good to know! yeah the idea is to pair things down so people can concentrate on content. it probably won't happen until mid-february, but i'll have some test versions of the new site with imported content to see then.
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Glass Roads

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Jan 20, 2019
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Pullman, WA
One feature I would find useful is to date individual posts in a post in a way similar to how the original post is dated (hopefully that makes sense). That way you know how recently topics have been discussed or how recent ongoing information is.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
One feature I would find useful is to date individual posts in a post in a way similar to how the original post is dated (hopefully that makes sense). That way you know how recently topics have been discussed or how recent ongoing information is.
this isn't your fault for missing it since there weren't any threads with multiple posts, but i added a few to demonstrate with this screen shot, hopefully this is what you're looking for?

Screenshot 2022-01-06 at 14-18-43 Test topic 1 for testing purposes - Destinations North Ameri...png

You can mess around with the live version here:

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