Steal This Wiki is back baby!


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2019
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North Wales
This is a newly restored back up of an old wiki project. From the main page:



Thanks for visiting Steal This Wiki, a collaborative update and rewrite of Abbie Hoffman's seminal work, Steal This Book. And a special welcome to readers of Little Brother, Cory Doctorow's book, which we are excited to see reference our project.

The project is divided into four major categories.
  • Survive is a primer on basic level survival in tough times. Here, you will find information on everything from how to eat on the cheap, getting through high school, living on the street, knowing about drugs, and much more!
  • Fight is an advanced skills section for use after you have gotten your survival needs taken care of. Topics range from use of firearms, leadership skills, good use of the internet, getting the hell out of dodge, and even petty theft if you are desperate or crazy!
  • Liberate is a section on individual cities written from a free spirit's viewpoint. If you are stuck in a small town going nowhere and want to leave for adventure, Free Cities may have some good information for you!
  • Lastly, Steal This Library is a collection of related books and essays e.g. books analysing this projects yippie anarchist roots.

Read it!
You can browse the always-improving wiki online or download it in book format to your computer and print and bind a hard copy. Our already very useful beta release of Steal This Book Today includes both a Complete Edition (1191 pages) and a condensed Survival Edition (670 pages). If you're feeling nostalgic, you can also read the original.

Featured Great Articles
  • Parkour The urban sport that not only keeps you in good shape but turns you into a acrobatic, cop and bad guy evading ninja.
  • Camping When the homeless shelters are being oppressive assholes and there is no money to pay some asshole landlord, grab a cheap tent and live in the wooded patches!
  • Free Land Updated a while back with even more information about free land.

Write it!
We look forward to seeing what you can contribute to the project. Just take a quick look at our guidelines and then jump in editing and expanding.
Throughout the wiki, you may find some typos or sentences that are out of place. Some of our contributors may be using shoddy smart phones or ancient laptops with no spell check. Or they may have more enthusiasm than writing skill. If you see something like this, correct away!

Help us!
You can help by getting the word out. You can tell others about the site, email out copies of the book, make it available for download in new places, give print copies to friends or others, leave them in libraries, or quote material in new work.

Questions about the project can be addressed by joining our discussion spaces on Discord or Matrix, tweeting at us, emailing or DMing us.
On the discord you’ll also get:
  • Updates on when new texts go live.
  • Help with how to request rare documents from university archives.
  • The chance to co-ordinate with others on updating wiki pages.
  • The option to debate what new pages go up on the website.

About us

  • Squat the Planet is the world's largest social network for misfit travelers. Join our community of do-it-yourself nomads and learn how to explore the world by any means necessary.

    More Info

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