Shariah Metzger, Jace Lee Greene, Zack Greene (aka Spoons) for animal torture in Asheville

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Nobody is talking about hurting their dogs? At most people have said they should do some jail time and that then brings into question what will happen to their dogs but nobody is saying hurt their dogs as far as I can tell.

dumpster harpy

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Hell, MA
Please reread what I have said.

I feel like a broken record. What they did is gross. Fuck them. But they didn't kill the cat, and the initial framing of the situation as though they did has created a disproportionate response.

Would any of you give a shit if it was a raccoon?

Also, they've already been arrested and charged, they're probably gonna do some time, their dogs are likely going to the pound, and they are gonna be called out and shunned (hopefully). What more do you want? Meanwhile, Asheville locals are probably gonna become more hostile toward travellers.

So what I'm saying is that this whole justice-avenger fantasy/cop calling bandwagon is kind of unnecessary, and it may have been better for folx to just be like "oh those kids that cut up a dead cat on Instagram? Fuck them, they're not welcome in my scene."


If they didn't post it on social media & all of you just *heard it through the grape vine* would you be giving these oogs so much flack?
*if a tree falls in the Forrest & no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound*

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
The initial framing of the situation as though they did has created a disproportionate response."

I 100% read all that you've said. I understand what you mean about the initial framing of the situation as well. My first reply to this post is that I doubt they themselves killed the cat. It just seemed like you were only condemning others for being upset and wanting some sort of actions to be taken but you had no solutions to offer in place of the actions you were condemning. I was mostly just curious what you felt should be done.

Would any of you give a shit if it was a raccoon?"

Yeah I'd actually be more pissed off if they mutilated a raccoon, I don't even like cats really. Life is life though. If you're not making jewelry or art out of its remains to in a sense honor it's life and you're not gonna bury it, leave it the fuck alone!

Also, they've already been arrested and charged, they're probably gonna do some time, their dogs are likely going to the pound, and they are gonna be called out and shunned (hopefully). What more do you want?"

As far as I know only 2 of the 3 have been arrested so what more do I want personally? I'd like the third dude the one who's in most of the pictures who seems really fucking amused to get put on a timeout as well. I think that piece of shit needs to go without his dope for a while so he can think about his actions.

So what I'm saying is that this whole justice-avenger fantasy/cop calling bandwagon is kind of unnecessary, and it may have been better for folx to just be like "oh those kids that cut up a dead cat on Instagram? Fuck them, they're not welcome in my scene."

So to ostracize them, that's it huh? Pretty lenient in my opinion.

Meanwhile, Asheville locals are probably gonna become more hostile toward travellers."

THIS right here, this is why they need to be dealt with above all else. Oogles already ruin shit way too fucking much as it is. So how many people are gonna run this through their mind before they pull over to give you a ride? How many kids are gonna really be in a jam and desperately need a few more bucks to get outta town or any other crisis and it's gonna take them that much longer to get there because people are viewing us as cat mutilators now.

That's what makes me the most angry. In the end the cat isn't feeling it, but fuck oogles always blowing up the spot and making shit more difficult for everyone else. If only we COULD ostracize them. We're all viewed the same in the end though, by any townsfolk. Doesn't matter if you punked them off the lot you're hanging out at, they're still ruining shit for everyone.


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Please reread what I have said.
Would any of you give a shit if it was a raccoon?
Would I give a shit if someone posted selfies of themselves smiling with a raccoon where they stuck rigs in its neck and slit its stomach open and left it tied to a fucking fence???? Yes. Yes, I would. It's just blatant disrespect for a life. But these scumfucks probably don't even respect their own life, so it doesn't surprise me.....It's one thing to utilize road kill or a hunted animal for it's meat/fur/bones and it's quite another to post instagram pics with it's mutilated body like they did. It shows a lot about what kind of human trash they are, and honestly I hope they lose their dogs and someone adopts them.
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Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Would I give a shit if someone posted selfies of themselves smiling with a raccoon where they stuck rigs in its neck and slit its stomach open and left it tied to a fucking fence???? Yes. Yes, I would.

this all fuckin day

this is worse than the flat earth kid and all the other ridiculous arguments ive seen on here all put together

if I'm a 'cop' for thinkin they deserve hell for glorifying cat mutilation then peel some bacon off my back and let's have a barbecue


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Nov 17, 2016
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This long dusty road
This situation really upsets me.
I left Asheville about two months ago.
Lost my black cat there.
He took out one night from the bus.
Week after I left asheville, got a email saying he was found and the person who found him wanted to adopt.
Since I was states away, I agreed.
Hope this wasn't Bruce Lee..
Either way it's still an animal.
These are the types of individuals I avoid at all costs.
They are treated like scum because they are.
I know the locals didn't fuck with travelers there.
I can imagine how that is going to be even more so now.
It's a big tourist town and that's where you get money.
I hope they clean up.
This is bullshit. Totally unnacepptable. Not excusable behavior.


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Aug 6, 2014
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Cheyenne WY
Stupid is as stupid does.When I first saw this I was furious.I just had to put down my therapy cat due to cancer a week and a half ago.Even if that cat was already dead what was the point of doing what they did.If that had been my cat,that I had loved and cared for,I would be waiting outside the jail with a amazes me that someone would even try to defend what they did.Even if the cat was already dead.

Deleted member 11392

Their bonds have been increased and the DA added a charge of animal cruelty, which is a more serious offense than improper burial. This is as of November 2nd.

Deleted member 11392

And AFAIK there was an autopsy performed on the cat and it died of rat poison, likely from eating a poisoned rat.

What's your source? There has been zero confirmation of necropsy results in the press. Also, AFTER you posted this, new charges of animal cruelty were added. As of 3 weeks from their arrest, they have been released and issued a new court date and their charges of animal cruelty still stand. The judge has ordered zero contact with animals. Thank fucking good.

I know that newspaper articles are incorrect in details often. And I know that the court system is flawed. Maybe the necropsy results did prove them innocent, and court red tape hasn't dismissed their charges yet. But could you shed some light on how you got inside information on the necropsy results? I'm all ears.

Matt Derrick

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Deleted member 11392

the user stated:

which means, 'as far as i know'. which would make this an anecdotal statement, rather than a statement of fact based on sources.

I guess I'm trying to determine if there's a shred of legitimacy to it. Which I don't think there is. Waiting to hear printed results straight from the coroners mouth.

And apparently there's a lot of pissed off cat lovers because 91,000 people signed an online petition to give a maximum sentence to Jace and Shariah.
Dec 17, 2015
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Say what you want about those guys and what they do but they didn't kill that fucking cat. Not saying what they did was right because it wasnt but they ain't no cat killers man. Y'all ever see the movie "stand by me"? "You guys wanna see a dead body? " They took that shit alittle too far but come on now who hasn't ever poked something dead they found on the side of the road with a stick at least once in there life? I kicked it with spoons ( and Jace and shariahs dogs. Jace and shariah were in jail at this point.) and he told me the whole shit. 100 percent on whatever entities or forces whoever believes... Those kids didn't kill that fucking cat and there dogs are loved and well taken care of. Stop talking shit and adding to the heat these dudes are prolly gonna get anyways. It ain't helping spreading rumors and not facts.

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
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Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Exactly, @roughdraft .

Beyond that, I think the majority of the people who have gotten involved in this thread tend to believe they might not have been the cat killers themselves. But this isn't just about whether or not those individuals killed the cat themselves.

@Bryan Fucking Jones You know those dogs that are so well taken care of that you mentioned? I bet you fucking anything that these oogles would be hella pissed if their dogs died of even natural causes and before they could give them a proper burial some assholes came along and stabbed them up with heroin needles and took pictures like this.

Bet you ANYTHING they'd be out for revenge and everything else if that's how they found their dogs. That's what this is about, disrespecting the life of that cat and the owners and so much more. If they killed the cat that's just worse is all.

Don't try to paint it like it was one of them casually meandering down the road, sees what might be a cat in distress.. wait, is that.. is that poor cat dead or can I help it? Hmm, lemme try to first find a stick and I'll just give it a little budge to see if it's alive before I get my hands all corpsy.

They stuck rigs in it's neck, jabbed their knives into it's guts and who knows what else off camera. They're not saints, GTFO with that shit!
Dec 17, 2015
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Exactly, @roughdraft .

Beyond that, I think the majority of the people who have gotten involved in this thread tend to believe they might not have been the cat killers themselves. But this isn't just about whether or not those individuals killed the cat themselves.

@Bryan Fucking Jones You know those dogs that are so well taken care of that you mentioned? I bet you fucking anything that these oogles would be hella pissed if their dogs died of even natural causes and before they could give them a proper burial some assholes came along and stabbed them up with heroin needles and took pictures like this.

Bet you ANYTHING they'd be out for revenge and everything else if that's how they found their dogs. That's what this is about, disrespecting the life of that cat and the owners and so much more. If they killed the cat that's just worse is all.

Don't try to paint it like it was one of them casually meandering down the road, sees what might be a cat in distress.. wait, is that.. is that poor cat dead or can I help it? Hmm, lemme try to first find a stick and I'll just give it a little budge to see if it's alive before I get my hands all corpsy.

They stuck rigs in it's neck, jabbed their knives into it's guts and who knows what else off camera. They're not saints, GTFO with that shit!
No need for the hostility man . I never said what they did was right or painted them as saints. My point was that they didn't kill the fucking cat. It was roadkill already. If you think I painted a picture of them as saints you can GTFO with that shit. My ONLY points was that they ain't the killers and there dogs are well. That is all . I said my piece

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
Staff member
Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Seems a bit hyperbolic to call that hostility. But maybe saying you're trying to paint them out like saints was too. Just seemed like you were on some "leave Brittany alone" type shit.

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