Public land


Sep 21, 2018
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Anyone have any idea the law on living on the land, specifically refering to national forest.

General rule of thumb for areas that allow dispersed camping is 14 days in one spot. It varies, but that's pretty standard. Look up dispersed camping rules for specific area you plan to be in, and it will tell you all the stuff you're not supposed to do.


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
Dude, there are so many threads on this. Either look through the content on my profile, or search "public land" in the search bar. I would quote some threads but I am kinda up to some other stuff ATM.

I did an entire write up on the laws living on public land, I just cant find it at the moment.


-you can stay up to 14 days on any piece of public land (BLM, Forest Service, Fish and Game...) unless otherwise specified (Not always posted)

-After 14 days you usually should move at least a mile to another spot to satisfy said local Ranger.

-if you are far enough out, sometimes this rule is flexible.

-Always do research on an area, and read local regulations

-Clean the FUCK up after yourself. Im sick of seeing assholes leaves behind piles of trash after their "off-the-grid" spot is done with

-State land rules vary

-The forest service has become much more avid about "confiscating" personal property at camps that have been there for a while. Watch out for this. If a wildfire comes through, they will block off the area and throw away your shit. Seen in many times in Oregon.
Last edited:
Dec 13, 2015
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Zion National Park
Dude, there are so many threads on this. Either look through the content on my profile, or search "public land" in the search bar. I would quote some threads but I am kinda up to some other stuff ATM.

I did an entire write up on the laws living on public land, I just cant find it at the moment.


-you can stay up to 14 days on any piece of public land (BLM, Forest Service, Fish and Game...) unless otherwise specified (Not always posted)

-After 14 days you usually should move at least a mile to another spot to satisfy said local Ranger.

-if you are far enough out, sometimes this rule is flexible.

-Always do research on an area, and read local regulations

-Clean the FUCK up after yourself. Im sick of seeing assholes leaves behind piles of trash after their "off-the-grid" spot is done with

-State land rules vary

-The forest service has become much more avid about "confiscating" personal property at camps that have been there for a while. Watch out for this. If a wildfire comes through, they will block off the area and throw away your shit. Seen in many times in Oregon.

Couldnt have said it better myself. Clean the fuck up after yourself and dont ruin it for the next hobo that camps there. Do it for us...

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