New to community - INTRO - WA -> ? (Have car want driver)


New member
Jan 20, 2020
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In my dreams I am dirty, naked and free. And then I woke up and I was STILL dirty and naked but some costumed megalomaniac was spit shining his boot with my mouth and definitely on the lookout for any attempt at "free"

Born in the sign of Cancer. I don't put too much stock into astrology. I lived the greatest portion of my life believing it was nonsense. I also believed it was a perfectly reasonable idea to wake up every morning go spend the vast majority of my day in an ugly place doing things I didn't want to do for little slips of green paper that I then exchanged for a box I was allowed to shelter in and the reward of doing it again.
"Get up and do it again... amen. I wanna know what became of the changes we waited for love to bring..." -Jackson Browne

Let me rephrase: I DIDN'T always put so much stock into astrology until I opened my eyes and noticed that it was uncanny in its accuracy. That being said: I am no student of astrology. I am a student of the Tarot (The Book of Life) (The Holy Oracle) and of the mystic Kaballah.
"The student wishes to become to the master. The master wishes to remain a student." -London "The Worm"

I ABSOLUTELY do not panhandle (fingers crossed)
I make money on the road by taking all the work that I can find (which is some) and mostly by reading The Tarot. I have desire to learn stone wrapping. I am beginning to Busk more and more. I also take work repairing computers when I can (when the problem is something I can fix without having to order parts).

I am incredibly patient and difficult to anger. I insist on politeness whenever possible and the next choice is walking away. Barring that:
"And I wish he hadn't said that... asked me to be honest. Because I have a RULE with HONESTY and ASS-KICKINGS
If you ASK for it, I have to give it to you!" - "What Teachers Make" (Forgot poets name)

I love Alan Ginsberg, Khalil Gibran, Shel Silverstien, William Blake, etc.
I love science-fiction. I love Kurt Vonnegut. I could go on and on about poets and authors that I love so Ill just quit.

I feel pretty introduced now.

I am presently located in the pacific northwest.
I am currently travelling in a street legal vehicle.
I am at this very moment searching for a traveling companion to perhaps relieve my of some tedium and lonely.
I ABHOR driving and my ideal companion would be a licensed driver who would then do all of the driving while we were sharing company.

Thank you for your time and I hope to meet somebody somewhere who can fill the absent parts.
"What shall we use to fill the empty spaces?" -Pink Floyd

“We wanderers, ever seeking the lonelier way, begin no day where we have ended another day; and no sunrise finds us where sunset left us. Even while the earth sleeps we travel. We are the seeds of the tenacious plant, and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart that we are given to the wind and are scattered.” -Khalil Gibran


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