I'm new here, Howdy, hey, hola, greetings from Maine


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2017
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Western Maine
I was searching online for places for my good friend to hit up and I stumbled on this place. I'm a little shy with online community but I'm giving this a try cuz it looks so kewl and there is so much great info on here. Way to go Matt creator man! Anyway my buddy is walking across the country through all the major cities in the northeast to start so I'm looking out for him. If you know of any opportunities to network in Providence, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC... let me know alright? Don't bother to tell me how dangerous it is or that he should stay away from certain areas. Those are the areas he's going for because he's trying to prove the world is not as scary a place as everyone thinks, and my grandma is praying for him. But about me: I've done a lot of travelling, AT, PCT hiking, lots of hitchhiking around the U.S., travels in Peru and Japan. I love travelling. Right now I'm a mom and trying to raise my kids in this fucked up delusional empire has some serious insane challenges so that keeps me busy but I go on little travels with them whenever I can. Hope to meet some of you. Peace.


Active member
Dec 21, 2016
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Arizona fer a week
hey welcome!

i suggest this person goes out with someone if they dont have experience...just a suggestion but the world is scary and unpredictable at times...whom ever y
Thinks its all kosher will have a reality check if they stay out long enough and are seekomg ghettos tent citys and skid rows ... people will rob you, jump you , hump you.... anyways best of luck!


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2017
Reaction score
Western Maine
hey welcome!

i suggest this person goes out with someone if they dont have experience...just a suggestion but the world is scary and unpredictable at times...whom ever y
Thinks its all kosher will have a reality check if they stay out long enough and are seekomg ghettos tent citys and skid rows ... people will rob you, jump you , hump you.... anyways best of luck!
If you have had something bad happen to you then your fears are legitimate but if you are just concerned because of what you've heard or some image you have seen then that is the kind of fear that is holding our culture back, keeping us isolated. He walked for three years, spent lots of time in the ghettos where people told him not to go, into black communities, Hispanic communities. The only one who ever tried to rob him was a little kid who he wasn't scared of. He actually had so many enriching experiences with people, experiences he would never have had if he didn't have some courage to explore and see for himself. Bad things do happen but it is way more seldom than our imaginations would have us think.
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Deleted member 2626

So he just walks? Fucking awesome. Some good things pop up on this site at times. Where's he at now and where's he headed?


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2017
Reaction score
Western Maine
So he just walks? Fucking awesome. Some good things pop up on this site at times. Where's he at now and where's he headed?
Yeah, I also think it is fucking awesome. He started on 7/26 from central Maine and he just arrived
in Providence this evening.
liam's walk 2017.jpg 40- neat campsite on the high bank above Pratt's Brook.JPG
from there he's going west to pass through Hartford... He's been trying to get to computers to write blogs on his trip if you like travelin stories you can find them on his page: https://takecourageamerica.wordpress.com/

Deleted member 2626

Haha yeah I appreciate the linkI've been centering myself towards walking a lot more and avoiding hitching. Hitching still is a rushed run over the land travel compared to walking Welcome to here by the way. I'm also gonna PM you about rewilders here today I believe

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