Website Updates I need your input on StP's upcoming restructuring plans!

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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
A new outlook, deteriorating state of social media

I've been thinking a lot lately about what an unmitigated fucking disaster social media has become in the past ten years or so. While I'm sure there will be some folks that will say 'I told you so', I don't think any of us really knew how bad things would get. I foolishly assumed that social media would basically remain something in the ethereal of the internet, but boy was I wrong. The bullshit of social media has bled straight into our everyday lives and just created a huge shitshow.

The only good part is that I think some folks (mostly millennials and younger) are finally starting to grasp how harmful all that shit is to our mental health, and I think (or mostly hope) that people are going to start pulling away from the big tech companies' 'communities' and start seeking out smaller, niche communities that aren't trying to constantly trick you into doom scrolling till the end of time.

It seems to me that StP is in a good position for those interested in rewinding back to a time when the internet didn't kind of totally suck balls. A place for us to hang out with each other, using technology to bridge the gap between our communities, and help those all alone out there find a tribe of their own.

I've been reading a lot lately about how our generation is the loneliest one on record. People are feeling more alone than ever, and I think we all agree that isn't good for our mental and spiritual health. Personally, I've felt more alone in the past five years than I have at any other point in my life; I figure it's about time we all start doing something about that and helping those around us do the same.

In addition, I think we're also going to be looking at a potentially rough few years ahead politically, and possibly financially, as corpo fucks race to ruin everything in sight for maximum profit. I honestly believe that we'll be the first generation to not have any kind of social security at all, and no one really holds out any hope of not having to work until they're dead. That is, of course, unless we do something about it, which I will discuss in more detail below.

StP's slight pivot towards general networking

The first pivot in StP's goals was back around 2010; up until then, it had been almost exclusively centered around train hopping (something I'd been doing for nearly eight years at that point), and I decided there was more to life than just one form of travel (this also coincided with my recent move away from train hopping and going into the skoolie lifestyle). I added most of the additional forum categories you see on the site today, and I think most folks would agree that decision made StP a much more interesting and diverse community in the years since.

With that in mind, I think it's time for StP to broaden it's horizons once again.

In this post I will be proposing massive changes to the message board, the community itself, and a general pivot away from being a website exclusively about/for traveler communities, and making ourselves available to folks outside those cultures.

I know this might upset some folks (the first pivot in 2010 certainly did), but let me be very clear that I am looking to add to this community, not take away from it. This means adding some new spaces for folks to discuss things not exclusively travel related, and consolidating a lot of the categories into a small handful as we prepare to move to a tag-based forum software instead of our current category-based system (which has over 40+ categories), but I'll go into detail on that further on in this post.

Town Hall

I'm hoping you'll all join me in a few events coming soon that will ensure there is as much input as possible from the community in order to facilitate what's best for that community (rather than me just making all the decisions myself). This includes a series of "Town Hall" meetings that will take place every two weeks. Much like our previous weekly voice hangouts in our Discord server, we'll be meeting twice a month (on the 1st and 15th) to discuss things we'd like to see happen in this community. I'll be sending out email reminders to all StP users (which you can opt out of by clicking this link and un-checking 'Receive news and update emails') so hopefully, as many people as possible can participate.

Community Survey

Even with constant reminders, I know not everyone will be able to show up for a live meeting, so again, in order to ensure maximum community input, I will be releasing an optional survey for users to participate in. This survey will be emailed to all StP members (unless you've opted out of announcement emails).

The results of both the town hall meetings and the community survey will be gathered together and posted in a website update in this area of the forums, where we can continue the discussion of specific aspects from there.

Proposed re-structuring of the message board

As mentioned in previous announcements, I am (along with the help of @eyes and @Brookeeeeeeeee) looking at moving the community over to a new message board software, most likely Discourse. This will necessitate some significant restructuring of the website.

I have drawn up a general idea of what the new structure will look like, and provided the current structure for comparison. You can find this work-in-progress at the following link:

Proposed Website Structure | Notion -

Please feel free to post any thoughts you have on these proposed changes as a reply to this thread, but please keep your input constructive. Please provide detailed reasons for your opinions rather than flat statements that can't be worked upon.

The end goal of this restructuring is to create a space that is both more useful, inclusive, and more fun to participate in.

A real, tangible space for StP members to gather (the coop)

Another thing I want to talk about here is the often-suggested or alluded to StP living coop. I am extremely interested in making this a more focused goal of StP over the next few years. As I described above, I truly believe that the best way to ride out the upcoming years (and survive financially as many of us get older) is to collaborate on getting some kind of coop space for us to live and share resources. This also has the advantage of giving an IRL space to have gatherings, concerts, workshops and other community-oriented events. I'll be starting another thread for discussing this in detail, but I want folks to know this is quickly moving towards being one of the top goals of the StP organization.

So if you're interested, please join the discussion!

Future goals of StP

A few of the goals I have on the horizon for StP are mainly centered around creating mechanisms for folks to come together both online and in real life in as many ways as possible; this includes building things like a community wiki/docs platform (i.e. static, easily reference-able information), an events calendar, and a video hosting platform (a DIY, self-hosted YouTube-like platform).

But first, we need to get the current website sorted out. So tell me what you want to see happen in this community!


Global Moderator
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Nov 17, 2017
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Oregone & Back Oregain: A Hobo's Tale
Love it. While I still travel and do some seasonal work, I often find myself at a loss on how to contribute to the community. My interests have heavily pivoted towards self-sustainability and networking to survive the oncoming shitstorm and grow as a person. I feel that my activity would increase greatly when we broaden horizons. I will certainly be doing my best to attend the meetings!
Dec 19, 2023
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I need the coop! When the plan starts coming together a bit let me know and I'll do what I can to get to it and provide what I can. There's also a place out in Missouri called Astral valley. Don't know if they're still up and running it but it's worth a shot for networking a way to build a gathering spot.
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Hillbilly Castro

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Aug 22, 2011
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Westernville, NY
Personally, I've felt more alone in the past five years than I have at any other point in my life;

Hey, me too! I've found that once you get "off the road" -- no one can relate. The friends I'd made on the road all scattered, lost their cell-phones, got into drugs, died, or began subscribing to philosophies that became more important to them than community. I sorta went off and built a cabin in the woods, living there alone until my teeth started rotting out of my head and I joined the Coast Guard to get them filled, get the GI bill, and make enough money for a house. It worked. I am typing to you from that house. The military sucked and I don't really recommend it but it does work if you're truly desperate for a leg up, as I was. There was some community there, but I'm a civilian again now and really it's been lonely anyway. It got so lonely I started going to church just to have a bit of social interaction on a weekly basis -- I still go and find it helps. But I am still missing something.

The one bright spot online has been a small niche of Twitter revolving around the idea of "Doomer Optimism". These guys actually meet up IRL, talk daily in groupchats, and have a whole community more or less based on the idea that we're in the midst of major civilizational decline -- but that this fact shouldn't paralyze us or preclude us from having meaningful communities or building worthwhile projects in the dirt. They had a giant get-together in the Rockies last fall and I met my wife there. Part of their success is that they don't engage in ideological acrimony; there's a diversity of folks there ranging from lefty anarchist types and hippies to sovereign citizens and crunchy religious homeschoolers. It's a place where a former "dirty kid" pagan homesteader might have a beer with a Catholic traditionalist who voted for Trump -- but disagreements are handled calmly and they just wind up talking about heirloom radish seeds or whether AI will take over the world. They all know that Twitter sucks, that Elon sucks -- but in lieu of any other forum for building community online, we all sorta wound up there. What brings us together is that we want community, we mostly have a romantic conception of life (as opposed to a hyper-rational, mechanical view), and we know that arguing about politics and disavowing each other is going to make us more lonely for no reason in 99% of cases.

If you want my $0.02, simply leveraging the online community space that's already here for regular regional get-togethers IRL can work simply because this is a community at least partially built around imagining alternatives to the dominant culture. People are hungry for that. What people aren't hungry for are spaces that attempt that but require fealty to a singular vision -- real communities, I've learned, have to navigate ideological conflicts gracefully and allow for a true diversity of perspectives. If you can build a place that feels like an "escape hatch" from the mainstream mode of high-drama political strife and the "walking-on-eggshells-to-avoid-excommunication" mentality, you will succeed.

I'll also conclude by saying that if you want to have a real living co-op, there are quite a few towns where one can still buy a house for very, very little. I bought my move-in-ready house on 1 acre for $43,000. It took a credit score of 650 and about $6k cash to get it. My mortgage is $350. The minimum wage is $14.20 and there's great public transit for such a rural area. If you do some kind of living project, you might consider finding a town with ample cheap real estate so that if others wish to secure property there, it will be easy for them to do so.


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2011
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Occupied Anishinaabe territory
I do fancy myself a community builder, teacher, learner, homesteader, pathfinder.... In it for the long haul and I am totally here for change and adaptation. Will follow this community down the long dusty road and love to see more folks brought in.


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2020
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I don't have anything new to add that i didn't already before.

Opening up the board to be a bit more general is a fine idea. I honestly think most current users of the site won't care about or even notice any tweaking of the categories, because right now traffic is so low you can just click "what's new" once a week and keep up with everything.

Moving to open source software and into fediverse feels like the right decision ideologically speaking. I just think it's important to do it in a way where the old data, links and user accounts don't get lost. Personally i'd rather you take a bit longer to ensure a seamless migration than freeze the old site and start again, since i think a full reboot will shut out the oldskool/lapsed commenters who occasionally pop back here with something relevant to share. If you are hoping to reach out to that older or ex-traveler crowd, then i think keeping it easy for them to come back is worth the effort.

On the other topics, personally i have no interest in homesteading and am anyway not in a position to actively participate in a US-based coop. But if that crowd wants to join up and talk about intentional communities and whatnot, sure why not, it takes all sorts.

Events calendar would be great, but if there isn't a decent chunk of people who would go to the event already on StP (and not on other social media), then there is not much reason for a promoter to post their event on StP. Fediverse should come first, imo, so a promoter who wants to post their event on a free platform for ideological reasons can still get it easily shared around and interacted with on the various mastodons, lemmys etc, if nothing else.


Staff member
Oct 23, 2023
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Atlanta, GA
fingers crossed rss feeds will be a thing in stp's new world order. activity pub integration would also be pretty cool. thanks for doing all of this!

I love this suggestion, I totally agree. I definitely want to work on having more accessible RSS feeds when we move towards Discourse and away from Xenforo.

I will say, for those unfamiliar with Xenforo, you can always access an index of each category via an RSS feed. Just take a category link and add index.rss to the end.
For example:

May I recommend an instance of peertube? When the time comes, of course.

Peertube is great, and what I was personally leaning towards. Do you have suggestions for instances we could federate with?

I just think it's important to do it in a way where the old data, links and user accounts don't get lost.

I totally agree, top priority has been migration, progress is slow but this is where I will try to post things: forum -
Events calendar would be great, but if there isn't a decent chunk of people who would go to the event already on StP (and not on other social media), then there is not much reason for a promoter to post their event on StP. Fediverse should come first, imo, so a promoter who wants to post their event on a free platform for ideological reasons can still get it easily shared around and interacted with on the various mastodons, lemmys etc, if nothing else.

I think the only stable way to approach this is to make the "new StP" a series of integrations with other platforms. An important thing to avoid is the creeping idea that as social media gets bigger it has to be an insular community like how Instagram and Twitter exist in their own sort of bubbles, but a great thing about federation is creating an open community in a way that is far more accessible to anyone who wants to interact in any way. So, that means more ways to share content from StP, and to get content from other platforms posted or referenced on StP.


Jun 19, 2023
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Raleigh, NC, USA
Peertube is great, and what I was personally leaning towards. Do you have suggestions for instances we could federate with?

Recently, I found a search engine that indexes peertube instances called Sepia Search. It isn't really what you were asking for, but it might be useful to find other good instances and some good content.

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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
May I recommend an instance of peertube? When the time comes, of course.

that's the plan when we get there :D

fingers crossed rss feeds will be a thing in stp's new world order. activity pub integration would also be pretty cool. thanks for doing all of this!

the main RSS feed for StP has always been at:

but we could definitely do a better job at making that more obvious. As @Brookeeeeeeeee pointed out, you can filter RSS feeds by forum category as well. Of course, that link it going to change when we move to the new software.

just to re-focus here a little bit:

has anyone had a look at the proposed new forum structure and/or has any suggestions for that?
the link again for reference:



the girl who plans too much and acts too little
Nov 19, 2022
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Pennsylvania, USA
As long as things are added and not taken away, I think this is all amazing, Matt! I came here for travel/hopping/etc, but if we can offer more than that, who can complain?

Thank you, Matt, for your hard work!


Dec 11, 2023
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has anyone had a look at the proposed new forum structure and/or has any suggestions for that?
the link again for reference:

I took a look at it! I like it! I haven't used stp enough to give the most valid suggestions, but I think the "community" section would be more easy to navigate if it was separated into an "announcements" (website/political updates) and "culture" section (the arts)
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
This might be a dumb question but is that exactly how the forum would look? Kinda digging the minimalist format upfront and then having the subcategories from there. It looks good to me so far. I agree with @marymemarryme

no, that is just the 'structure' of the categories and their contained tags, it's not the actual website design. it's just text showing where everything would be located.


Rocket surgeon, MD
Mar 14, 2023
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
I am so ready to abandon social media. I'm only on facebook, but it consumes massive amounts of my time. If StP were busier, and more of my friends were here, I'd make this my main platform.
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Andrea Van Scoyoc

Nomad Missionary & Tree Hugging Jesus Freak
May 19, 2015
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Port Richey Florida
Social media is a TOTAL waste of time. If it weren't for my love of this site and my Instagram profile for my Ministry, I'd leave social media... COMPLETELY.

Already left FB, deleted every online app I had except IG and don't miss FB one bit.

It's not just millennials. I'm a Gen Xer and probably old enough to be a few of you youngins' mother.

Whatever you decide Matt, I'm with you. Serious respect for everything you do. It's an unfathomable amount of work. I know...I once had a message board and it's not something I'd EVER do again.
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