Cornelius Vango

Chaos Magician
Sep 25, 2015
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Slab City, Ca
I become addicted to alcohol easily and have to suffer withdrawal symptoms while detoxing to get healthy again. Alcoholism, as well as other dependencies, is a huge issue in our sector of counter-culture, but that doesn't mean you can't balance yourself out and take care of your body.

One of the first things you need to do before you begin a detox is to recognize and accept the symptoms of withdrawal of your particular substance. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include

Loss or gain of appetite
Sugar cravings
Extreme Moodiness
Body aches
Loss of sleep
Panic attacks
Suicidal thoughts
(Sometimes death in extreme cases)
And of course intense craving...

The next step is to quantify your actual consumption, and reduce it to slightly less than you are comfortable with. Having a good friend or partner keep you true to your reduced dosage is extremely helpful. Note: Drinking detox teas at this time will make your symptoms more severe, as it will accelerate the release of toxins. However, taking B vitamins and eating nutrient rich whole foods will help your body stay strong. As for the cravings, sugary drinks like soda can alleviate the cravings somewhat as you are also suffering sugar withdrawal. I also like to take kava supplements during this time because it affects the brain in similar ways as alcohol. Be sure to drink lots of water.

Avoid places or situations that trigger your cravings, this is very important! Take it easy like you would if you had the flu.

Continue to reduce the volume of substance daily until you can go a full day without. Then go without again the next day and the next. This is the time to drink your detox teas. Continue to take B vitamins and eating healthy. Try different health potions, etc. Take it day by day. Try to find a drink or ritual to replace your old one. Make epic teas, go for a hike, learn dank new recipes (now that you aren't consuming so many empty calories, you can eat more!). There are also loads of supplements, foods and herbs that can help cleanse your liver!

If you fuck up and fall off the wagon, just get back up where you fell off, don't give up.

This article is sourced completely from personal experience, so if I left anything out that you would like to expound upon or you have your own detox method, please comment.
Last edited:

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
added to our featured threads area!

Deleted member 125

i can second this, i have detoxed from alcohol several times and it has been hands down the worst experiences of my life. stopping cold turkey in most cases if you are a heavy drinker (you know if you are) is dangerous as hell and shouldnt be done if you have the means to ween yerself down.

fruit is bad for you

Active member
Aug 17, 2016
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Tapir down before cutting out completely. Come up with a realistic and achievable reduction schedule. Not so long that you're not really cutting down (I'll have one swig less of vodka today!) and not too extreme you risk withdrawl or are more likely to relapse.

Long lasting benzos like Librium could be used to help sleep and stop the DT's, some people use weed, but throwing something else into the mix that is potentially addictive/going to be a replacement crutch isn't always the best idea.

If you end up replacing one vice/crutch with another then it's not the substance that's the issue, it's the underlying issue that's making you rely on the substance. Work on solving the underlying issue if possible.

Deleted member 16034

Long lasting benzos like Librium could be used to help sleep and stop the DT's, some people use weed, but throwing something else into the mix that is potentially addictive/going to be a replacement crutch isn't always the best idea..

BE SO FUCKING CAREFUL DOING THIS. Holy fucking shit, any benzo mixed with alcohol is stupid risky. Fuck, I'VE almost died from mixing benzos and alcohol, and that was on accident. I know that the people using this site are not the types to take medical advice but if you are going to mix benzos and alcohol you should probably do so under some intense medical supervision.


Feb 7, 2016
Reaction score
DONT drink while yr on Librium if you go that route! Knew a guy that died doin that. And Geraldo is right about the benzos. That's a good way to not wake up again. Be safe! I hope you have somebody to help you!

Sent from my iPhone using the Squat the Planet mobile app!

fruit is bad for you

Active member
Aug 17, 2016
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BE SO FUCKING CAREFUL DOING THIS. Holy fucking shit, any benzo mixed with alcohol is stupid risky. Fuck, I'VE almost died from mixing benzos and alcohol, and that was on accident. I know that the people using this site are not the types to take medical advice but if you are going to mix benzos and alcohol you should probably do so under some intense medical supervision.

Sorry, if I didn't make it clear, this is once you finally cut alcohol out completely, not to mix.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 1, 2016
Reaction score
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I become addicted to alcohol easily and have to suffer withdrawal symptoms while detoxing to get healthy again. Alcoholism, as well as other dependencies, is a huge issue in our sector of counter-culture, but that doesn't mean you can't balance yourself out and take care of your body.

One of the first things you need to do before you begin a detox is to recognize and accept the symptoms of withdrawal of your particular substance. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include

Loss or gain of appetite
Sugar cravings
Extreme Moodiness
Body aches
Loss of sleep
Panic attacks
Suicidal thoughts
(Sometimes death in extreme cases)
And of course intense craving...

The next step is to quantify your actual consumption, and reduce it to slightly less than you are comfortable with. Having a good friend or partner keep you true to your reduced dosage is extremely helpful. Note: Drinking detox teas at this time will make your symptoms more severe, as it will accelerate the release of toxins. However, taking B vitamins and eating nutrient rich whole foods will help your body stay strong. As for the cravings, sugary drinks like soda can alleviate the cravings somewhat as you are also suffering sugar withdrawal. I also like to take kava supplements during this time because it affects the brain in similar ways as alcohol. Be sure to drink lots of water.

Avoid places or situations that trigger your cravings, this is very important! Take it easy like you would if you had the flu.

Continue to reduce the volume of substance daily until you can go a full day without. Then go without again the next day and the next. This is the time to drink your detox teas. Continue to take B vitamins and eating healthy. Try different health potions, etc. Take it day by day. Try to find a drink or ritual to replace your old one. Make epic teas, go for a hike, learn dank new recipes (now that you aren't consuming so many empty calories, you can eat more!). There are also loads of supplements, foods and herbs that can help cleanse your liver!

If you fuck up and fall off the wagon, just get back up where you fell off, don't give up.

This article is sourced completely from personal experience, so if I left anything out that you would like to expound upon or you have your own detox method, please comment.

and then,...we die young..or is it we all die

I've detoxed from the "deathbed" like it said..H2Oh noo!
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I can't even believe this is a thing that people are reading and considering. If you're having withdrawals from drinking too much my suggestions would be to contact a detox facility or a doctor because you probably aren't one and the author of this post probably isn't one either and detoxing can be dangerous and even fatal. I don't know about you but I certainly don't put my life into a blog posts hands.

Maybe also consider researching the disease of alcoholism or look up for more information.

Deleted member 125

what a helpfull post @Michelleo thank you for contributing.

im sure most if not all of us are aware that detoxing from alcohol can be fatal and extremly dangerous if not done safely. but thank you for clarifying what most if not all of us already know. you brought alot to the discussion and i value yer future input to the site.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2014
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San Francisco, United States
Might be controversial, but benzos like xanax helped me quit smoking. I know people get addicted to those too, but if you know how long the initial withdrawal period is, and you can get some xanax, it REALLY helps take the edge off. For nicotine, the metabolization takes three days, peak withdrawal on the third day. Stay xanned out, or cough syrup, sleep through it.

Ethanol withdrawal can cause your body to go into shock, so if you have tremors, ignore everything I just said, find a free clinic, or commit a misdemeanor and get medical attention behind bars for a week. Counterintuitive, but they can't let you go into shock and die, tell the nurse at booking you're going to DT, they've got special meds for that.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2007
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Might be controversial, but benzos like xanax helped me quit smoking. I know people get addicted to those too, but if you know how long the initial withdrawal period is, and you can get some xanax, it REALLY helps take the edge off. For nicotine, the metabolization takes three days, peak withdrawal on the third day. Stay xanned out, or cough syrup, sleep through it.

Ethanol withdrawal can cause your body to go into shock, so if you have tremors, ignore everything I just said, find a free clinic, or commit a misdemeanor and get medical attention behind bars for a week. Counterintuitive, but they can't let you go into shock and die, tell the nurse at booking you're going to DT, they've got special meds for that.

US jails (at least here in PA) are notorious for not providing necessary or adequate medical services, resulting thousands of deaths annually nationally

Never forget; they don't give a fuck about us.


Jan 27, 2014
Reaction score
Fresno, United States
I become addicted to alcohol easily and have to suffer withdrawal symptoms while detoxing to get healthy again. Alcoholism, as well as other dependencies, is a huge issue in our sector of counter-culture, but that doesn't mean you can't balance yourself out and take care of your body.

One of the first things you need to do before you begin a detox is to recognize and accept the symptoms of withdrawal of your particular substance. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include

Loss or gain of appetite
Sugar cravings
Extreme Moodiness
Body aches
Loss of sleep
Panic attacks
Suicidal thoughts
(Sometimes death in extreme cases)
And of course intense craving...

The next step is to quantify your actual consumption, and reduce it to slightly less than you are comfortable with. Having a good friend or partner keep you true to your reduced dosage is extremely helpful. Note: Drinking detox teas at this time will make your symptoms more severe, as it will accelerate the release of toxins. However, taking B vitamins and eating nutrient rich whole foods will help your body stay strong. As for the cravings, sugary drinks like soda can alleviate the cravings somewhat as you are also suffering sugar withdrawal. I also like to take kava supplements during this time because it affects the brain in similar ways as alcohol. Be sure to drink lots of water.

Avoid places or situations that trigger your cravings, this is very important! Take it easy like you would if you had the flu.

Continue to reduce the volume of substance daily until you can go a full day without. Then go without again the next day and the next. This is the time to drink your detox teas. Continue to take B vitamins and eating healthy. Try different health potions, etc. Take it day by day. Try to find a drink or ritual to replace your old one. Make epic teas, go for a hike, learn dank new recipes (now that you aren't consuming so many empty calories, you can eat more!). There are also loads of supplements, foods and herbs that can help cleanse your liver!

If you fuck up and fall off the wagon, just get back up where you fell off, don't give up.

This article is sourced completely from personal experience, so if I left anything out that you would like to expound upon or you have your own detox method, please comment.
I've been an alcoholic for 20 yrs. I take Naltrexone now. I can still drink, but it takes the uncontrolable cravings away that come with that first drink. I also get hangovers, when I did not before. Naltrexone is an opiate blocker so I don't have the Heroin problem that I used to replace the alcohol problem. My advice. Don't give up and kill your self slowly. With the whole poor is me and no one cares spirit that takes over in the depths of alcohol addiction. You are beautiful inside and out. Oh and go vegan, it reverses cancer and the government hates it because it slows the death-culture down. Squat the Planet and fuck the system !!!


Jan 27, 2014
Reaction score
Fresno, United States
I can't even believe this is a thing that people are reading and considering. If you're having withdrawals from drinking too much my suggestions would be to contact a detox facility or a doctor because you probably aren't one and the author of this post probably isn't one either and detoxing can be dangerous and even fatal. I don't know about you but I certainly don't put my life into a blog posts hands.

Maybe also consider researching the disease of alcoholism or look up for more information.
Best option is the E.R. but sometimes they won't help you and kick you out in the middle of the night while it's raining. At least get some adavan. I would lie to them and have them run all sorts of test on you. Matter what part of the country you are in. Some hospitals are in the business of population control.
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Kat Kelevra

New member
Dec 1, 2016
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Coachella, Cali
Ok, hear me me out...u know what I mean. Two words Coffee Enema, well specifically three words Organic Coffee Enema. If u are thinking gross it's ok. No one will know unless u tell them. I did it <I'LL TELL THE WORLD> I don't care because I felt great afterwords. I even looked better #trustory. Try it let me know, our little secrete or let the world know. I hope you feel better!

dirty andy

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2015
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Central pennsylvania
My heroin withdraw was always worse than going a few weeks without booze , and I DRINK. But not to the old homebum wino standards I do suppose . This is a great post and very informative. No matter how long I go without viewing this site it's so good to see shot like this getting talked about when I come back. !(A)!
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2016
Reaction score
I become addicted to alcohol easily and have to suffer withdrawal symptoms while detoxing to get healthy again. Alcoholism, as well as other dependencies, is a huge issue in our sector of counter-culture, but that doesn't mean you can't balance yourself out and take care of your body.

One of the first things you need to do before you begin a detox is to recognize and accept the symptoms of withdrawal of your particular substance. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include

Loss or gain of appetite
Sugar cravings
Extreme Moodiness
Body aches
Loss of sleep
Panic attacks
Suicidal thoughts
(Sometimes death in extreme cases)
And of course intense craving...

The next step is to quantify your actual consumption, and reduce it to slightly less than you are comfortable with. Having a good friend or partner keep you true to your reduced dosage is extremely helpful. Note: Drinking detox teas at this time will make your symptoms more severe, as it will accelerate the release of toxins. However, taking B vitamins and eating nutrient rich whole foods will help your body stay strong. As for the cravings, sugary drinks like soda can alleviate the cravings somewhat as you are also suffering sugar withdrawal. I also like to take kava supplements during this time because it affects the brain in similar ways as alcohol. Be sure to drink lots of water.

Avoid places or situations that trigger your cravings, this is very important! Take it easy like you would if you had the flu.

Continue to reduce the volume of substance daily until you can go a full day without. Then go without again the next day and the next. This is the time to drink your detox teas. Continue to take B vitamins and eating healthy. Try different health potions, etc. Take it day by day. Try to find a drink or ritual to replace your old one. Make epic teas, go for a hike, learn dank new recipes (now that you aren't consuming so many empty calories, you can eat more!). There are also loads of supplements, foods and herbs that can help cleanse your liver!

If you fuck up and fall off the wagon, just get back up where you fell off, don't give up.

This article is sourced completely from personal experience, so if I left anything out that you would like to expound upon or you have your own detox method, please comment.

I become addicted to alcohol easily and have to suffer withdrawal symptoms while detoxing to get healthy again. Alcoholism, as well as other dependencies, is a huge issue in our sector of counter-culture, but that doesn't mean you can't balance yourself out and take care of your body.

One of the first things you need to do before you begin a detox is to recognize and accept the symptoms of withdrawal of your particular substance. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include

Loss or gain of appetite
Sugar cravings
Extreme Moodiness
Body aches
Loss of sleep
Panic attacks
Suicidal thoughts
(Sometimes death in extreme cases)
And of course intense craving...

The next step is to quantify your actual consumption, and reduce it to slightly less than you are comfortable with. Having a good friend or partner keep you true to your reduced dosage is extremely helpful. Note: Drinking detox teas at this time will make your symptoms more severe, as it will accelerate the release of toxins. However, taking B vitamins and eating nutrient rich whole foods will help your body stay strong. As for the cravings, sugary drinks like soda can alleviate the cravings somewhat as you are also suffering sugar withdrawal. I also like to take kava supplements during this time because it affects the brain in similar ways as alcohol. Be sure to drink lots of water.

Avoid places or situations that trigger your cravings, this is very important! Take it easy like you would if you had the flu.

Continue to reduce the volume of substance daily until you can go a full day without. Then go without again the next day and the next. This is the time to drink your detox teas. Continue to take B vitamins and eating healthy. Try different health potions, etc. Take it day by day. Try to find a drink or ritual to replace your old one. Make epic teas, go for a hike, learn dank new recipes (now that you aren't consuming so many empty calories, you can eat more!). There are also loads of supplements, foods and herbs that can help cleanse your liver!

If you fuck up and fall off the wagon, just get back up where you fell off, don't give up.

This article is sourced completely from personal experience, so if I left anything out that you would like to expound upon or you have your own detox method, please comment.

Thanks for posting this Cornelius .. it's really helpful.. detoxing sucks so bad! !
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