How to be a pro at asking for rides at gas stations


Mar 27, 2019
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Bergen auf Rügen
Hey buddy, for me it works out best if i go straight ahead with " hey man i am heading down south in direction of (name of road or town or region or whatever) do you got (a spare place)/ room)/a seat (ans similar ...) for me in your car ?"

or could you give me a lift a a few miles to (whateverplace or gasstation you think is good for getting further)

sometimes i ad information like, " could you help me a few km (that way ) to get me further to crismas with my family ?"

or if i see someone with a strange licenseplate i ask for that or if someone has a slayer shirt and long hair i´ll go like " Slayer dude nice taste !! thrash in generall, where you heading? i´ll bet in your car musics gonna be better than in thos other yuppy cars !!"

it is not evry time the same phrase, but it depends on my mood and the purpose of my trip, but in general, be honest, straight. and friendly and most important keep your mood up if you get grumpy or fucked up, people will recognize it and run off, and be understanding if people refuse to give you a ride, others will recognize that you ar not a creep that run away from psychiatry and that u got time and nothing to hide or worry about, and be more likely to give you a ride and sometimes the person who refused you like 1 minute ago will come back to you and ask you for your direction again and give you the ride u want (happend to me some times ) alyays think te one you asking is the one who will give you a ride (eventhou it wont be that way but it is helping...

hope i could help and give you a short view into my philosophy of gasstation hitchhiking ... tramp on man!


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2022
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Hey buddy, for me it works out best if i go straight ahead with " hey man i am heading down south in direction of (name of road or town or region or whatever) do you got (a spare place)/ room)/a seat (ans similar ...) for me in your car ?"

or could you give me a lift a a few miles to (whateverplace or gasstation you think is good for getting further)

sometimes i ad information like, " could you help me a few km (that way ) to get me further to crismas with my family ?"

or if i see someone with a strange licenseplate i ask for that or if someone has a slayer shirt and long hair i´ll go like " Slayer dude nice taste !! thrash in generall, where you heading? i´ll bet in your car musics gonna be better than in thos other yuppy cars !!"

it is not evry time the same phrase, but it depends on my mood and the purpose of my trip, but in general, be honest, straight. and friendly and most important keep your mood up if you get grumpy or fucked up, people will recognize it and run off, and be understanding if people refuse to give you a ride, others will recognize that you ar not a creep that run away from psychiatry and that u got time and nothing to hide or worry about, and be more likely to give you a ride and sometimes the person who refused you like 1 minute ago will come back to you and ask you for your direction again and give you the ride u want (happend to me some times ) alyays think te one you asking is the one who will give you a ride (eventhou it wont be that way but it is helping...

hope i could help and give you a short view into my philosophy of gasstation hitchhiking ... tramp on man!
That is pretty concise thank you I'm gonna have to try these word tracks at the next gas station
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
yeah like @Stoerenfred said, polite and direct is best, since you probably only have a few seconds to make a good impression and convey what you want.


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Feb 18, 2022
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Green Bay, Wisconsin
I usually watch for out of state license plates and ask them if they're heading in a certain direction. It's best to avoid small talk until after you ask for the ride because they might feel misled.

First impressions are everything so make sure you don't smell and having a welcoming smile never hurts.
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Aug 31, 2022
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Samsara - Kali Yuga
It's less what you say but more who and how you ask.

If you're not being natural, the rides likely won't come quickly. Forced interactions put people off immediately. If that's hard to do add 1 part booze to every part awkward & uncomfortable, add one dash of humor and serve on a warm plate of nonchalance until desired results have been achieved. Do Not forget what you are doing.
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Sep 19, 2022
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This is just a bit of specific advice for trucks and their beds at truck stops. Sure it can be used flexibly.

While doing whatever take note of pickup trucks and which direction they're getting off on. Southbound exit? Prolly goin south. While they're parked use some of the advice in this thread but be specific about riding in the bed. Since you know what direction they're going an innocent "hey if you're headed south you mind if I ride in the back? You dont gotta smell me or talk to me" Something like that. Always worked well for me, just be ready to sit in back.


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Jan 8, 2017
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When hitching from a gas station, truthfully I try to only hitch out of truck stops. Truck stops are sometimes one of the only fuel/fast food options in an entire area. People are usually trying to make it atleast, to the next area near a different truck stop. This betters your odds for distance, compared to a local gas station where most folks are just going to buy a pack of smokes or whatever.

I post up semi close to the door, enough so I can try to not be seen directly from the cashiers, but still easily able to ask someone a question without approaching them. I'm usually sitting on my pack; sometimes with a sign near me clearly stating what direction I am going. As well as main hwy or interstate number. Example: Northbound, I-15

Catching someone on their way out means they've already made a possible judgment outta you, and vice versa. Decide if you wanna pop the question, "S'cuse me (sir/Ms/blank), are you heading North by chance?" Most people will answer. People also have a hard time lying on the spot, so people will be honest. Sometimes It makes them ponder the concept more.. if they say, "Yes", I ask if they can give me a lift. Usually there will be further discussion of town or road specifics, if they are actually open to giving you a ride. Others will reject you for whatever reason, and I just say "no, worries" or "thanks anyway" or whatever.


Oct 25, 2022
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Honestly verbally asking for Anything on truck stop or yas station property is a BIG REASON WHY WE GET RAN OFF AS SOON AS THEY SEE US!!! I have a sign that states the next exit I'd like a ride to and I stand OFF THE PROPERTY so I'm not "bothering their customers" short ride requests get u picked up faster, I got 3 rides yesterday and total distance was over 200 miles because sometimes they'll offer to take you Further down the interstate and I score rides super easy by simply picking a truck stop exit 50 miles or so ahead. Also showering and wearing clean clothes Helps! Shower tickets are easy to score so why nobody showers on the road I'll never understand.
Safe Travels


Mar 22, 2023
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Florida, USA
Shower tickets are easy to score so why nobody showers on the road I'll never understand.

What are some ways you get shower tickets on the free?


Active member
Sep 19, 2022
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What are some ways you get shower tickets on the free?

Asking truckers at truck stops. They get free shower credits at most chain truck stops for filling a set number gallons of gas I believe.

My method is to hang near the trucker entrance and ask truckers for an extra shower credit or I’ll write “need shower” on some cardboard and sit a little off from the door but so all truckers coming in can see.

If you don’t want to blow up the truck stop you can always hit the off ramps. At truck stop exits where hella trucks are coming off making a sign that says “need shower” or “got an extra shower credit?” To flip to truckers when they pull up has worked for me as well many a time.

Down and Out

-Dank- Down and Out press
Apr 29, 2023
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Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Yeah it depends if you look like local dirty kid riff raff or spangers they will often call the police immeadiatley when they see you approach or even hang out. Truck stops are frequented by all sorts of people prostitutes, drug dealers, tweakers, and the like. As such it can be easy to be lumped in. That said gas stations truck stops whatever you want to call it is really hit or miss. I have had truck stops help with food and not bother me at all about approaching people even let me sleep under there overhang charge etc. Than Ive had truck stops especially in the southern states be a lot more resistant to approaching people. If you can hitch a ride on the highway youll get more exposure I feel as though people who give rides to hitch hikers are not really any more inclined from people asking in person unless maybe you where very clean cut and not a vagabond. I.e. the highway has the most exposure I.e. the most people who aren't assholes will see you = more rides more rapidly. Hitching as with most things really comes back to your better judgement if you feel like your in the wrong place to be asking and someone tells you to leave its probably not a bad idea. If your in Oregon and you can hitch on the interstate definitely stay away from stations. If you where hitching in Mexico or some foreign country where it is harder to get rides off the highway and quite possibly dangerous asking directly is probably a better idea. In terms of success for asking people obviously not smelling like a dumpster or looking like one when requesting rides directly would be the biggest factor.
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Feb 29, 2012
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Houston, United States
I usually asked straight up. Like "are you headed west east whatever road. You meet the right person you can explain yourself later. Come out with all that talking they'll probably think it's some bullshit story.


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Jan 8, 2024
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Pittsburgh PA
Man I scored a killer ride one time, ended up a bit scary, but got a lot out of it. My friend and I were stuck at this gas station busking and this dude was eyeing me up (I'm a man, my friend and I are both straight men) and my friend started talking to him, this guy told my friend he thought I was cute, my friend acted like we were gay and basically led him on a while about it to get a ride. He left then came back like 20 minutes later with some free ice cream. I was a bit sketched out but the heat was killing me so I ate it with him, perfectly fine Frisch's big boy strawberry shakes. Shit was gas. Anyways he ends up giving us a ride straight to the hop out and we made off with $68 bucks that day. IM was fredding and it was time to go so we said good bye and that was that. The dude was huge, looked like a vet. I got scared at one point and started tossing my smilee around a bit to feel safer, but nothing bad ended up happening. Probably don't do this unless you've got a buddy with you though, could get scary quick and manipulation is bad karma. The better advice is: you've probably got something to connect with them on, and if you can read people quick, you'll have a better shot at connecting, thus at them viewing you as a human, thus at you getting a ride.

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