Featured Hitching Belize, Guatemala, Cancun


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2012
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dont worry about it
The first day me and my bff arrived to Belize, we hitched all the way to the border of Guatemala. We got picked up by an awesome fam with mad kids in the car, they were so excited to show us everything, they drove us around, housed us up and let us borrow their truck if we wanted to drive anywhere.

Many people hitch hike in Belize, older folks, kids, to and from work.


The Mayan ruins of Cahal Pech:





Then we hitched into Guatemala.


It was hot as fuck.


These dudes picked us up they were funny as hell.


Tryina get this Pollo Campero

Isla de flores/Lago peten Itza:


Good ass food.


People sit here and eat tacos.



Paddling to some random ass island.


We hitched aaaalll da way south tryina get to El salvador.

Rio Dulce:


this mans might love his fish but i love my backpack ^_^

We continued south into the bordertown to cross into El salvador.

On the way there we got picked up by a trucker that told us a bunch of crazy MS13 stories, about how when he goes to El salvador he has to take off his Sketchers shoes cuz they have an "S" and he could get killed for that and how they got lil kids working with the ms, leading tourtists into traps, cab drivers taking tourists to MS13 spots and gettin killed, lotsa crazy shit. 20-25 people are murdered by the MS in the capital san salvador everyday.

So we thought twice about it since we obviously look like tourists with our packs. He dropped us off at the border where he picked up another lady from el salvador that was also about to cross baxk into her country, who also told us not to go. So whateva, maybe not this time xD

So we decided to go to Honduras, but on our way to the border town we decided to turn back and go to Cancun lmaooooo

We spent the night on the streets of the bordertown, Esquipulas. We tried hitching back up north that night but no one picked us up. Some dude in a pedicab with a kid in the back drove by us and said he had to go do something. If we were still there in an hour when he comes back, he'll pick us up.

A lady and her family stopped to ask us what we were doing. She told us no one was picking us up because we looked like MS13 members because of our piercings and tattoos. She said in that town they have gangs that kill MS13 members and that its really dangerous for us to be in that town and we could stay at her house until the morning and we can take the next bus out of there. We said nah, we good.

The dude in the pedicab came back with the kid in the backseat. We had no plans for that night, so we went along. He drove us around the city and told us the history of the city.

Esquipulas is a religious city that has a famous church people come from all over the world to see the statue of black Jesus.

So this dude took us to the church to see the statue of black Jesus. There was a huuuuge line we waited for about 40 min to see black Jesus. They said my shorts were too short so they gave me a skirt so wear that covered my legs Lmao then in the middle of the line I had a crazy shit attack and I couldnt get out of the line cuz there were mad people in front of me and mad people behind me so I was starting to sweating cuz there was no exit and I couldnt hold it and the dude was tryina explain the history to me but I couldnt listen to him cuz i had to shit and my friend was laughing in my face while tears were coming out my eyes Lmao so we finally got to black Jesus and u supposed to stand in front of him for a min and pray to him so I stood there with my bff and i asked black jesus to plz gimme the strength to hold my shit until i get outta the church cuz the line to get out is really long and I cant hold it no more and ill be his most devout follower and poof just like that it was gone Lmao So that was my first time experiencing divine intervention, thank u Black Jesus. When leaving the church, you have to walk out backwards in a single file cuz you cant give ur back to black jesus.

So we went back to the pedicab where the kid was waiting. we thought it was weird/suspicious he got this kid with him but we went along with it cuz we felt like we could beat up the dude if shit popped off lol so the kid left and the dude drove us in the pedicab to his house in a sketchy as fuck neighborhood. It was seriously so far from the main street we needed to be on that there was no way we could even walk back if something crazy happened and if we did walk back, we were def gonna get shot. So we were stuck in his house and it looked like something crazy was def going on.

He had us sit at a table with his friend who was a gang member, and two girls that seemed drugged up. and his mom that also seemed drugged up. They kept trying to get us to drink, but we dont drink, and I was def not tryina let my guard down around these people. One girl was telling us stories of how she tried crossing the border into the US 3 times and was robbed and left for dead in the dessert. she managed to make it back to guatemala and she was only 21. They were making phone calls telling their friends we were there and we needed a place to stay for the night, they were thinkigg of posting us up in some abandoned place they got the keys for and were gonna have some people pick us up we were like Hell no these people some traffickers we gettin da fuck outta here. Lmao thats when my shit kicked in (the one black jesus gave me the strength for) so i went to the bathroom to take a shit and texted my friend "we gotta get outta here". So i came back wit a plan cuz there was no way we could walk to the main street. We needed a ride from the pedicab dude. So we told him we'll kick it with them but we wanted to go to the bus station to see what the earliest bus outta there in the morning was, then we could chill and hit up some bars around there before we post up. They were reluctant at first but they drove us and when we got there we were like Ok bye Lmao. They were like what???? we got a place for you we were suposed to hang out wtf ???????? Lmao they were so pissed but we were on a crowded street so they couldnt do shit so they left mad as hell lmaooo.

Looking back, i think they were traffickers and it was a really half assed attempt to kidnap us. And wherver they were gonna post us up at was a trap. And the kid in the pedicab was there to lure people in.

We walked around the main street messing with people and looking for a place to sleep, we found a carnival and thought about sleeping in one of the rides but we decided to sleep on the sidewalk.

The next morning we made out way back up north to Belize. Lotsa truckers and the backs of pick up truck rides. I have some cool videos but dont know how to post them.


We were standing on the side of a highway tryina hitch a ride when these cops pulled up. We didnt really know what the cops there were like so we thought they were gonna beat us or lead us into some crazy trap or something Lmao so they were like ummm what u guys doin we were like ummm tryina get to Belize they were like god damn how the hell u gonna do that we told them we get rides pretty quick and he said to get in the car they will drive us to the next town so we were like ummm ok?

So we got in and they were actually cool as hell Lmao i told them i thought they were gonna beat us or some shit, or drop us off in the middle of nowhere they were like WHAT OMG NO WHY ??? i told them they be doin that shit in the US they were like OMG NO here in this country we have something called Human Rights im like o okkkk go on ahead wit ur human rights then lmao they were cool they drove us like an hour north and left us in a good spot.

We continued thru Guatemala, through Belize and into Mexico. Some crazy shit was going on in the bordertown of Mexico the day before there was a riot so they had closed the border but it was open the day we went.

So we took a pedicab to the entrance of the border, and this fuckin guy, he leaves us in front of the wrong door, we go in, they go through our bags and come out the other side. Im like that was weird, what about our passports ? So we kept walking and a mexican cop grabs us all fuckin dramatic and shit like we some terrorists and goes LEMME SEE UR PASSPORTS. WHERES UR STAMPS? Im like dude idk thats what i was just wondering why didnt they stamp us ? Lmao hes like OK AS OF THIS MOMENT IN TIME U ARE BOTH IN THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! were like wow ok dramatic. So he called us into office and the whole freakin world over the walkie talkies and everyones like freaking out and shit and he walks us back into the border office announcing us to everybody like we a couple of criminal ass bitches. They didnt do shit though, but it turns out theres like two entrances and theyre on opposite sides, so we didnt even see the stamping office. so anyways they stamped us and we continued into Mexico.

We went up to Cancun.


There were so many homeless doggys that were starving on the street so my friend decided to buy a bag of dog food and carry it around everywhere to feed the dogs but none of them wanted it Lmaoooo so we continued partying all night with the bag of dog food.


Voguing in front of a strip club with the dog food.


This whole shit was like 5 fuckin dollars.


People kept tryina get us to go in da clubs but were just tryina get em to twerk with us and our bag of dog food.

The street with all the clubs is actually pretty fuckin insane. I forgot what the street is called but its the one with oingo boingo. We posted up outside one of the clubs and watched the people who pretended to be security guards also pretend to be cops also sell drugs also take people to the back of alleyways to try and rape them.

Then we headed back to Belize and took a ferry one of the islands, Caye Caulker.


Then we headed back to the mainland and on our last day we decided to hitch to the city beach before heading to the airport.

We met a group of like 10 kids there to hitched there too. They wanted to take us to their neighborhood so they all got on the road and they tried to get a ride for all of us.


They had machetes too so they show us how to cut and eat sugar cane.


These little boys were like 8 years old and they were very polite and protective. Whenever i walked to close to the road they would get on the outside and be like "Miss, you walk inside. You lady. I walk outside. I protect you. Miss, walk inside please." Lmaooooooo


They were cute as hell they wanted to show us everything. We went to their house and played volleyball until nightfall. Then they all walked us out onto the mainstreet in a group cuz they said we were gonna get stabbed by ourselves.


That night got dark as hell before we could hitch a ride to the airport. Someone stopped to tell us it was too dangerous, wait until morning. but someone ended us picking us up and driving us to the ajrport even tho jt was out of the way. Theres a really long dark street wit no lights you gotta drive thru to get to the airport so theres no way you can walk in or outta there.

When we got to the airport it was closed. we thought it was gonna be open all night and we could sleep there til we fly out jn th mornig. the security guards said they were gonna help us out so he told us to go hide somewhere in the dark for about an hour or two until everyone in the airport leaves. then he came to get us and opened up the airport just for us. we were like whaaaaaaaaaaat. He let hs sleep inside and opened the bathrooms and everything for js and let us kno he was right outside if we needed anything. And that was our last night in Belize.

People jn Belize and guatemala are very friendly and verrry willing to help us out. they were interested in gettigg to know us and what we were doing.

We didnt wait more than 5-10 minutes for most rides and didnt really take a single bus the whole time. We mostly slept on the streets and had a grrrrrreat time. food was lit and cheap too. U could get mad tacos or a bag if fried chicken fo a dolla.

Ohhhh, and there was another time we got half assed kidnapped but it was so dumb lmao this trucker dude picked us up and stopped off the highway in the middle of nowhere and said Ok ill be right back and was gone for almost two hours before we realized he kinda just kidnapped us and left js stranded in the middle of nowhere in his truck and that right before he got out, he came thru my side of the door opened it up and tied a string thru the jnside of the door so you cant unlock it and locked us in his truck Lmao the window was like barely open but i guess he figured we weren't going to jump out the window 12 feet off the ground to a pack of rabbid dogs, which we totally did and ran towards the highway with these crazy ass dogs tryina kill us. It wasnt even that serious tho, i dont know what the hell that was about.


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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2017
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I love Belize. I spent three weeks there in 1999 and everyone was sooo friendly. We had a Belize City cop basically become our tour guide. I was literally going through old currencies I've collected from my travels yesterday and held onto those Belize dollars a little longer than the others remembering Mayan ruins, waterfalls, monkeys, and of course the people!
It's always been my fallback plan spot. Like if life gets so bad that I'd actually consider ending it all, I'll just go to Belize instead!
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coyote mogollon

Well-known member
Dec 6, 2017
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San Francisco
The first day me and my bff arrived to Belize, we hitched all the way to the border of Guatemala. We got picked up by an awesome fam with mad kids in the car, they were so excited to show us everything, they drove us around, housed us up and let us borrow their truck if we wanted to drive anywhere.

Many people hitch hike in Belize, older folks, kids, to and from work.

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The Mayan ruins of Cahal Pech:

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Then we hitched into Guatemala.

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It was hot as fuck.

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These dudes picked us up they were funny as hell.

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Tryina get this Pollo Campero

Isla de flores/Lago peten Itza:

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Good ass food.

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People sit here and eat tacos.

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Paddling to some random ass island.

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We hitched aaaalll da way south tryina get to El salvador.

Rio Dulce:

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this mans might love his fish but i love my backpack ^_^

We continued south into the bordertown to cross into El salvador.

On the way there we got picked up by a trucker that told us a bunch of crazy MS13 stories, about how when he goes to El salvador he has to take off his Sketchers shoes cuz they have an "S" and he could get killed for that and how they got lil kids working with the ms, leading tourtists into traps, cab drivers taking tourists to MS13 spots and gettin killed, lotsa crazy shit. 20-25 people are murdered by the MS in the capital san salvador everyday.

So we thought twice about it since we obviously look like tourists with our packs. He dropped us off at the border where he picked up another lady from el salvador that was also about to cross baxk into her country, who also told us not to go. So whateva, maybe not this time xD

So we decided to go to Honduras, but on our way to the border town we decided to turn back and go to Cancun lmaooooo

We spent the night on the streets of the bordertown, Esquipulas. We tried hitching back up north that night but no one picked us up. Some dude in a pedicab with a kid in the back drove by us and said he had to go do something. If we were still there in an hour when he comes back, he'll pick us up.

A lady and her family stopped to ask us what we were doing. She told us no one was picking us up because we looked like MS13 members because of our piercings and tattoos. She said in that town they have gangs that kill MS13 members and that its really dangerous for us to be in that town and we could stay at her house until the morning and we can take the next bus out of there. We said nah, we good.

The dude in the pedicab came back with the kid in the backseat. We had no plans for that night, so we went along. He drove us around the city and told us the history of the city.

Esquipulas is a religious city that has a famous church people come from all over the world to see the statue of black Jesus.

So this dude took us to the church to see the statue of black Jesus. There was a huuuuge line we waited for about 40 min to see black Jesus. They said my shorts were too short so they gave me a skirt so wear that covered my legs Lmao then in the middle of the line I had a crazy shit attack and I couldnt get out of the line cuz there were mad people in front of me and mad people behind me so I was starting to sweating cuz there was no exit and I couldnt hold it and the dude was tryina explain the history to me but I couldnt listen to him cuz i had to shit and my friend was laughing in my face while tears were coming out my eyes Lmao so we finally got to black Jesus and u supposed to stand in front of him for a min and pray to him so I stood there with my bff and i asked black jesus to plz gimme the strength to hold my shit until i get outta the church cuz the line to get out is really long and I cant hold it no more and ill be his most devout follower and poof just like that it was gone Lmao So that was my first time experiencing divine intervention, thank u Black Jesus. When leaving the church, you have to walk out backwards in a single file cuz you cant give ur back to black jesus.

So we went back to the pedicab where the kid was waiting. we thought it was weird/suspicious he got this kid with him but we went along with it cuz we felt like we could beat up the dude if shit popped off lol so the kid left and the dude drove us in the pedicab to his house in a sketchy as fuck neighborhood. It was seriously so far from the main street we needed to be on that there was no way we could even walk back if something crazy happened and if we did walk back, we were def gonna get shot. So we were stuck in his house and it looked like something crazy was def going on.

He had us sit at a table with his friend who was a gang member, and two girls that seemed drugged up. and his mom that also seemed drugged up. They kept trying to get us to drink, but we dont drink, and I was def not tryina let my guard down around these people. One girl was telling us stories of how she tried crossing the border into the US 3 times and was robbed and left for dead in the dessert. she managed to make it back to guatemala and she was only 21. They were making phone calls telling their friends we were there and we needed a place to stay for the night, they were thinkigg of posting us up in some abandoned place they got the keys for and were gonna have some people pick us up we were like Hell no these people some traffickers we gettin da fuck outta here. Lmao thats when my shit kicked in (the one black jesus gave me the strength for) so i went to the bathroom to take a shit and texted my friend "we gotta get outta here". So i came back wit a plan cuz there was no way we could walk to the main street. We needed a ride from the pedicab dude. So we told him we'll kick it with them but we wanted to go to the bus station to see what the earliest bus outta there in the morning was, then we could chill and hit up some bars around there before we post up. They were reluctant at first but they drove us and when we got there we were like Ok bye Lmao. They were like what???? we got a place for you we were suposed to hang out wtf ???????? Lmao they were so pissed but we were on a crowded street so they couldnt do shit so they left mad as hell lmaooo.

Looking back, i think they were traffickers and it was a really half assed attempt to kidnap us. And wherver they were gonna post us up at was a trap. And the kid in the pedicab was there to lure people in.

We walked around the main street messing with people and looking for a place to sleep, we found a carnival and thought about sleeping in one of the rides but we decided to sleep on the sidewalk.

The next morning we made out way back up north to Belize. Lotsa truckers and the backs of pick up truck rides. I have some cool videos but dont know how to post them.

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We were standing on the side of a highway tryina hitch a ride when these cops pulled up. We didnt really know what the cops there were like so we thought they were gonna beat us or lead us into some crazy trap or something Lmao so they were like ummm what u guys doin we were like ummm tryina get to Belize they were like god damn how the hell u gonna do that we told them we get rides pretty quick and he said to get in the car they will drive us to the next town so we were like ummm ok?

So we got in and they were actually cool as hell Lmao i told them i thought they were gonna beat us or some shit, or drop us off in the middle of nowhere they were like WHAT OMG NO WHY ??? i told them they be doin that shit in the US they were like OMG NO here in this country we have something called Human Rights im like o okkkk go on ahead wit ur human rights then lmao they were cool they drove us like an hour north and left us in a good spot.

We continued thru Guatemala, through Belize and into Mexico. Some crazy shit was going on in the bordertown of Mexico the day before there was a riot so they had closed the border but it was open the day we went.

So we took a pedicab to the entrance of the border, and this fuckin guy, he leaves us in front of the wrong door, we go in, they go through our bags and come out the other side. Im like that was weird, what about our passports ? So we kept walking and a mexican cop grabs us all fuckin dramatic and shit like we some terrorists and goes LEMME SEE UR PASSPORTS. WHERES UR STAMPS? Im like dude idk thats what i was just wondering why didnt they stamp us ? Lmao hes like OK AS OF THIS MOMENT IN TIME U ARE BOTH IN THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! were like wow ok dramatic. So he called us into office and the whole freakin world over the walkie talkies and everyones like freaking out and shit and he walks us back into the border office announcing us to everybody like we a couple of criminal ass bitches. They didnt do shit though, but it turns out theres like two entrances and theyre on opposite sides, so we didnt even see the stamping office. so anyways they stamped us and we continued into Mexico.

We went up to Cancun.

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There were so many homeless doggys that were starving on the street so my friend decided to buy a bag of dog food and carry it around everywhere to feed the dogs but none of them wanted it Lmaoooo so we continued partying all night with the bag of dog food.

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Voguing in front of a strip club with the dog food.

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This whole shit was like 5 fuckin dollars.

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People kept tryina get us to go in da clubs but were just tryina get em to twerk with us and our bag of dog food.

The street with all the clubs is actually pretty fuckin insane. I forgot what the street is called but its the one with oingo boingo. We posted up outside one of the clubs and watched the people who pretended to be security guards also pretend to be cops also sell drugs also take people to the back of alleyways to try and rape them.

Then we headed back to Belize and took a ferry one of the islands, Caye Caulker.

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Then we headed back to the mainland and on our last day we decided to hitch to the city beach before heading to the airport.

We met a group of like 10 kids there to hitched there too. They wanted to take us to their neighborhood so they all got on the road and they tried to get a ride for all of us.

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They had machetes too so they show us how to cut and eat sugar cane.

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These little boys were like 8 years old and they were very polite and protective. Whenever i walked to close to the road they would get on the outside and be like "Miss, you walk inside. You lady. I walk outside. I protect you. Miss, walk inside please." Lmaooooooo

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They were cute as hell they wanted to show us everything. We went to their house and played volleyball until nightfall. Then they all walked us out onto the mainstreet in a group cuz they said we were gonna get stabbed by ourselves.

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That night got dark as hell before we could hitch a ride to the airport. Someone stopped to tell us it was too dangerous, wait until morning. but someone ended us picking us up and driving us to the ajrport even tho jt was out of the way. Theres a really long dark street wit no lights you gotta drive thru to get to the airport so theres no way you can walk in or outta there.

When we got to the airport it was closed. we thought it was gonna be open all night and we could sleep there til we fly out jn th mornig. the security guards said they were gonna help us out so he told us to go hide somewhere in the dark for about an hour or two until everyone in the airport leaves. then he came to get us and opened up the airport just for us. we were like whaaaaaaaaaaat. He let hs sleep inside and opened the bathrooms and everything for js and let us kno he was right outside if we needed anything. And that was our last night in Belize.

People jn Belize and guatemala are very friendly and verrry willing to help us out. they were interested in gettigg to know us and what we were doing.

We didnt wait more than 5-10 minutes for most rides and didnt really take a single bus the whole time. We mostly slept on the streets and had a grrrrrreat time. food was lit and cheap too. U could get mad tacos or a bag if fried chicken fo a dolla.

Ohhhh, and there was another time we got half assed kidnapped but it was so dumb lmao this trucker dude picked us up and stopped off the highway in the middle of nowhere and said Ok ill be right back and was gone for almost two hours before we realized he kinda just kidnapped us and left js stranded in the middle of nowhere in his truck and that right before he got out, he came thru my side of the door opened it up and tied a string thru the jnside of the door so you cant unlock it and locked us in his truck Lmao the window was like barely open but i guess he figured we weren't going to jump out the window 12 feet off the ground to a pack of rabbid dogs, which we totally did and ran towards the highway with these crazy ass dogs tryina kill us. It wasnt even that serious tho, i dont know what the hell that was about.

coyote mogollon

Well-known member
Dec 6, 2017
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San Francisco
Wow. Yall lucky to be alive n kickin. The Road Angel most def looked over you. I used to bang around down there and mainly had great exps, rented a hut for like $6 a month from a very cool Gariuna dude, this being an afro indian group still living traditional lifeways...but have heard so many crazy stories I don't even venture down in Mex any more. A real shame and Im thankful yall are still in one piece and not slaved or something worse. Hoping you take time to research your destination a bit just to be on the safe side. Maybe you did, just sayen. But GREAT PICS and writing. Funny as hell in some places. May the road Goddess be with you always


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
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El Salvador is the best! A ton of people I spoke with kept warning me how dangerous it was.
Gets such a bad rap.
Gautamala city was far more sketch than anywhere in El Sal in my experience.
I did the Ruta de Flores, Juayua, Sochitoto, El Cuco; all highly recommended.
Beach, jungle, volcanos.
Not touristy, cheap, delicious papusas, and so very beautiful. My Fave among CA countries.
I did purposefully avoid San Sal though, most capitol cities be sketch in Latin Am.

I ate at that spot on Flores; 10Q for as much as ya could fit on a plate!


Well-known member
May 22, 2015
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This looks like it was one fuckin rad adventure! Right on!

Crazy Hobo Johnny

Well-known member
Jul 20, 2018
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Milwaukee Wisconsin
WOW!!!! I love the story and the pictures!!!! AWESOME!!!!!

Makes me just want to give everything up and go!!! And that's coming in the near future.

Thank you so much for sharing!!!!!!


Active member
Nov 30, 2020
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Damn I never made it past the Mexico’s border with Guatemala because I’ve never had a passport and it looked mad sketch, I didn’t even want to try, I had been down in Mexico for the better part of a year and was tired as hell anyways.. I’m mad jealous. Great pics and story for sure, the black Jesus part had me cracking up


Nov 2, 2017
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Calle Juan Escutia 366, San Simón, 03660 Ciudad de
Guatemala is very beautiful. I have been traveling there for years, but it is a place of strong contrasts. Take into account that there was a genocide there in the 80s so there are entire generations with ptsd. It is also a place with great insecurity (and a Mexican says it). I recommend not traveling, neither by hitchike, nor by chicken bus, after 6pm because from that time on, buses no longer pass, and those who pass are usually violently assaulted (it happened to me once and there were shots and they stole everything from us. all, and they unduly touched women) the roads become a scene like those films of the purge, because the locals of the communities have armed self-defense patrols to protect themselves from gang members and are extremely distrustful of strangers. Also if you are female travelers, take even more precautionary measures. A person I love very much was raped traveling alone in Guatemala, and I have read that this experience has happened to several women. Try not to travel alone. That said, I must say that I love Guatemala, it has many very magical places, and there are very good people, and the Mayan culture is very present. But the other side of the coin is also real
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