Fuck the Police



haha, weeell

i did have one experince that sticks out in my head, because it was just so ironic...

i had a party and ofcourse the cops show up after everyone has already left; (geniuses) so i let them in, whatever, i figured no ones here, all the beers gone...
but i accidentally left the music playing

and the exact song that comes on as soon as they walk into that room is "one dead cop" (leftover crack) right smack on the kill cops part of the song

it was sooo good, sweet ironicy :)


I have a pretty decent amount of personal police stories from the chronic, trains, the web and telephones, running from parties (kind of a sport between me and my friends), funny times getting pulled over, riots, skating, and some other crazy shit. I'll tell one of my "serious" stories, it's rather amusing.

I was walking to my friends house to go smoke some bongs and shoot the shit, it was about 8pm on a Wednesday. I came upon a 3 way intersection several houses from my friends. Next thing I know 5 cops cars roar up to me on all sides, normally I would have run. But I didn't, because I thought I had nothing to worry about, I was wrong. Pigs hopped out of their mobiles and quickly detained me, I was cuffed and thrown against one of the cop cars. One of the fucks almost broke my arm (it was at a weird angle, he twisted it). I asked why I was being detained several times, I was not told. Next thing I know the cop is in my back pocket fiddling with my money. I demanded he stop searching me. I repeatedly told him I had consented to no search, and was legally ineligible to be searched without consent from my parents (I was 17 at the time). He continued, my front pocket contained a little bag of pot (about .9 or 9/10s of a gram, mostly shake). So I was put in the police car, still not told why I was being held. By this time the cops had my phone and were furiously going through the contacts. About 30 minutes of sitting in the car, they pulled me out and shown me in the search lighter while some car drove by. Still being denied why I was detained originally and why I was put into an illegal street lineup, I was taken to the station. About 2 hours of sitting in a cell I was finally processed and questioned (They didn't know my name for almost 3 hours after I had been arrested). I was finally informed that I supposedly fit the description of an armed robbery suspect. I clearly didn't fit the description since the owner of the house (person in the car that drove by while I was in the search light in cuffs, didn't say I looked like the burglar). The cops wouldn't drop the drug charge, so I got possession and paraphernalia charges. Since I was a minor I had to go to a youth aide court which was basically a kangaroo court and I couldn't plead against the police. Luckily I'm a damn good social engineer and was able to get off with community service and 6 months probation and the charges were dropped after the probation. I got a lawyer and he said since I had pot on me, the case would get thrown out in court if I tried to file suit against the police. Had I not had anything on me I would be looking at a major lawsuit.

So now I'm sticking to my old policy of running, which has never failed for me and is quite entertaining. If you run on foot you won't get anymore charges added on. They always say they will but they don't, so it is worth it to run, just not in a car.

I'm not going to post any of the para police operations I've taken part in, since I don't know for sure who is reading.


Post edited by: FrumpyWatkins, at: 2007/04/11 13:29

Code Name Mary

I grew up in a town of about 50,000 people and the cops their are the worst. I have so many stories about CPD beating up kids it's not even funny. But here are a couple of the worst: When I was 15 or 16 I was on Probation for something ridiculous like theft of jo-jo's and I had an ever so common case of depressed teenage girl syndrome so naturally I got locked up in some "institution" for "my own safety" This place was one of the worst I have been to ( and there were quite a few) excessively abusive staff, (I once witnessed them break a twelve year old girls nose and then lie and say she did it herself) So naturally, when I got out (luckily free of mind warping drugs) I was determined NEVER to go back. But, after a few weeks The-Rapist (therapist) had convinced my mom that I was on the verge of suicide so she took me to the ER for what was supposed to be a med evaluation to get me on previously mentioned mind warping drugs. My mother and I had been lied to, when I arrived the doctor put me in a mag locked room and called the Mountain Men (workers in white that aide in secure transport) to return me to the hell what is the childrens farm home. I knew that my soul would fizzle out and die if I was made to stay there for too long so I vowed to wait for my golden opportunity and make my escape. I was very well behaved for just long enough for them to take me off of "run risk" (so I had my shoes and street clothes back) and on the way to a friendly game of fascistball in the gym I ran my little legs out the door, over the highway through the wetlands and to my best friends house. I called my mom and she convinced me to come home, which I did. She called the-rapist and had a long chat with her in the end convincing her not to call the cops, that I was fine, not suicidal, she would bring me back the next day to sign the release papers, etc. But within an hour the police had broken down the door and shoved my mom aside, entering our home without a warrant. Being on the third floor and scared out of my chucks I hid in the closet only to have one officer attempt to hit pressure points in my neck in order to make me "manageable" (I have found out that said points of pressure are meant to make one pass out but can be lethal if used in properly) when that didn't work I was torn out of the closet by two 250 lb. officers (mind you, I weighed about 100 lbs at the time) and shoved onto the floor, a knee in my neck,cuffed, hog tied, my ankles chained and they began carrying me out of my apartment by my hogtied limbs and hair. I was fucking terrified. I had NO IDEA where they were taking me, i had committed no crime (running away is a status offense in Oregon, one that you cannot be jailed for) So since fight or flight was not an option, I did what any animal would do when they thought they were going to die. I bit the fuck out of the nearest blue leg (and for the record, cops don't taste like bacon)...also, my mom had been taking pictures of everything that was going on with her handy disposable camera...any way, back to the biting, I was ripped off of said piggers leg by my hair and basically thrown down the steps, held in a choke hold until paramedics arrived, filled my ass with booty juice (literally, in the ass, not juice... I think it was fentynal) taken to the hospital and chained to a bed. (while this was happening, the cops "confiscated" my moms camera) and then when my mom came to the hospital, she was arrested in the hallway in front of my room for "interfering with an arrest" because she asked them not to hurt me and took pictures. I got put in the crazy hospital for a week, the copper required five stitches from my chomp chomp chomping, no lawyer would go up against CPD, none of this made it to the paper and when we got our camera back, well, not the camera, but the developed film, all of the pictures had been over developed to the point of pure white, except for a few, which I am trying to locate but are still not worth anything as far as evidence goes. wow, that took a lot out of me. I think I am going to hold off on the other story for now.


Post edited by: Code Name Mary, at: 2007/04/11 18:16

Code Name Mary

FrumpyWatkins wrote:
I have a pretty decent amount of personal police stories from the chronic, trains, the web and telephones, running from parties (kind of a sport between me and my friends), funny times getting pulled over, riots, skating, and some other crazy shit. I'll tell one of my "serious" stories, it's rather amusing.

I was walking to my friends house to go smoke some bongs and shoot the shit, it was about 8pm on a Wednesday. I came upon a 3 way intersection several houses from my friends. Next thing I know 5 cops cars roar up to me on all sides, normally I would have run. But I didn't, because I thought I had nothing to worry about, I was wrong. Pigs hopped out of their mobiles and quickly detained me, I was cuffed and thrown against one of the cop cars. One of the fucks almost broke my arm (it was at a weird angle, he twisted it). I asked why I was being detained several times, I was not told. Next thing I know the cop is in my back pocket fiddling with my money. I demanded he stop searching me. I repeatedly told him I had consented to no search, and was legally ineligible to be searched without consent from my parents (I was 17 at the time). He continued, my front pocket contained a little bag of pot (about .9 or 9/10s of a gram, mostly shake). So I was put in the police car, still not told why I was being held. By this time the cops had my phone and were furiously going through the contacts. About 30 minutes of sitting in the car, they pulled me out and shown me in the search lighter while some car drove by. Still being denied why I was detained originally and why I was put into an illegal street lineup, I was taken to the station. About 2 hours of sitting in a cell I was finally processed and questioned (They didn't know my name for almost 3 hours after I had been arrested). I was finally informed that I supposedly fit the description of an armed robbery suspect. I clearly didn't fit the description since the owner of the house (person in the car that drove by while I was in the search light in cuffs, didn't say I looked like the burglar). The cops wouldn't drop the drug charge, so I got possession and paraphernalia charges. Since I was a minor I had to go to a youth aide court which was basically a kangaroo court and I couldn't plead against the police. Luckily I'm a damn good social engineer and was able to get off with community service and 6 months probation and the charges were dropped after the probation. I got a lawyer and he said since I had pot on me, the case would get thrown out in court if I tried to file suit against the police. Had I not had anything on me I would be looking at a major lawsuit.

So now I'm sticking to my old policy of running, which has never failed for me and is quite entertaining. If you run on foot you won't get anymore charges added on. They always say they will but they don't, so it is worth it to run, just not in a car.

I'm not going to post any of the para police operations I've taken part in, since I don't know for sure who is reading.


Post edited by: FrumpyWatkins, at: 2007/04/11 13:29

I don't know where you are but in Oregon I have had many a charge for running and getting caught and I tend to avoid running since they have tazers now, and those things fucking hurt.


I pretty much have an equal hatred for most cops but I especially do not like the N.O.P.D.(New Orleans p.d.)Anyway if you've ever been there you know how harsh they are on street kids and they will arrest them for pretty fucked up shit.Well one night about 8 of us were in Jackson Square drinkin,it was about 3 or 4 in the morning.We weren't breaking any New Orlean's laws (we didn't have any glass containers).The cops pull up and get out all crazy and militant and shit-"Get up against the fuckin fence!!" So we did and they proceeded to search us and talk shit.When they got to me the cop that was "frisking" me,which was male and I am female which he's supposed to call a female officer to do,grabbed my fuckin crotch and kicked my fuckin ankles apart when he told me to spread my legs.Well nobody got arrested cause we were'nt doin shit and we could'nt say shit about the rough way we were treated cause then they would've arrested us.-Moral of the story---> FUCK THE N.O.P.D.!!!!


I fucking hate cops
i have been written so many tickets for bullshit in minneapolis
Most recently i got a ticket for running a red light on a bicycle
and he gave me a ticket for not having a light on the FRONT of my bike (i have a rear light)
I bitched at him and told him he was a terrible public service
fuck them, they dont do any good.


After a show at maybe 2 or 3 in the morning a couple cops were towing a car right outside this shitty bar/venue. This drunk asshole, whom i have the pleasure of calling friend, was giving this frattish lookin guy cheap shit or something. I laughed at the sight, not entirely sober myself. So he starts giving me shit and ends up head butting me, and running back into the venue like a fucking pussy. The bouncer ends up holding me back and getting arrested. Also another friend, whom was not the soberest, claims he was sucker punched in the face by a cop during this commotion.
I'm pretty happy i didnt get arrested but either way
Ive been involved in Rallys protests DA stealing and squatting for years but I have only been actually arrested once, so I will use that as my favorite fuck the police story. My crime was basically having pink liberty spikes in public. Never go to Naperville Illinois. It’s the worst yuppie town its ever been my displeasure to have to deal with. I was with a friend who was taking pictures for a school project when we saw some like 12 year old kids running in front of the train tracks, needless to say the train conductor foned the police. We were under the track bridge so we figured it would be ok, and when the police came we told him what happened, but I don’t think he was ready to listen to some smelly punk kids. Next thing I know hes swearing at me at me quite frequently, and asks if I have a gun. I was like what?! No, you can check if you want… Next thing I know im in handcuffs and being dragged up the side of the hill. In the car I was sort of being a smart ass(I was probably 17 at the time this happened) and he told me to shut up because “I have a police radio! Do you have a police radio? No so shut up.” He testified in court that I told him I had a gun (I figured out later he asked because I was wearing a bullet belt) and that we had been running across the tracks, despite that we didn’t match the trains official statement. basicly his story was that we ran in front of the train, waited for the police, ran across the tracks again when they got there, then waited for them to come arrest us at the bottom of the hill. My friend brought the details about the assignment he was doing (grafetti poloroids) and asked why we would need to run across the tracks to take fotos of the grafetti under the bridge. My other friend was wearing heels and couldnt have climbed the hill if she wanted to. I had to pay a 250 dollar fine. Some nice kids posted flyers all over the town the next day with the officer’s name and the stations number urging citizens to call and complain about the injustice. Some other stuff involving vehicles with lights on top.

Post edited by: Mady, at: 2007/04/12 03:16


my friend sent me this last night

i was going down 35 with one of my good friends, you know, of course after a litle bit of drinking. We were singing some greats by the specials, and what do you know, we end up in a ditch, right after hitting a a guard rail. We realize that two to three cars have stopped because of our incident. Of course, I, having illicit substances on my person, i flip out and swallow all of them. A man comes up to the drivers window talking poisen: calling the police. Me and my friend start to fret. What do we do? Where do we go? All of a sudden i realize that we're in the back of a pig patrol. No escape, there is virtually no way to exit a pig car. Just black Plastic. I'm suck inside this inescabable shithole for doing nothing because i'm an "accomplice" while they question my comrade. I was trapped in there for about an hour but it felt like a day.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
JergoR wrote:
my friend sent me this last night

i was going down 35 with one of my good friends, you know, of course after a litle bit of drinking. We were singing some greats by the specials, and what do you know, we end up in a ditch, right after hitting a a guard rail. We realize that two to three cars have stopped because of our incident. Of course, I, having illicit substances on my person, i flip out and swallow all of them. A man comes up to the drivers window talking poisen: calling the police. Me and my friend start to fret. What do we do? Where do we go? All of a sudden i realize that we're in the back of a pig patrol. No escape, there is virtually no way to exit a pig car. Just black Plastic. I'm suck inside this inescabable shithole for doing nothing because i'm an "accomplice" while they question my comrade. I was trapped in there for about an hour but it felt like a day.

well... honestly i can't feel all that sorry for you... im not down with drinking and driving, that's just stupid.


mary i liked your story alot!!!

i dont realy have any stories of much brutality except the one time i was about 13 and some kid who was a son of a cop startin talkin shit so i punched him then he called his dad and he comes and attacks me gets more cops, then gets me all these minor charges.

My freind from counter-strike was recently at a Leftover crack show in orlando. What happened was when people were leaving cops blocked the entrance and maced people buying merch and arrested and beat up lots of young girls. So my friend walks around getting badge numbers and gets maced the shit out of and hit in the back.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2007
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i believe in some form of karma in life...
they'll get whats comin to em..
they're "perfect" suburban little homes will be raped by the ravages of societies excrement.. bleeding into the hearts and souls of their children to become meth heads, heroin junkies, prostitutes and the like
then the cops will think.. "maybe i needed to feed them more hydrogenated peanut butter?"

yeah im high on paprika and cayenne pepper...
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MattPist wrote:
JergoR wrote:
my friend sent me this last night ...ith drinking and driving, that's just stupid.

He wasnt driving. Just drinking as a passenger.
and it wasnt me......... I was ill all day yesterday and spent the majority of it sleeping/being a lazy bitch.


Feb 14, 2007
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a couple of friends and myself were walking around town and found a container of gas on the old fair grounds near my house so i think lets go burn shit we later find out its 2-cycle so it wouldn't burn like i had intended it to and it was just my shitty luck that someone else nearby had succeeded in there fire so were walking cop pulls up to us gets out starts running my pockets i back off and say whats the meaning this he says your in the area of an arson "fuck" the cop asks why my jacket smells like gas i say i was mowing lawns earlier then set me in the police car because they were afraid i was gonna "do something" my one friend broke admitted to it they took us in after 6 hours of waiting heres the best part the thankfully stupid pig couldn't find the T.O. for open fire so he could only get us with curfew and the judge just said take the long way home next time

but the biggest kick in the ass is the same group of cops arrested me the next couple of times both times saying you know what im gonna make your night as shitty as possible

but every time i've came out on top in the sence of not paying any fines for any of moi actions


The Slack Action Hero
Sep 13, 2006
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Florida - FEC milepost 105.1
Ok, This isnt about any particular brutality or getting even really, but just plain luck with the cops/ bulls. So me and a couple friends decide to jump off our train after it sides in Palm Springs on our way back from Tucsan. We made some money and food and stuff and go wait on the siding. A weird Military train pulled up and we were kinda creeped out about getting on it "thats a terrorist activity (redneck accent)" So we waited 3 days. this fucker sat on the siding blocking everything else. So we took the bus to Cathedral City (the "poor" folk side of Palm Springs) It was winter but still some how it was like 80 some degrees and hot as shit. We walked a couple miles thru the desert until we finally found the siding we needed. We waited there for about a half hour and a train pulls up to side. Awesome! We excitedly find 2 rideable grainers and wait. Nothing. (little did we know we were getting tied down for 3 days!!!) We eventually went to sleep. The next day some of us decided to go back into town to get some more food and water. On our way a black SUV came speeding at us. The 2 bulls immediately jump out and tell us to get on the ground. They start asking us "why we did it" and "Wheres the wire" You see, apparently some ballsy mutherfuker had come in the middle of the night and cut the lines that provided power to the signals and stole a shit ton of the wire to recycle for $. After handcuffing us. Cathedral City PD showes up on their little dirt bikes, clad in there retarded looking motocross suits. They searched us and found my ear plugs. The bulls asked me why i had UP ear plugs (which is bullshit cause ear plugs look the same no matter where they came from) I told them i found em on the trax when we were walking. Then they asked us what we were doing back there. At first all of us just kinda looked up at the sky and muttered incomprehensible stuff under our breath. But finally i said we were camping near the trax because we figured we wouldnt bother anyone way out there and that we had gotten stuck in town trying to hitchhike out the previous day. They looked at the stopped train and looked at us and asked where our gear was. Told em our tent was set up way way down the trax. Some how they bought all of this hook, line and sinker. Then they some how came to the conclusion that we werent the "suspects" they were looking for. I had a warrant there from a previous year for panhandling and not going to court over it. That came back on the radio but they held off on arresting me. They all had a little group huddle and talked the situation over. The "head" bull approached us and said " Now i gotta proposition for you all. Since your stayin back here. you could kinda be our eyes and ears for us you know" This fuck head wanted us to basically call him when we saw anyone else back there. He gave us his # and his official UP POlice card complete with embossed UP emblem. I still got it. Then they said they'd "make it worth our while if we helped them" ie. take my warrant away, give us food, and possibly $. Then the cops got in a conversation with the UP cops about the stopped train. Cathedral City PD: Whys that train runnin with no one behind the wheel? (The bulls then proceed to indirectly tell us everything we needed to know in the first place.)
UP Cops: their were waiting on a crew to come from Yuma or Colton. Cathedral City PD: so they just leave em runnin and unlocked? The bull: yup
Cat City PD: and theoretically anyone could just climb in and steal the train? UP police: Yup
and that was that, basically they let us go without even questioning why we were so dirty, why i had earplugs, why we were miles in the middle of nowhere near a stopped train, and they didnt even check to see if we had a camp set up out there. They just took our word for it. Craziness. We eventually ended up watching the military train blow by us and a day later we were outta there
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Hoghead Bob

Couple months ago I was walking down the sidewalk to the corner gas station to buy some stuff, At the time I was wearing some scuzzy looking sweats a sock cap etc. A cop in the parking lot of the gas station says "hey come here I need to ask you a few questions."

Cop "Were are you going?"

Me "Non of your business officer."

Cop "Can I see your id?"

Me "Nope."

Cop "Do you live around here."

Me "Yep."

Cop "Who is your employer?"

Me "None of your business, but they pay me more than you."

Cop "There have been several thefts form this store latley."

Me "That sucks I'm friends with the owers son. Its funny that he has never mentioned it."

Cop "OK have a good evening."

Me "You too officer can I have your card in case I hear of anything."

Dumb fuck gives me his card. I go home and get on the phone with two of my friends that used to be cops that got sick of the bs, but left on good terms. They called the dudes supervisor, I called the dudes supervisor, and now that once rookie cop is a greeter at Walmart.

Hoghead Bob

FrumpyWatkins wrote:
I have a pretty decent amount of personal police stories from the chronic, trains, the web and telephones, running from parties (kind of a sport between me and my friends), funny times getting pulled over, riots, skating, and some other crazy shit. I'll tell one of my "serious" stories, it's rather amusing.

I was walking to my friends house to go smoke some bongs and shoot the shit, it was about 8pm on a Wednesday. I came upon a 3 way intersection several houses from my friends. Next thing I know 5 cops cars roar up to me on all sides, normally I would have run. But I didn't, because I thought I had nothing to worry about, I was wrong. Pigs hopped out of their mobiles and quickly detained me, I was cuffed and thrown against one of the cop cars. One of the fucks almost broke my arm (it was at a weird angle, he twisted it). I asked why I was being detained several times, I was not told. Next thing I know the cop is in my back pocket fiddling with my money. I demanded he stop searching me. I repeatedly told him I had consented to no search, and was legally ineligible to be searched without consent from my parents (I was 17 at the time). He continued, my front pocket contained a little bag of pot (about .9 or 9/10s of a gram, mostly shake). So I was put in the police car, still not told why I was being held. By this time the cops had my phone and were furiously going through the contacts. About 30 minutes of sitting in the car, they pulled me out and shown me in the search lighter while some car drove by. Still being denied why I was detained originally and why I was put into an illegal street lineup, I was taken to the station. About 2 hours of sitting in a cell I was finally processed and questioned (They didn't know my name for almost 3 hours after I had been arrested). I was finally informed that I supposedly fit the description of an armed robbery suspect. I clearly didn't fit the description since the owner of the house (person in the car that drove by while I was in the search light in cuffs, didn't say I looked like the burglar). The cops wouldn't drop the drug charge, so I got possession and paraphernalia charges. Since I was a minor I had to go to a youth aide court which was basically a kangaroo court and I couldn't plead against the police. Luckily I'm a damn good social engineer and was able to get off with community service and 6 months probation and the charges were dropped after the probation. I got a lawyer and he said since I had pot on me, the case would get thrown out in court if I tried to file suit against the police. Had I not had anything on me I would be looking at a major lawsuit.

So now I'm sticking to my old policy of running, which has never failed for me and is quite entertaining. If you run on foot you won't get anymore charges added on. They always say they will but they don't, so it is worth it to run, just not in a car.

I'm not going to post any of the para police operations I've taken part in, since I don't know for sure who is reading.


Post edited by: FrumpyWatkins, at: 2007/04/11 13:29

No man you fucked up. Know your rights! YOU could have had three fucked up cops badges!

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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