News & Blogs Frenchmen st. musician shoots gutter punk


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Jan 2, 2009
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Foothills of the Cascades, western WA
who knows what the real story was, but kid's lucky to be alive. he'll probably think twice before threatening someone (let a lone a vet) again...if that's what really happened.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Fuckin a man, *of course* it happened in nola.

Look, nola is a great place, one of my favorite cities in the USA. But I'll bet a $100 bucks this is the beginning of the end for the travel community in nola. It's gotten way too blown up in the past few years, and the city is going to start cracking down in a way none of us have seen in a long time.

I'm also betting that nola is going to be a no travel zone for dirty kids, and I can't really blame the city, damn kids are bringing it on themselves.

Fucking oogle gutter punk retards fucking everything for everyone else all the time, as per usual.
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Guardian of the Knowledge of the Wastes
Dec 13, 2013
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Slab City, CA
Fuckin a man, *of course* it happened in nola.

Look, nola is a great place, one of my favorite cities in the USA. But I'll bet a $100 bucks this is the beginning of the end for the travel community in nola. It's gotten way too blown up in the past few years, and the city is going to start cracking down in a way none of us have seen in a long time.

I'm also betting that nola is going to be a no travel zone for dirty kids, and I can't really blame the city, damn kids are bringing it on themselves.

Fucking oogle gutter punk retards fucking everything for everyone else all the time, as per usual.
Agreed, on all counts. To the point that I'm actually re-considering going for Mardi Gras this year. :mad:


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2014
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Cheyenne WY
It will go the way Vegas has from what I am hearing as basically a no-tolernace zone.If you have a backpack you are target for the police.
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Guardian of the Knowledge of the Wastes
Dec 13, 2013
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Slab City, CA
As a German, I only wonder why a musician carries a firearm. But that may be just cultural differences ...
As an American, I can tell you that we LOOOVE our guns. ESPECIALLY Veterans. The guy was retired so I'm not surprised at all that he was carrying, but I wonder what was done to provoke that severe a response...


Sometimes traveler is traveling.
Jul 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
Putting some of the verbage out here. What is with the "gutter punk" shit?

NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) - The NOPD is backing a musician`s claim that he shot a man outside a Marigny nightclub in self-defense.

Some think the confrontation escalated due to what locals are calling the growing epidemic of gutter punks.

Doorman Walt at BMC says his musician friend and war veteran Billy Gregory was finishing a gig at Vasso when gutter punks began harassing him outside Check Point Charlie’s, “I couldn’t figure out why it was one shot fired, and they all weren’t dead.”

“Billy’s a vet. He plays around on Frenchmen Street, Willie Lockett & The Blues Krewe,” says Claudia Boyle who runs Checkpoint Charlie’s. “He usually stops in to have a drink after his gig and says hi. Nice, man.”

The police report says that 23-year-old Nicholas Temper threatened to commit bodily harm on the 64-year-old musician and take his guitar.

“He said something and the kid got jealous. Got mouthy with Billy,” says Walt.

Fearing for his safety, police say the musician took out a pistol and shot Temper once in the chest.

Deleted member 20

If you have a backpack you are target for the police

Just like in Las Vegas, parts of Florida & now in Beverly, Mass there are ordinances that make it illegal to carry a pack. We are making criminals out of Travelers & Homeless people; for all that are confused there most certainly is a distinction between the two groups. I too have been saying how blown up & how the blatant misbehavior has goten out of control from large groups of travelers before this event. Profits from tourists are more important than our individual freedoms. Please lets all learn from this gutter caste system where we are competing for fly spots, busk spots, kickdowns & getting violent if we dont get what we want or need due to addictions. I dont like the idea of buskers having to register with the local government or homebums/travelers/buskers or others claiming ownership of specifics spots.

This is confirmation that even all of the water from Katrina couldnt cleanse NOLA; all it did was open up lots of squats & increase the year round, or more longterm drunken visitors. Fuck Nola & all that make it worse. If we arent careful we will be run out of every city, town, truck stop, park, onramp & RR yard & have a harder time traveling.

Old Punks dont die, they just cash in.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Well put highwayman, Nola is full of disrespectful dipshits making a bad name for all travelers and squatters (not saying there aren't good people there but it really is a bit of a wasteland). One of the problems there is that a lot of people don't understand that the reason you have that "sick squat with the fucked up basement" is because of an immense tragedy someone went through so be respectful. Also could heroin just not be a thing anymore I have lost friends to that shit and I think it's one of the main reasons people are being so shitty down there. I don't know if this is rambly but fuck it.

Deleted member 20

After watching that vid & hearing the local drunks pointing fingers at the gutter punks; I am worried about how NOLA will be now.. I myself have been a mean drunk spanging while giving people shit (complete with vulger insults & threats) in response to their remarks. I have heard "Get a Job" enough to know that I dont want one. I need work with dignity not a job where others give me a title, uniform, hours, rules etc. I do need to make a living but I wont subject myself to those things for a paycheck. I never want to be paid based on time again, only on performance.

I dont know what provoked this incident but I bet there was booze involved. I dont defend either party but it seems like both could have handled it better. If I am an elderly veteran, minding my own biz & being surrounded by a pack of kids regardless if they are suburban teenagers, cholos, the amish mafia, random humbums or gutter punks I think id rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. I can see many Americans shooting first. I dont advocate shooting anyone out of the blue, or slapping them but I gotta suspect that there was some provoking going on. Seeing that the dirty kids threw him a beating after he shot the young kid I wonder who has that gun now?

I wonder who out of that pack has inside info could post more of the unbiased story of what really provoked this shooting.
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Deleted member 20

Many of NOLAs dirty homebum population probably started out as travelers. There is a strength in numbers type vibe in NOLA where anything goes like the wild west. The booze & drugs are always flowing, cops are chill & plenty of squats. I think that nonstop partying & lack of movement & perspective leads many travelers down a dismal sewer of misery. Just getting moving from NOLA will be so therapeutic for most that are caught up in the constant cylce of drama that is NOLA.

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