DIY for girl parts



she meant it's easier because when you're on the road you're always prepared. which i can agree with. I get caught out at work or school without a tamp and it's always chaos. but when I was traveling, I always had something.

when in a pinch, cram some TP in your panties.

but when you don't wear panties... damn you're kinda fucked. that's always my problem.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
Redding, CA
oh! okay. yeah i understand. when i was on the road i was happy if i even had toilet paper. i dont even want to talk about the drastic mesures i had to take :p
How I have avoided having a period for two years:

I know some people really hate them, but the best medical decision I have ever made is getting a mirena (sp?) IUD. They are the hormonal kind, not the copper ones, but they are waaaay lower in hormones than the pills/depo/patch whatevs. All the contraceptives with a higher hormonal content made me CRAZY but I'm my normal self with this shit. It stays in for five years. Not getting preggers is great and all (and I personally still always use condoms too) but I haven't had my period since a few months after getting it in (cramps are pretty gnar for the first few but it goes away) which is the real gem. Most women experience a vastly lightened period or have no menstruation at all after a few months. Some of my lady friends think this is freaky and weird and unnatural; maybe it is, but I'd rather be freaky and weird and unnatural than be on the road all bloaty and crampy and bloody and generally very, very unhappy. I have three pals that have these two who also love theirs and haven't had a period in years.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2008
I hope someday, in the vast, near future, modern "science" *cough* can find someway to kill all reproductive chemical reactions that cause the process of menstruating, that way I can do whatever or go wherever without the constant monthly setbacks of being female put a damper on things.
And maybe they could fry all my unfertilized eggs cuz I don't plan on procreating anytime soon either.
I hope someday, in the vast, near future, modern "science" *cough* can find someway to kill all reproductive chemical reactions that cause the process of menstruating, that way I can do whatever or go wherever without the constant monthly setbacks of being female put a damper on things.
And maybe they could fry all my unfertilized eggs cuz I don't plan on procreating anytime soon either.

When I was working at the farm supply store, we sold this chemical designed to regulate cow's and their cycle. The manufacturer, distributors, and everyone involved would not let a female handle it. It can, does, and has launched many female humans straight past menstruating in to menopause within 3 months if they handled it more often than the rare occasion, or without gloves and a good wash down after wards.

I can't remember the name off the top of my head. No license or permits required to buy it though, and the most we could do is just vacuum seal the packs in store and wash the vacuum bag off after along with warning people about it when they bought it. It stopped the random people from shuffling around stuff on shelves and getting dosed with it.
Yeah, sound as appealing now that you know that is real/possible?

Most people kinda realize it can happen and that's a big choice.

Though, we also sold ketamine and the best cheap snack food ever.

c.o.b. and "wet" c.o.b.

Corn, oats, barley, and the wet is molasses.

Intended for horses, but a great snack that holds up a while. Mix in a little water or milk and you got breakfast. $8 for a 40# bag, but cheaper in more rural areas.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2008
rememberusername said:
can birth.control make a girl suicidal/moody as fuck? overdosing make it worse?

I can't say for sure, but from what my friends tell me it's only the first few months a girl is on it that can make her moody since her body is getting used to it. After that it's supposed to balance out hormones I think and make a girl less moody since her period is lighter n shit. I'm a girl, but I haven't gone on birth control yet and haven't really read up on it so don't go by what I say.


for the first 2 cycles birth control kicked my ass. made me feel sick to my stomach and gave me killer periods... then your body adjusts and you get a lot better. less moody and way lighter periods.

but b.c. isn't so good for you so I stopped taking it. my period is constantly irregular but I don't care so'long as I'm not fucking with my hormones and liver.

I can't get pregnant anyhow so it's kinda pointless


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2008
Yeah, all that artificial estrogen makes me feel like shit...

some of the anarchist cafe's I go to have woman's groups
that pass out info zines with natural birth control, though I
can't think of them off the top of my head....
Beware the hormonal coil !
Ok I know it'll work for some of you but it wrecked me!

I had one put in to stop/lessen my really and I mean really heavy and horrific periods.
I went to have it taken out a about 4 months later and it had
embedded itself in the wall of my womb and I had to have it
surgically removed !
When I was working at the farm supply store, we sold this chemical designed to regulate cow's and their cycle. The manufacturer, distributors, and everyone involved would not let a female handle it. It can, does, and has launched many female humans straight past menstruating in to menopause within 3 months if they handled it more often than the rare occasion, or without gloves and a good wash down after wards.

I can't remember the name off the top of my head. No license or permits required to buy it though, and the most we could do is just vacuum seal the packs in store and wash the vacuum bag off after along with warning people about it when they bought it. It stopped the random people from shuffling around stuff on shelves and getting dosed with it.

i believe the thing youre think of is called regumate.
if you touch it it will fuck you up.
rememberusername said:
can birth.control make a girl suicidal/moody as fuck? overdosing make it worse?

i've heard about a few other ladies who have had similar experiences to mine - i tried going on birth control a few years ago, and within several weeks i was more depressed and moody than i'd been in a LONG time. couldn't really figure out why, since everything in my life was going pretty decent. decided to try taking myself off the birth control, and voila, i was fine again soon after. maybe it sounds like an exaggeration but i would absolutely say i was getting to the point where i would've been suicidal! i just felt really angry and hopeless constantly, every little thing set me off, and i was so unhappy with myself. it was really terrible. i don't doubt that other kinds of birth control could probably work better, but i still just haven't tried one since.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2009
every where
the diva cup is pretty cool i got one not even two months ago it's nice cause you dont have to worry about Toxic shock syndrome to much you can leave it in for hours. Kinda freaks you out to use it the first couple of times. but before i had that when ever i was in a bad spot i made toilet paper pantie liners didnt last long just long enough to bitch to random strangers about needing Some blood stopper for the below chompers!


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2008
Redding, CA
well as for the bc topic, any off brand pills make me constantly nausious and tired. Not as bad as the shot.

LADIES STAY AWAY FROM THE DEPO SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ive only heard of it actually working well with one female. but it made me bleed heavy for three months straight, made me meaner than a tazmanian devil, and made me so sad i would bust out crying every half hour. talk about fucked up hormones. it fucked with me so bad i got a 5150 from the anger it gave me. craaazzzzzyyyy.

when it comes to tampons, diva cups wtvr, ive never tried the diva cup but i probably never will. seems messy and uncomfortable. I use tampons, i keep them in until they leak, i dont worry about tss because i guess i dont care, pads make me feel gross and blood gets everywhere, and yeah, i wont ever wear reusable pads. once again, its bad enough i have to deal with a leaky vag without having to clean and re use stuff with the blood on it. I'm cool on that.

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