"crust fund kids"


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Aug 26, 2014
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Atlanta, United States
Over the years, ive met many a traveler who have the whole attitude of "fuck kids who have parents who give them money" attitude. That's fine, but most of these same travelers have no problem begging on street corners taking money from complete strangers. Seems like a double standard to me . I personally like to be self-supportive and work for my cash, plus my parents have never had enough money to even give me an allowance as a kid, let alone now. My only thing is if you have family who is rich enough to support you on the road, help out other travelers. Buy me an eighth of bud or something. What do y'all think?

Johnny P

Why do you feel entitled to ANYTHING that anybody else has? If somebody wants to share regardless of how they got their money, they will.

So, Because you like to be self-supportive and work for your cash, if I get my money by begging or if a friend or family member helps me out I have to share with YOU, who are self sufficient. If you're so self-sufficient then buy your own damn weed.


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Aug 26, 2014
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Atlanta, United States
Why do you feel entitled to ANYTHING that anybody else has? If somebody wants to share regardless of how they got their money, they will.

So, Because you like to be self-supportive and work for your cash, if I get my money by begging or if a friend or family member helps me out I have to share with YOU, who are self sufficient. If you're so self-sufficient then buy your own damn weed.
No, of course you dont HAVE to give me jack shit. What im saying is those that are fortunate enough to have family to help them out should be willing to help out those that aren't as fortunate. I dont care if someone panhandles or works for their money, no one owes anything to anyone else, but they should at least be willing to help out others. I think you are missing the point of my post.
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Sometimes traveler is traveling.
Jul 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
Huh, of the couch surfers I've had here and the travelers I've met on the street - as well as the home bums - have not met anyone with the golden spoon from the family actually. I've met people who are traveling and making a living on the street or living in the wilderness or traveling though but I have not met anyone yet with that golden spoon. Just people trying to make a go at what they enjoy doing, or have to do because they have too. And hey a hand out and help by a family member is always welcomed - I help out people too.

Not sure where your anger is pointed at here - do you see this here? From what I understand bunch of people here kick down to others in need - seen it myself several times and it's a good thing (to quote Martha Stewart).

OK, I have read some crappy articles where some jackasseses who are off spanging or flying a sign and getting some decent money and then getting in their car and leaving making believe they are "homeless" and are just getting some free money - yeah they are asses. But here I highly doubt you will see that here. It's survival mode here and making forward and/or doing how they really want and have to live.
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money comes and gos, i agree its better to share with others, better memories. I would say keep it refined to those who will pool their own, pay it forward, or it as a one time thing. build bonds don't bond to bills. it only matters in a friendship/acquaintanceship, if you put something forward with it understood they would do the same and they don't, fuck them. nobody needs to do it but they should if they can.

deleted user

in short who cares if someone has something, when their dead they will be surrounded by what they did not what they held on for themselves
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Apr 7, 2013
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.... As usual Im a bit lush... but I think it should come down to this...
BE both... BE generous... and BE a beggar.
If you can kick down.... do so... if not... if you are lacking...don' be ashamed to ask for help...

And for the scamsters... well... your lack of integrity does not reflect on your benefactors... and perhaps... somehow on your journey your ways will teach you a lesson...
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Over the years, ive met many a traveler who have the whole attitude of "fuck kids who have parents who give them money" attitude. That's fine, but most of these same travelers have no problem begging on street corners taking money from complete strangers. Seems like a double standard to me . I personally like to be self-supportive and work for my cash, plus my parents have never had enough money to even give me an allowance as a kid, let alone now. My only thing is if you have family who is rich enough to support you on the road, help out other travelers. Buy me an eighth of bud or something. What do y'all think?

i understand what you're saying, and i do think a few people are misinterpreting what you're saying, since it probably could have been phrased a bit better, but i get your gist.

first off, it seems like every traveler kid and their mom has a story about some kid that was pretending to be poor and wasn't; like they caught them going to the atm or some such story... personally, i've never met such an individual, and frankly i think the whole 'crust fund kid' thing is mostly a myth.

that doesn't mean it's never happened, or will never happen, but the point is that it's never going to happen enough that it's going to be more of an impact on our lives that some 3rd or 4th person over heard rumor. and that kinda stuff to me might as well not even exist (hence, my declaration of it being a myth).

just like people that love to regurgitate the story of the guy that flies a sign all day then gets into his mercedes benz to drive home; but they'll never bother to see if it's true, or call out the person telling the story. so we get this endless mythological game of telephone where no one verifies the facts (that probably weren't there in the first place) to the point where it becomes a legend.

and like most legends, maybe, if you're lucky, about 1% of it is true.

now, @mymotherisafish , if you're asking whether it's better to be a 'crust fund kid' or a spanger perfectly capable of working, it depends on your intention. ive seen people that need the money; i've seen people that don't, but do it anyways cause they like free money and don't mind bumming from people that work for it. personally, i don't think the latter are much better than the 'crust fund kid' but they'll sure as hell be the first people to tell you about that time they caught someone at the atm with their mommy's bank card.

the hypocrisy of the travel scene can kinda suck sometimes.


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Aug 26, 2014
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Atlanta, United States
i understand what you're saying, and i do think a few people are misinterpreting what you're saying, since it probably could have been phrased a bit better, but i get your gist.

first off, it seems like every traveler kid and their mom has a story about some kid that was pretending to be poor and wasn't; like they caught them going to the atm or some such story... personally, i've never met such an individual, and frankly i think the whole 'crust fund kid' thing is mostly a myth.

that doesn't mean it's never happened, or will never happen, but the point is that it's never going to happen enough that it's going to be more of an impact on our lives that some 3rd or 4th person over heard rumor. and that kinda stuff to me might as well not even exist (hence, my declaration of it being a myth).

just like people that love to regurgitate the story of the guy that flies a sign all day then gets into his mercedes benz to drive home; but they'll never bother to see if it's true, or call out the person telling the story. so we get this endless mythological game of telephone where no one verifies the facts (that probably weren't there in the first place) to the point where it becomes a legend.

and like most legends, maybe, if you're lucky, about 1% of it is true.

now, @mymotherisafish , if you're asking whether it's better to be a 'crust fund kid' or a spanger perfectly capable of working, it depends on your intention. ive seen people that need the money; i've seen people that don't, but do it anyways cause they like free money and don't mind bumming from people that work for it. personally, i don't think the latter are much better than the 'crust fund kid' but they'll sure as hell be the first people to tell you about that time they caught someone at the atm with their mommy's bank card.

the hypocrisy of the travel scene can kinda suck sometimes.
Yep, I think you got what I was trying to say. Definitely could have phrased it better looking back. Basically, if you're spanging for your money dont hate on those so called "crust fund" kids cause you're in the same boat! And again, I dont care about either one, people can get their money however they like

Kim Chee

I usually don't give too much thought about how somebody gets their cash. I do take notice when I see somebody who could be a bum (spanging, flying a sign) instead chooses to actually work when it is available and provide some entertainment or a service like pulling weeds or digging in the trash for recyclables.

As for people who are fortunate enough to get a handout from family? I'm sure it has been the cause of a few fights no matter how small the amount. There are all kinds of other places in the world to be if you feel that what another person owns is yours.

Johnny P

I've never met anybody with the "golden spoon" either. I had a girlfriend once that had the "golden spoon" but that was years ago and she was still in college. I HAVE met travelers with Bank Accounts, but they are usually pretty empty. A lot of travelers work seasonally and don't want to carry around the entire pay from a harvest i their shoe. Doesn't mean they are well off. I have also met some travelers who will occasionally get a "westie" (Western Union) from Mom or an Aunt or a friend, but it doesn't seem to happen all the time.

I'm a generous one. If I somehow end up with a decent chunk of change in my pocket that I made either from begging, or a gift from someone, etc. I generally will kickdown. I'll give dollars to homebums, fivers to buskers, and I will drink up, smoke up, and feed any traveler kid (that I like) who is around. But I usually don't hang out in places where there are tons of kids, bums, and buskers around so I get to spend all my money on me, my cur, and my road dog (if I have one at the time!)

It's funny, whenever I pass through a town where there is a larger Bum population, I always get spanged. I will be dirty just off a train carrying my pack and have my dog with me, all lookin broke and dirty as all hell and I will still get spanged! If I have a little scratch or some change, I'll give it away. Karma I guess. What goes around comes around.

When I was still a greenhorn I met these tramps in Cheyenne who were super cool. They could tell I was fresh but accepted me non the less. One of them said something to me that has always resonated with me when I am traveleing. He said, "I don't care if you hitchhike, ride freights everywhere, or if your Mom buys you Amtrak and Greyhound tickets all across the country, If you're cool and respectful, you are cool and respectful and I will hang out with you and share some booze, food and company. We're all still gettin around"

What about the tramps & travelers that are Veterans and collect a monthly check from the VA? DO you expect them to break you off a chunk of what they have too?
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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2014
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@Johnnyp said it right. You aren't entitled to anything of mine and I'm not entitled to anything of yours. However somebody gets their money on the road is entirely irrelevant. If you're cool and we get along, I'll be happy to share whatever I've got with you, as I generally have at least enough for some wine and a few salgados at the end of the day. Hell, I've had road dogs that travel with me for weeks and don't make hardly anything, or really try, but I split everything I got with them because they're my road dog and I like them. But if you're an asshole I'm not giving you shit even if I've got a thousand bucks in my shoe.

What does annoy me is the occasional "gap year" backpacker who I will sometimes hitchhike with that dosen't want to kick down for whatever we have to buy. Like I said I make anough on the road to feed two easily, but these kids come down here for six months and have got five thousand euros in their bank account. And they don't wanna go halfsies on a bottle of booze or a dime bag. I mean if they won't be partaking, fine, but they almost always are partaking. I work hard to rustle up my money and the fact that I'm a continent away from home and don't even have a bank account means yeah, if you're one of those hostel hoppers and you wanna travel with me, you're gonna be expected to help out sometimes.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2014
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I have never flown a sign but I have no problems with those who do and have given them money or food when I had it.
I am a firm believer that what goes around comes around so lets try to get along with each other. The world would be a better place if we would just share with each other.


StP Supporter
May 31, 2009
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Winnipeg, MB
"crust fund" is really just a way that some poor kids make grasps as their own self-righteousness by talking like every traveler has to spend their last nickles on booze and drugs and a marker for writing on cardboard. Mostly, that's what it means.
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Apr 7, 2013
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money don't have no value...

what you do with it

thats where you find real value...

you can use a knife to chop a salad... fillet a fish and feed somebody...

or you can use it for violence

same thing applies to money

if I've got scratch... lets eat and smoke up.


Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
@Johnnyp said it right. You aren't entitled to anything of mine and I'm not entitled to anything of yours. However somebody gets their money on the road is entirely irrelevant. If you're cool and we get along, I'll be happy to share whatever I've got with you, as I generally have at least enough for some wine and a few salgados at the end of the day. Hell, I've had road dogs that travel with me for weeks and don't make hardly anything, or really try, but I split everything I got with them because they're my road dog and I like them.

i totally agree with you on this, and that's pretty much how i roll, which can get expensive sometimes, but i don't mind. it's definitely good road karma.


I've seen a couple people say "I've never met anyone who had the silver spoon" and I'd like to point out that most people who come from money don't bring it up or will even sometimes straight up try to deny that shit. What pisses me off is people flying signs with "broke and hungry" or some shit when they could just as easily hit up their family for money. It's one thing if your family disowned you or some shit but if they're willing to help support you but you'd rather spange and take money from people who literally can't do anything else, that's some oogle shit. If you're 22 and in good health, find a hustle or get a job for a couple weeks, it's not that fucking hard.

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