Photos Boy... I can't wait to meet you!


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2014
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Ventura, United States

I'm 3 months away from ripping my vagina open for another living thing aka my son Zeke.

Adjusting to this parenthood thing won't be easy but I'm definitely up for it... A new adventure into dirty diapers and leaking breasts!

But before I start that life, I've made plans to travel up the pacific coast!

Here's to creating life!


Nov 25, 2016
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congrats!! as a mom i can tell u it is the best thing ever. having a child is most def the hardest job ever... but it is worth it. my boys are both now in college and while i am so proud of the men they are becoming, i so miss the days they needed me. enjoy the early years, i will tell you that they grow up quick, its hard to believe some days with diapers and bottles and sleepless nights.... but i would do anything to go back. when u have a child, u pull ur own heart out of ur chest and hand it over to someone else to carry around... but so worth it!!
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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2016
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Montreal, Quebec
Dude congrats!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! I've always wanted a son. Lol. Now, just thinknpositive. Ive had friends who had given birth nhad preety bad tears, but ive also had friends, who have had tear free births. Im sure you've heard of that movie "orgasmic birth?" Birth is an amazing powerful process, n my friends with kids, tell me, how amazing and powerful those surges of energy, contractions, are. Do you know where you're going to have him?? In a hospital, in a la quinta, in the woods?? Its crazy but once had this teacher who was all like "some women feel most comfortable, going ( running, lol) into the woods for a few days and doing it all alone. There is some risk, but, you know, its what you feel. Dont be afraid is all im saying!!!!

Also, have you heard of the concept of being a sovereign citizen? It has to do with not getting a ssn n a us birth certificate, n it can give ur child.more freedoms and also more limitations ( no food stamps, for example) it could be a huge gift u could give ur child. Anyone have better info on the pros n cons of sovereign citizenship???
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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2014
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Ventura, United States
Dude congrats!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!! I've always wanted a son. Lol. Now, just thinknpositive.

Im sure you've heard of that movie "orgasmic birth?"

Do you know where you're going to have him??

Also, have you heard of the concept of being a sovereign citizen?

Thank you!!!
I actually haven't heard of that movie or the concept of being a sovereign citizen...
Could you be deported if you have no social security number??
I'll probably just have him at the hospital, although I'm thinking a water birth maybe something I should look into. I don't want to put him at risk tho... You know. There are times when the baby wraps his neck around the umbilical cord before birth and I wouldn't know if he did... So I'm really just thinking the safest thing is to have him in a hospital.
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