News & Blogs Are Crusties the most authentic alts in the world?


Chasing the Darkness
Jan 4, 2009
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Montreal, Canada
DAfuck I just read

Comments are equally entertaining if U have da tim


Sometimes it is important 2 remember that there are alts out there
Who don't care abt material things
Like srsly don't care abt material things 4 realsies, though
And don't take baths
and don't ride cars
and don't make money
and look sorta homeless

The crust kids of the Earth
The crusty kids of society
The crusties
They don't really know what alt relevancy is
but at the same time
they don't want 'relevancy'

I am
The Crust Kid

I am a human
Hunting and gathering for food
Whether it is [via freeganism]
Or [via just plain dumpster diving behind a Dominos-ism]

While we both live in the same world
I see a world
completely different than the 1 u r trapped in
You think 'being alt' means reading the internet every day
I don't know what 'alt' even is, I am just me
U get in ur car every day, but I have constructed a sillie bike to ride around town

In fact, I am part of a community of other ppl
who build zany bikes
and we ride our zany bikes around in MadMaxian packs

This is our Battlefield Earth // We are the crust kids

When a crust kid walks into your favourite coffee shop
and sits next 2 u
U feel insecure
and u wonder 'is that person more alt than me?"
"They are reading a book, they aren't on a laptop"
"They probably don't even have a twitter"
"It kinda smells"
"I wonder if they are homeless or alt"
The Crust Kids don't care abt ur mainstream or altstream judgment

What's ur name?
Why r u crusty?
I can save u.

Why don't u want 2 be like most girls I know?
I'd take u on a $2000 Urby Outfitters + Am Appy shopping spree
But u don't want to wear those clothes
U would rather spend that money on other goods and services
that would make ur life more meaningful

U have a dog
Who has the same diet as u
[via living off the land]

I don't 'get' it
because I wouldn't want my dog eating
Taco Bell, Panera Bread, Chili's and other chain restaurants.
But I respect it. Ur lifestyle.

The children of the crust alts
confuse me
Because I am so 'consumer alt'
Connected 2 my Macbook

Maybe the crust kids are 'truly living'...

I see a house that burned down
U see ur dream home

I see some sort of weird grave / pile of crap
U see ur dream home

I see 'an underpass'
and u see 'an underground crust kid festival'

For all I know
Crust kids are not homosexual or heterosexual
They are pansexual, omnisexual, metasexual, and pre-trans-sexual

Crust kids
have dread locks
but not because their fave band is Incubus
They just haven't been by the river lately 2 take a bath

We are the crusties
The Crustwave kids
U see us
And u don't 'get' us

We see mainstream consumer alts who 'love indie music'
and we don't 'get' u
We don't get U
hidden behind ur Macbook
Overpaying for 'vintage thrift' clothes
When u could just steal them

U collect things
While we live off the land

We srsly purchase PBR
because it is 'mad cheap'
Sometimes we just chill on rubbing alcohol
Just wanna get effed up

We're the crust kids
Next time u see us
Stop by and say hi
Don't be afraid

Don't mind the crust on my skin
the dirt in my hair
The stank of my scent
The plaque on my teeth

I never want 2 be like u
U think ur so alt
but ur so trapped
Have fun in the blogosphere
I'm gonna go ride my bike
Pick up some free pizza
Have unprotected sex in a public park
Hop on a train and search for another network of crusties in a different city
and wake up 2morrow and do it all over again


Do yall ever see crust kids?
R u scared of crusties?
Are 'ppl who read Vice' just 'wannabe crusties'?
Who will be the next crustwave indie alt band?
Do they 'stink' / have nothing 2 contribute 2 modern society?
What do they want out of life?
Why don't they see 'alt' the same way we see it?
Are they 'more alt' than 'indie internet alts who shop at retail stores on the internet'?
Is being a 'consumer alt' cowardly? Or are we just trying to 'leave a mark' on the world/the arts and crusties have 'given up'?
Do u think that u could 'live off the land' and search for food in dumpsters?
Have yall ever eaten anything out of a dumpster, or do u prefer 'paying for service' [via the modern dining experience]?
Is pizza the only thing that all humans share as a common interest?

Plz use the comments section 2 share ur personal stories abt interactions with crust kids. Are they 'chill' or do they 'kill the vibe'? [via lack of depth + self-awareness]
Join the discussion…
  • avatar92.jpg
    AJCalvarese2 years ago
    Rich kids who think it's hip to be homeless. Real homeless people would kick your ass.
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    Pollyannadavile AJCalvarese2 years ago
    Ha rich? I think not. It isn't cool to be homeless- trust fund traveling kids are a joke and live a lie. A real 'hobo' would never put anyone down for making an honest living

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    bloomin' onion • 2 years ago
    what the eff happened to all the amazing comments on this post
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    Guest of a Guest • 2 years ago
    You eat out of a dumpster and yet you're also worried about gluten and own a computer with internet access? Is this a joke? LMAO
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    guest • 2 years ago
    i dont get it....why does everyone think this website is serious? i fucking lov eyou hipsterrunoff, ur shit's hilarious. it sux that errybody is 2dumb2getit
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    Colsson • 2 years ago
    I am always eager to learn about other unique lifestyles, like this one. I actually love culture, and I'm currently studying sociology. But it makes me so irritated when I see something interesting like this that is just ruined by its own hypocrisy. Their statement was meant to justify who they are as individuals, yet they consistently over-generalized and attacked the broad group of readers that they've targeted this to. They're extremely prideful in the fact that they 'live off the land' and steal bare necessities rather than earning them, and then go off to assume that 'we' are trapped and blinded simply for living the way we do. You want to make a statement about your individuality? Well, two can play that game. -----> Guess what? I drink PBR too. And guess why? Because it is cheap as f*ck. AND I'm paying out of my ass to get a quality education in this rotten country while my parents are going through a divorce. So, it's all I can afford IF I happen to have some spare cash from working two jobs to make payments on my house. However, on top of all this - constant schoolwork, working 5 to 7 days a week, trying to better my personal and social life, etc. - I admit that I even take daily showers and value my appearance! :eek: I also use my Macbook daily to keep almost everything in my life organized, so I can improve on managing my responsibilities in all aspects of my life. My cat and best friend whom I love so much sleeps with me every night on my Ikea bed. I'm straight and have a loving boyfriend of 3 years, and I've always taken the precautions to protect myself against pregnancy or STDs (even though I won't be f*cking some stranger in a public park anytime soon). I see a psychiatrist for being sad sometimes, but you know... they can even help you if you're crazy if you want to try it out! But anyway, it's just SUCH a shame on my self esteem that you think I am lesser than you because of my individual lifestyle choices. <----- See, look how I said all that without ever stating/believing that I am better than any one person! Every person is different and no one is better than the other; all we can do is be our true selves. Why do you think so many people guess you're all just pointlessly trying to make a statement? Because you are. Either way, I wish that someday your smug, self-righteous, hypocritical selves will realize that you are no better than Paris Hilton or Steve Jobs. If not, I hope you are able to survive past your 50's given your yummy all-pizza diet, trendy bad hygiene and exhilarating unprotected sex. I'm sorry if you believe I took this too personally, but I don't take social inequality and hypocrisy lightly.

    Seriously, what has the world come to
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    Pollyannadavile Colsson2 years ago
    Just so you know- the words said are by the writer not by ppl living the "crust" lifestyle. I am allergic to gluten and therefore can't eat pizza but that doesn't mean I don't dumpster it- and a zillion other things including- usually veggies and delish fancy eats as well! I have had the same bf for a year and don't condone careless sex, I shower when I can even though sometimes its not often. I think this writer pushed extremes quite a bit- I know plenty of kids who either have a laptop or would be quick to ask ya to use yours!
    We just believe in not being so tied down to materials and living and seeing as much as you can. This world wastes soo much that it's easy and I'm continually amazed by what I find in the trash.
    Also! I have two dogs that eat DOG food that we carry when traveling and I know most kids do the same. So this isn't a completely accurate dipiction but I loved seeing some pics of fellow "crust" friends
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    Guest Pollyannadavile2 years ago
    Bullshit. The majority of crusty kids are far worse than the writer describes and most do not feed their dogs right. Most are quite loose and don't keep regular relationships. They fuck up legitimate travelers spots and roll non-crusts as well as each other for their gear.

    Most crust kids are just bored middle classers and runaways who use the crust lifestyle as an excuse to get people to buy their shit for them while they get smashed constantly.

    Most leave the scene quickly or die via train accidents or overdosing.

    There is so much wrong with the crusty kid scene and they're fucking up the whole traveler scene all around.
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    CanadaChick Guesta year ago
    I disagree. I'm a crust kid from Canada .. I'm also a traveler I have a tall bike of my own that I keep in my home town, and I ride trains accross Canada There's a lot of kids who we call scum fucks or oogles (oogle is a joking term, only the scum fucks take seriously and offensively) and those are the kids you're talking about. However, the states have a completely different scene then us. Like, the crust kids I know live in punk houses and have a rad community of kids that come in and out of the houses, play awesome music, and do awesome bad ass projects so they stay motivated. whereas the scum fucks are normally found downtown huffing glue and drinking whatever shit the can find. They are normally the ass wholes that you're talking about, and as for overdosing. Punks started making stereotypes for them self so that other punks would know what they stand for. So try not to be so ignorant, and judge people so quick. you just might make a few friends.

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    Nikkolas Gage • 2 years ago
    lol, wtf is "alt"?

    i thought crusties were just punk rockers who just cant live in a stable environment so they just travel to survive and get wasted cuz getting wasted is fun
    i aint no crustie. but i go to punk shows and hang with crusties.... i think theyre pretty cool people
  • avatar92.jpg
    Megan Frankena year ago
    Hmm I really feel like I fall somewhere in the middle. I grew up with a lot of crust punks, but now I go to a preppy university chock full of what I'd call "internet alts." I mostly care about environmentalism and I feel like this really relates to it.

    Crust punks live the ultimate low-impact lifestyle and I fucking respect them for that. I take on those traits by (for example) wearing my stuff into the ground before replacing it, scrounging for things/buying secondhand/asking for hand-me-downs, and never wasting food. On the other hand I really want to be educated at university and have a "mainstream job" (if doing environmental work counts) because... well I guess it just appeals to me. I also really want to convince people to live lower-impact lives and I want to do it from the inside (although I am inspired by the way radical lifestyles inspire radical changes in others).

    In any case I feel like it doesn't have the be so adversarial. Ya sure, I wear different clothes based on whether I'm in class or moshing at a crust show. I'd pull out my Macbook (ya, I own one) in a study group but not at a punk house. But that doesn't mean I'm inherently "not being myself" in one of those situations. If we have common goals (environmentalism maybe?) then I'm sure we can work together/be friends without having to decide on which lifestyle in more authentic and awesome.
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    HappyHimitsu • 2 years ago
    Man I must be getting old. I can't even read half of this article. I still cling to the comfort I find in proper grammer.

    And the comments? What the hell is wrong with people?
    Wow, this is a strange world we are living in for sure.

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    Zenith Chasing6 months ago
    Hey douchebag, you wanna not post pictures of the st ferdinand fire memorial when you dont know what the fuck youre talking about? that 'burnt down house' and 'weird grave / pile of crap'? that's the fucking memorial for the kids who lost their lives at the site of one of the deadliest fires new orleans has seen in years. 8 kids and 5 dogs died in that fire 1 was a friend of mine. all of them were great people who are very much missed by friends and family. please do us all a favor and shut your fucking hole. kthanx.
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    Crust88 • 10 months ago
    This is bullshit. It's funny as fuck though. So are the comments. Stop shitting your pants over a silly little blog XD
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    Craigoh • a year ago
    Next time, try English. Millions of people the world over speak it. Also, try some grammar. And a smidgen of sentence structure.
    If you can learn to write like an adult and not like a cross between a Harlem rapper and a bingo caller, then people might give your "case" some credence.
    (But probably not me. Having lied in London's Shoreditch district, I hate all hipsters, whether they have MACs or eat out of dumpsters.)
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    gyokuro • 10 hours ago
    Why dont you guys try fucking living it before you talk about somethig you know nothing about. Peace out and fuck off.
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    Youruglyhipstermomma • 4 months ago
    You dick fucking fake crusts
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    RealCool • 7 months ago
    I have been homeless... twice. I have eaten hand out food, church sandwiches and dumpster food. I have been to punk gigs since I was 15. Now I own a Macbook and work two jobs and have a nice place to live. I still dumpster dive for fun and savings. I buy stuff second hand (Macbook etc.) because buying new stuff is ridiculously expensive. I buy new clothes and thrift store cloths, just because.
    Be a crustie if you want to, but don't belittle people who decide to better themselves or make a better life for themselves. Just because you can't be bothered. fucking wasters.
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    YETI • a year ago
    reminds me of middle school.
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    Humanpeep • a year ago
    All these pics were taken in New Orleans, crust capital, I can tell that sick fucked landscape anywhere.
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    EzekielPoop Humanpeepa year ago
    No. Definitely not only New Orleans. Obviously you were too drunk to remember and pay attention to anything or you've never been anywhere.

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    Lina Fernández Giraldo2 years ago
    Jesus FUCK. You know what I heard is super "alt" or "crustie" or whatever faggoty name you give yourself? It's an apple pie. But this pie, instead of being made with the apple part, is made with the seeds. You have to get a lot of them for it to taste its best. Get some arsenic pie sauce. Basically, fucking kill yourself. PLEASE.


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  • Haha
Reactions: Doobie_D


Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
well,where did this term crust come from,many moons ago i would have been labelled a 'crusty'tho didn't have a dog.
still can't get used to having regular baths or showers.
there was once a genre of punk in england called ripper crust,believe a band called Hellbastard started that one,live your life as you want without hurting others,life can be simple,i don't and never did call myself a crusty,hate labels and the way folk are put into pigeonholes,being shitty towards folk who look different aint good,been on the recieving end for looking different,cops,nazi skinheads and many more.
That is tragic about the fire that took lives from us,writing nasty shit about it aint good.
I hope all ,crustys or whoever get through life without to much bad stuff happening to them,life is a long road,if we share the road it makes the journey that little bit better.
Let those kids live how they want,its their life not anyone elses to judge them as this or that,if you drink,them drink and be merry,if your not a drinker,just try and be merry and help each other on the path of life.
jeez,i sound like some righteous church going sort of dood,i aint,far from it,iv'e fucked up here and there,we all do,no one is perfect.
great seeing those pics of 'crusty' kids,glad theres still loads around still,the world would be like fucking Stepford if there weren't,i know which world i prefer and Stepford has been rotting away from the inside for years.
Good luck to all,may the road rise with you.


Jan 14, 2014
Reaction score
Slab City
In fact, I am part of a community of other ppl
who build zany bikes
and we ride our zany bikes around in MadMaxian packs

Hahaha what the fuck did I just read? I'm not sure if this is supposed to be serious, but it's hilarious, unintentionally or otherwise

2altstreem4mes, 4realziez

eske silver

In Disguise
Sep 6, 2012
Reaction score
Wow. Internet at it's finest.


Apr 21, 2014
Reaction score
"In fact, I am part of a community of other ppl
who build zany bikes
and we ride our zany bikes around in MadMaxian packs"

search mutoid waste company,they were up to this 30 odd years ago,prob folk done it before that too.
Does the US have a large community of people travelling and living in old buses,trucks ?The uk did once have a massive amount of young and not so young doing it,got labelled 'The peace convoy'.
Then the right wing government said,we can't have folk living how they want to,not paying rent bills.
So they stomped down hard,operation solstice,preventing travellers meeting anually at stonehenge was launched,police and soldiers dressed as cops did this
that was the beggining of the end,fuckers.

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