Anyone know how to skin a raccoon?


Deleted member 13433

I'm late to the party, but against my better judgement I'm going to come out with this and state that I've been a licensed trapper, but not for reasons which you might think... I did it to get more involved with conservation efforts with the state wildlife biologists, along with my dream of re-locating wildlife from highly toxic and polluted areas to areas better suited for their survival.

I also believe that mankind has a moral obligation to help mother nature keep our wildlife populations in proper balance, but that is a whole 'nother topic for another day.......

In CT, raccoons are considered rabies vectored species, which means you got to be ultra careful with handling them.

I read this thread faster than I should have, only because I got to get moving with my chores, get the animals fed etc.... but never feel bad about leaving a road killl as road kill.

Yes, move it out of the road if possible, but everything lives and dies for a purpose.

That raccoons death would have helped others survive and even the fur would have not gone to waste as small rodents would have used it for bedding material.

But it sounds like a good ending all the way around.

Here, the Wildlife Rehabilitators who work on raptors will actually take carcasses from skinned fur bearing animals - because they will use the carcasses for food for the raptors being rehabbed.

Eng JR Lupo RV323, you are a good human being.

Most would have kept on going without even giving it another thought, but you showed compassion, and felt that something needed to be done so as I believe you stated this raccoon did not die for nothing.....

LonesomeDove: You are right on the money.

My own volunteer work involved with river clean up, wildlife rescue, and now wildlife monitoring also indicates how mankind is destroying life for all.

A few years back, I came across 4 dead Canadian Geese in a body of water known as the Ferry Blvd Creek, which is super toxic.

I wanted to fully fund cause and manner of death, but NOBODY wanted to take this on.

Why ??

Because it would show that this body of water is still super hazardous, and the supposed former brownfield site which is now home for - surprise - big box stores, including Walmart... - is still probably - definately leaching out very bad things......

Appologies for going off topic, I just wanted LD to know that I am noticing such things too out here in CT.


Big George+ Loki the dog...............


Dec 17, 2019
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Dallas tx
Mashin home about 30 minutes ago, a damn raccoon darted out in front of my truck. Flipped a dick went back to put it out of it's misery. It was dead on contact I guess, clean kill. So I was like shit, I don't wanna leave this poor creature here for the vultures and rats. Gloved up, threw him in the truck bed. I'd like to give it's death a purpose, show it some respect. Figured maybe I'd make a hat, mittens shit I don't know. Anyway, I know fuck all about processing a raccoon. Anyone got any tips? How to process? Supplies I'll need? Ideas as far as creative ways I can put as much of it to use as possible? View attachment 54371 View attachment 54372
I Know how to skin an opossum

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
Staff member
Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
I'd be scared to skin an opossum, like maybe they're not even really dead. I think that would really bum an opossum out.


Dec 17, 2019
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Dallas tx
I'd be scared to skin an opossum, like maybe they're not even really dead. I think that would really bum an opossum out.
Same situation as yours it was roadkill wanted to make a hat but didn’t have the time to dry it out or the tools to take of the membrane from the skin
It’s easy at the base of the tail cut a triangle around the anal hole and go down to one of the arms and from there depending on the size of the animal you can just pull the skin off without ruptureing the scent glands ( same for raccoons, skunks, and possums)

Jimmy Beans

Bad Order Hoghead
Staff member
Dec 26, 2010
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Dick City California
Yep, I took it to @Caveman118 and watched him do it in @Heaven's back yard. It didn't look too complicated as far as the cutting work but I could tell his hands were sore and tired after a while from having to grip and pull so hard/so much. @croc skinned the face/head portion. I believe the head is somewhere in Florida and the main body skinned section traveled down to Slab City and was given to someone. I like to think that raccoon has done more traveling than most raccoons have. It's remains were tossed in the woods up in NorCal so the vultures/flies/maggots still all got their share.
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