anyone in michigan want to join my bike tour?


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Hey guys!
I posted about how I'm going to be biking around michigan about 2 months ago. I've had a lot happen since then that has required me to keep pushing back my trip, but I'm finally taking off from Grand Rapids this Sunday (the 2nd).
the current plan is just a trip up along the coast to mackinaw city, and then back down along the coast of Lake huron to saginaw. of course, if I'm persuaded to do something else I will! I'm also very open to other travellers, so if you think you might want to bike a bit with me, message me and I can let you know where I am/where I'm heading.
I'm not a heavy duty pro biker or anything, so if you're just looking for some free roaming at an easy pace with no itinerary, please tag along!! I love company!! and I'm super nice!

in any case, I leave Sunday. I'll be checking stp on my trip as well so feel free to contact me whenever.
wish me luck, and I hope to see you ! :)

- von


Sometimes traveler is traveling.
Jul 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
I think you're good here :) it's a bike tour and hey anyone want to join kinda thread. There is someone else here who was planning a bike tour - can't remember but I'll do some searching - and of course there is @Kate Westcoast. Not sure where she is atm. And there is @Shinobi who is getting ready to bike across America. Have fun!!

Going across America is on my to do list. But I'd be lazy and get in with a tour group as some of my friends have -- hehe and let the wagon following the group deal with carrying my stuff (sag wagon). Depending on cost of course.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
yeah, im curious to know how this worked out as well! even if it didn't work out at all, get back to us and let us know...

deleted user

wow, i can't believe how long it's been since i checked up on here. everyone was so helpful! i did go out on tour and i was on my bike for the majority of last year. i made it around michigan, over to chicago, where i stayed for a month with friends, and then made a long trip out to arizona. i flew back to michigan in november, and i've just been slaving away since. my next plan is to move to dallas, where my girlfriend just bought an appartment. from there i'll probably be making music, working my butt off, and keeping my ear open for adventures. sorry it took so long to get back on here though. hopefully dallas will be a good place to get some adventures started! i'm definitely not done yet.

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
wow, i can't believe how long it's been since i checked up on here. everyone was so helpful! i did go out on tour and i was on my bike for the majority of last year. i made it around michigan, over to chicago, where i stayed for a month with friends, and then made a long trip out to arizona. i flew back to michigan in november, and i've just been slaving away since. my next plan is to move to dallas, where my girlfriend just bought an appartment. from there i'll probably be making music, working my butt off, and keeping my ear open for adventures. sorry it took so long to get back on here though. hopefully dallas will be a good place to get some adventures started! i'm definitely not done yet.

cool, that's nice of you to get back to us! did you take any pictures? have any favorite adventures you can share with us?

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