A Nomad on the Spectrum.

M Cicadina

New member
Oct 12, 2021
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Rhode Island
I've pawed through this site for a year or two whenever a roadblock has presented itself in my travels, or even just an interesting question has surfaced in my mind. I always found myself coming back here. Guess today I finally make my profile. After being homeless since 2016, I suppose I could take the next step and begin to engage on this site.

For the past few years I've always done this more or less by myself, save for those who have been kind enough to temporarily open their homes to me. Being from New England I've seen some pretty wild winters and some blustery bug-filled summers. Made it as far south as Dade City, FL and as far north as Laconia, NH. For the past two years I had my van to call home. It was small for my particular frame, but it was home. Unfortunately though, my van died. The world and I moved on.

Traveling with ASD has been interesting. The hardest part is socializing. To be perfectly honest I don't truly know what to do here. I'm great at hiding in plain sight, and I've successfully holed up in some difficult places. In the woods of Rhode Island is generally where I am, dug in like a deer tick. But I've never really felt like I belonged anywhere with anyone.

More than anything I could use advice, maybe even some people to show me the ropes. Never really tried meeting with people in my position. My life is more or less an open book, though this is the most talking about myself I've done in a while. If anyone is interested to know more feel free to ask. If someone has advice for me I'll always listen.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2021
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Mediterranean Coast
This is a great way to live for those who like to regulate/modulate their social time. With a little bit of gear its easy to vanish into most temperate landscapes for some r&r/solo time.

There's quite a few out here who i think live this way for similar reasons. Most are social in their own ways (at least one on one) but generally have projects/pasttimes that occupy them while alone for the majority of their time.

One outdoor dweller friend was and still is very active in moderating an online forum on religious topics.

Another who actually tutors at a university full time and has a PhD, spends a lot of his time working on some sort of advanced theorem.

For other inspiration, _encounters with Chinese hermits_ was a book i found helpful (people have been doing this for eons). _the man who quit money_ about Daniel suelo also comes to mind.
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M Cicadina

New member
Oct 12, 2021
Reaction score
Rhode Island
This is a great way to live for those who like to regulate/modulate their social time. With a little bit of gear its easy to vanish into most temperate landscapes for some r&r/solo time.

There's quite a few out here who i think live this way for similar reasons. Most are social in their own ways (at least one on one) but generally have projects/pasttimes that occupy them while alone for the majority of their time.

One outdoor dweller friend was and still is very active in moderating an online forum on religious topics.

Another who actually tutors at a university full time and has a PhD, spends a lot of his time working on some sort of advanced theorem.

For other inspiration, _encounters with Chinese hermits_ was a book i found helpful (people have been doing this for eons). _the man who quit money_ about Daniel suelo also comes to mind.
Thank you for the kind words and reading suggestions. I'll make a point to get my hands on those books as soon as I can. I'm always on the hunt for new reading materials. :D

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