What do STPers do in winter months?


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jan 20, 2014
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United Snakes of America
Just wondering what folks tend to do in winter months (specifically in colder states). Do many of you have homes/apartments to go back to, does the scope of your travel change, are you "hibernating" indoors and saving money back for next spring?

I used to hustle up money for the next year by working at YMCA's or cook at burger joints (free food all day + take home messed up orders at night) - the Y was an excellent place to rent a room back in the day, too.

Deleted member 2626

I still get around a bit, between families places and my own where I am now as I plan to spend at least part of winter off grid, hunting and surviving in my one room shack. Then if I don’t stay all winter, in December I’ll go down to my grandparents a few hours south of me and house sit there for a month or two which I’ll spend my days walking around with my dog, trapping squirrels, looking for odd jobs hanging with any family and friends here and there, reading a lot.


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Jul 4, 2018
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north ga
I try to get work. and like you said food places are awesome. I managed to get a asst. manager job last winter at a deli and I was fat after a couple months haha I used to take whole boars head roast beefs and hams and chicken, like 7 pounds at a time. I also used to try getting overnight shifts so I wouldn't be outside at the coldest point. Now im in GA. so the cold isnt what it was compared to CNY. The Y is still pretty big in a lot of upstate northern states, I miss it too

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
for most of my travel life, i would hibernate during the winter and pick somewhere south where it was warm to stay and find a job. save up money and when things warmed up again i'd hit the road with whatever cash i managed to save.

all that kinda got flipped on it's head when i discovered slab city, and started staying there over the winter each year. this kind of forced me to start working over the summers instead, which is less ideal, but being able to live in the slabs during the winter was worth it most of the time.

this year i'm only visiting the slabs for a week (the jamboree) and then spending the rest of the winter in walla walla where i have an apartment this year. im working trying to save up for a van and hopefully getting back on the road in the summer and resuming my old cycle of summer = travel and winter = hibernate/work.

to answer your question about a place to stay, i usually just found a room i could rent where a friend was on the lease or sometimes i would just set up camp in the woods and live out of my tent.

train in vain

Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
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Out there
Soent some winter time in tucson and nola and visited slab city here and there like a decade ago.
For some years I would end up staying in northern cali awhile after my trim job wrapped up in november. Before i got into weedworld Id usually be in texas biuncing between houston san anto and austin either living with friends or just crashing on couches in a big rotating loop of party time graffiti fun. The last 4 yrs i lived in little rock so i had a place. Although that first year was cold af and the house i moved into was colder inside than it would be outside. It was terrible. Fully dressed boots jacket and a hat cooking breakfast and still freezing my ass off. But $156 a month for the biggest bedroom ive ever had wasnt bad haha.
This year ill be ridin trains at least till the end of the year if not until spring time. Definitely in the southern part of the country. I planned on being in pdx but things didnt end up that way.
I spent about 9-10 days squatting a building in muscle shoals and ive been considering holing up there for awhile in winter and makin art. The main reason i stayed there so long without much to do was just to test the waters and see how chill the building really was. Seems very doable for a long term situation. Now if i can just get a bike on a train with me haha...
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Thor and Broomhilda

Dirty Kid king
Aug 5, 2018
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Little Rock, AR
Headed to Arkansas where my mom has a trailer for me to stay, gonna work and save for a van or bus like Matt, then travel back to Oregon and other places. Either kitchen or whatever work doesn't drug test. I smoke a lot of pot. . . especially over winter lol. . . . .
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train in vain

Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
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Out there
Headed to Arkansas where my mom has a trailer for me to stay, gonna work and save for a van or bus like Matt, then travel back to Oregon and other places. Either kitchen or whatever work doesn't drug test. I smoke a lot of pot. . . especially over winter lol. . . . .
Where in arkansas?

Deleted member 16701

I'm gonna spend most of my time working in Tucson like I did last year and take a short trip to NOLA. I should be able to save enough money to not have to work for spring and summer. Gonna live in a cave this spring and ride trains in the summer! Fuck winter though..


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jul 21, 2009
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Everywhere, No where
If I am in full blown travel mode then I got north for winter because snow is better then rain. Last two winters I been employed with the help of coolworks.com and word of mouth from people I met working resort jobs.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
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I much prefer to freight hop in the cooler months, i absolutely hate being hot and sweaty. I have no idea why any sane person would take up residence in florida.

I usually go work for summer at my air conditioned shop and take winters to sail / explore / freight hop. I am doing a paris trip in january this year to camp in the catacombs for a week.


Sep 28, 2018
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This year Im gonna go do trim work the next 2 months and am thinking about going to beach bum it in Mexico for the winter..that sounds pretty cool

I've been kinda wanting to check out the beaches south of Mexico myself .... Headed towards Austin now to make a lil cash hopefully

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