Pioneering land/homesteading?


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2014
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Lake Shasta, United States
does anyone here have experience with/knowledge about it? specifically in Canada/the United States.
got plans and ideas for starting a community, eventually maybe even something along the lines of an Eleusian school. seems that i am called to do so and I'm sure someone on this site has info that can be of help n.n

Deleted member 125

do you either have alot of money/time/resources/community contacts?

because yer trying to start a cult from scratch. sorry if you dont like the label. but thats what yer gonna need.

im really sorry you cant just start digging holes in places of open land any where close to anything so youd need some serious back up before even attempting something like this. especially in the usa/great north


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Jan 2, 2011
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Augusta GA, USA
Maybe travel around and work on some different homesteads, farms and intentional communities. You can find a lot through work exchange sites. Could learn alot about what it takes to run something self sustained.
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Aug 3, 2018
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Chiang Mai
Never did it from raw land but i worked on an established homestead of sorts for a few years. Slanky is right, yer gonna need some serious money to kick this thing off and to get connected with the locals around wherever said land will be. Attending grange meetings in the closest town is ideal. Best find a place you can get water out of your own land via spring or well. If you have any specific questions ill do my best to answer them


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2014
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Lake Shasta, United States
@SlankyLanky i'm not trying to start a cult, im trying to herald the return of the Sacred Mysteries to the Earth! We're at the end of a Great Cycle (aeon/age if you will [age of pisces ends in ~2050]) and theres gonna be a massive NEED for METANOIA, and i feel like im in a position where i can help people to HELP THEIR SELVES/ REMEMBER who they are and why they're here, NOW.
but if we're talking the Realities of This Plane, then really i just want land so i can provide space for the people i love and care about to grow and prosper.
and if my PLAN was to just DIG HOLES like some kind of DUMMY, then I'd be doing that already but i can tell it will take more COUTH and CUNNING than that.
ive got investors.
i would just rather that money go towards building and supplies.
@balaperdida good idea about attending local meetings and shit.
I figure I'm gonna have to do it in Canada, cuz the u.s is fucked. Its Atlantis all over again except with fire this time and its only gonna get worse. I dont really have many questions, just more trying to flesh it out with people.
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Jan 26, 2018
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Chino Valley, Arizona, USA
1. Buy some land. Make sure it meets basic requirements for building, ie not a slab of impenatrable granet, not a seasonally dry lakebed, etc. Make sure it is accessible by delivery trucks/ earth movers so you can get building materials to the site unless you plan to do everything with a shovel. Make sure you check out yearly property tax requirements, water/ grazing/ mining rights, building zones, and other legals. Try to camp on the land a few days and talk to locals before you purchase. Find out who owns the properties next to you.

2. Figure out shelter, heat, electricity (sufficient for building tools), water (drinking, washing, gardening), waste (poop and everyday garbage). A lot of what you can do with these things is regulated by law. So be aware of what things you need to buy permits for and either be ready to pony up or live on the down-low.

Fencing may be important depending on your location - to keep animals and people out of your stuff. You may want to build dry storage first - even before shelter.

If you are on previously uninhabited land, you may want to establish a place to receive mail and deliveries.

3. Start growing food and raising small livestock (chickens, rabbits) ASAP.

4. Be prepared to drive into town and work a straight job for several more years. Even if your needs are minimal and you scavenge for materials, infrastructure will cost coin. Gas money. Food. (A garden that provides even 50% of your food needs may take years to establish.) Phone/ internet service. Batteries. Heating fuel. Canning supplies. Large equiptment rental. Tools. Seeds. Animal feed. Vehicle insurance. Tires. Trailer. Dump fees. Beer. Professional services (architect, inspectors, deliveries, lawyer, surveyor, slab pouring, mechanic, well drilling, doctor, etc, etc.)

5. Be prepared for this to be a long-term endeavor. Just the getting started part. The amount of work involved will kick your ass. And your failures may be acutely felt. If the lifestyle calls to you though, it is rewarding work.

6. Having a written plan of attack can be useful: include building plans, detailed infrastructure schematics, a budget, time-line goals (keep that part flexible!), garden design. You may find a contour map useful. I like to keep a journal of the weather (which becomes more useful each year) to help with gardening and building schedules.

There are tons of books and videos available for research. I recommend as an online starting point, but you can find local classroom-style courses as well if that's better for you.
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Shit Beetle

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Aug 15, 2018
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Shelby, Ohio
Research the history of Trapper Creek, AK. I don't know much about it, but it was started by homesteaders roughly a hundred years ago and the community is still going strong. It's not really a fringe society or anything (not by Alaskan standards, anyway...Everywhere up here is in the middle of nowhere) but most of the residents of the town/village/whatever you want to call it are descended from the original 40something people who built the first buildings.

Definitely do research on how other communities came to be, especially those with homestead roots. The lessons learned a hundred years ago might not always be applicable to today given our leaps in technology and interaction, but there's always SOME sort of useful intel to be gleaned from even basic research of history. Good luck!
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
im trying to herald the return of the Sacred Mysteries to the Earth! We're at the end of a Great Cycle (aeon/age if you will [age of pisces ends in ~2050]) and theres gonna be a massive NEED for METANOIA, and i feel like im in a position where i can help people to HELP THEIR SELVES/ REMEMBER who they are and why they're here, NOW.
but if we're talking the Realities of This Plane

if i rolled my eyes any harder they would have fallen out of my head. this kind of hippy dippy bullshit should be openly mocked.


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
Ya, I'm gonna throw this out there.

This is the 3rd thread I've read today where mods/long time users have just openly mocked/talked down to others for trying to innocently get replies on something they were interested in.

How is this being welcoming, or providing a good space for the traveling community on here?

Seriously, it's getting fucking old. I love this website, and I'm seeing more of this exclusive behavior day by day, its depressing. If you dont agree with something, why dont you just move on, instead of just riling the user up and constantly talking higher-than-thou shit to them.

You seem to freely ban others for this kind of behavior.

Feel free to rate this post stupid as many times as you need to.


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country

I wish you the best of luck with this, and hope this thread doesnt make you judge the rest of this website.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ya, I'm gonna throw this out there.

This is the 3rd thread I've read today where mods/long time users have just openly mocked/talked down to others for trying to innocently get replies on something they were interested in.

How is this being welcoming, or providing a good space for the traveling community on here?

Seriously, it's getting fucking old. I love this website, and I'm seeing more of this exclusive behavior day by day, its depressing. If you dont agree with something, why dont you just move on, instead of just riling the user up and constantly talking higher-than-thou shit to them.

You seem to freely ban others for this kind of behavior.

Feel free to rate this post stupid as many times as you need to.

@Coywolf is right

I'd add that there's nothing wrong with starting out with a concept and changing it as you go along.

we all start somewhere and try to develop ourselves. OP is no exception. same with every user on the forum

Putting people's positive ideas down just because *you* think they are ridiculous doesn't help anyone grow, in fact the opposite - and I'd say is one of the biggest negative traits anyone trying to escape mainstream modern life *should* actively deviate from - the inverse of community
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
oh get off your damn high horses. we're under no obligation to host any ideas we disagree with, it's stated in the website rules. and im sorry, but this kind of hippy crap falls right into the same category as flat earthers. it's not our job to give you a platform to spew stupid bullshit any more than it's our job to host nazi crap in the interests of 'being fair to everyone'.

This is the 3rd thread I've read today where mods/long time users have just openly mocked/talked down to others for trying to innocently get replies on something they were interested in.

i don't care if you're starting an orphanage, if your interests are centered around complete fucking make believe, then it doesn't belong here.

I'm seeing more of this exclusive behavior day by day

we must be reading two different websites because i have no fucking clue what you're talking about. link some specific threads and maybe i'll take your statement a little more seriously.

the point is that some things deserve to be mocked and put down in order to make it clear that kind of bullshit is not to be tolerated. im personally taking a no-tolerance stance to fake bullshit that i feel is detrimental to this community.

You seem to freely ban others for this kind of behavior.

we ban people for breaking the rules. my calling for the OP to be mocked does not fall under our flaming / trolling rules. disagreeing with someone is not the same thing as posting hateful things about them over and over.

Feel free to rate this post stupid as many times as you need to.


Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
i also just realized that @sofarfromhome is my friend danny... which makes me wonder what the heck happened to you? did you go all krishna or something?

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