Dreaming to travel, preparing to live.

Ashe Anne

Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
Whats up?
I am SO grateful that I found this amazing website. With my time here, I plan to read and participate in many forums and to hopefully talk to some lovely people who can help direct me to a path of dream-achievement.

A little about my experiences:
During 2014 I went on an adventure with a few friends.. a journey that has forever changed the way that I view the world. It all started with 3 of us, 3 dogs, a big ol' van, and a gas jug.. Amongst the rain and the shine, between the trees of the redwood forest and the conch shells lining the hidden beaches of eastern Florida, I lost myself. Floating in time, I drifted far away to a blissful world, witnessing nothing but the incredibly beautiful phenomenon that we call life.. I experienced good life, and bad life; silly life, and scary life... I truth is, I've never felt so alive. I slept under the stars, and under bridges... I explored the peaks of mountains, and worked on a fresh fruit orchard in northern California. I stood at the edge of cliffs, overlooking the seas, contemplating life...and i stared deep into the night sky, pin pointing all the aliens and space ships that dared to spy on the human race. I ate food out of dumpsters, and I cooked stuffed bell peppers for dinner in a cave by the ocean. I fell in love. And I fell out of love. I stuck out my thumb to catch rides, and I walked for miles until my feet were sore with blisters.. I smiled, I laughed, I cried, I cursed, I begged and I busked. I met amazing people who I may never see again... but whom I will never, ever forget..
6 months later it ended with just myself and an '89 volvo station wagon.. and I have about 10 legit pictures that I can show for any of this. The others reside in my mind as memories to be cherished for the rest of my life, and will forever remain as the solid foundation, supporting my passion to travel.

Currently I am grounding myself in my hometown.. and I'm preparing for my next adventure.
Here's my game plan:
I'm working part time at a bakery, and part time with a local farm. I'm saving money for a car (hopefully a hatchback or wagon) that I can convert into a mini-home. When the time comes (hopefully spring 2017) I want to take my trek, and visit every national park in America, as well as work on various farms/permacultures and with communities in between. I'm a kinesthetic learner, and I want to learn about sustainable living... Soooo.. I suppose that only means that I should go work with people who are practicing sustainability, right? I think so.
Well, that's about it. That's about as far as I've gotten in planning. I figure the rest will come to me in time, and everything will get sorted out along the way exactly how it's supposed to.

With discipline and focus, I build my plan, honoring the integrity of my vision.
With humility and openness, I release the 'how', trusting the flow of Great Spirit within.

If there's anything you wish to share with me, please do.. I love stories, & I love advice, so don't hesitate to express your thoughts!


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Sometimes traveler is traveling.
Jul 28, 2011
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
Awesome intro! and an awesome intro journey - wish I were there! Lots to read here - some great travel stories, good strategies on equipment, places, rubber tramping and etc. Plus articles and links to other information. Great luck on your planning and preparing for next trip, hopefully too you'll meet up with a likewise minded roaddog that has a traveling bug too. :)

Kim Chee

You're doing good with the bakery stuff.

If you know how to cook you will have work anywhere you go because for some silly reason not everybody can make their own food.

I agree with @Tude, awesome intro!


New member
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Thats my plan to the tee too bad I can't take a car and plan on walking/hitching everywhere, 20 years old with 8 points on your license makes insurance expensive :p

Ashe Anne

Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
Thats my plan to the tee too bad I can't take a car and plan on walking/hitching everywhere, 20 years old with 8 points on your license makes insurance expensive :p

Aweeesome! Hitching and walking isn't bad. That's what I resorted to while in the North West. I loved it! Personally, I've always been a fan of walking/jogging (when it comes to exercise) so it was right up my alley. Believe me, it's a really good idea to have a nice pair of walking shoes. You'll have some days where people continually pick you up, and others where you wind up walking for miles on end without much luck. But it's all so worth it when you get to where you're going! Plus you get to meet some really cool people along the way. :D Stay smart & Stay safe! Always trust your gut.
Best of luck to you and your travels!

WanderLost Radical

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
I love your writing style!! Looks like you had a blast, and probably will again! Love your kind of planning :p "I wanna do this and that, and as for the where and how, I'll see about that when the time will come" ahaha best way to do it!!

Ashe Anne

Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
I love your writing style!! Looks like you had a blast, and probably will again! Love your kind of planning :p "I wanna do this and that, and as for the where and how, I'll see about that when the time will come" ahaha best way to do it!!

Thank you very much! :) I love writing expression.
How I look at it, that's the only way.... From my experience, once you start to plan too much into detail, is when things tend to 'not go as planned'..
I will say that it is beneficial to have direction, other wise you're floating around in limbo wondering which way is what... Just be open to the idea of that particular 'direction' changing.. because more often than not, it will. So long as there is a 'direction' of some sort that you're headed towards, you can't get lost. Even if that direction is just 'the next town'.. it's still means you're moving forward. :) Best of luck to you and your travels! Out in Australia, hm? I've aallllwaayyss wanted to go there. Some day I will.

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