Active member
i skimmed through a lot of this section and couldnt really find much on rebuilding the immune system, tho i saw some really helpful posts about immunity stabilizers.
a lot of people including myself, as well as having your life saved by antibiotics, have had the flip side of taking antibiotics - which is total annihilation of your immune system because the antibiotics destroy all your happy intestinal flora (which have a great role in your health) once you get on the antibiotic train, sometimes its hard to get off if you are getting repeated infections without having a pre-existing auto-immune disorder. its basically like bleaching out your system. which over time is really bad. so i wanted to just list a few things ive found helpful if anyone struggles with picking their immune system back up after too much antibiotics, to prevent sickness in the future, and its useful to do this after just a round of em anyway. most of this is common sense, but worth posting i think because no one wants to look up this shit all day or pay a doctor 600 dollars for the info on easy ways to get flora back in your system, and keeping your immune system healthy, which is very important if on the road, drifting, or at "home". just cause youre out there doesnt mean you shouldnt take care of yourself
umm..yummiest way to get the flora back into your system. conveniently, theres some vegetarian/vegan friendly versions. eating a couple of these a day will build your flora back up. try to get it plain and no sugar.
fastest, most effective, and easiet. can be a pricey bitch depending..some require refrigeration.
4. HERBS (i will only list a few of many that are specifically beneficial in immunity recovery)
(as i always i urge caution and competence with taking herbs. im not a doctor, and you should learn more about them yourselves before just reading it on a site and self medicating.. and always test yourself for an allergy..) and they should never be combined unless instructed by someone who has the legality to tell you so. i am merely providing information.
-Astragalus root (powder)
great immunity support/booster. used for cancer and AIDS patiences because of its amazing effects. take a tsp or smaller in water or on a bite a food for a few days, stop use, repeat for a few days if necessary. ive found this to be the most effective herb out there.
-Elder berries
easy to find if youre on the west coast and know how to identify them. can be eaten plain, made into mushes, find them in capsule forms in stores. great antioxidant and has anti viral/bacterial properties as well as just being plain ol good for you and good to eat whenever.
-Cats Claw
(should be used sparingly because it is toxic to liver in high doses)
because of its effectiveness, also used also in treatment of HIV, cancer, arthritis and alzheimers. has pentacyclic alkaloids that strengthen the immune system, like astragalus. a pinch in boiled water, few days on, more days off, continue a few days on if needed.
a lot of sickness and recovery rate has a lot to do with your state of mind. depression and stress are two of the main ones. eliminating sources of either of these can improve your health by leaps and bounds.
simple tasks for improving your mood
-relaxing in sunlight, getting sun on your skin
-exercise, sweating
-becoming creative
-getting enough quiet time to clear your head, and being comfortable with yourself when youre alone
-getting out of stressful social environments, like taking breaks
-adequate sleep
-proper fasting
-sometimes in individual requires and entire change of lifestyle.
6. VITAMINS (major for immune system, basically all vitamins help and this can be diet related)
-vitamin a
-vitamin c
-vitamin b
are best for it
can be taken in tablets, or find foods with these vitamins in high content.
gross but true:
watching your poo will tell you when your flora is back up. if your shit is watery and sad youre flora is still small in numbers. you can treat yourself with above methods until your poo poo is normal (floaty, soft, solid and happy) and you will notice you will have a lot more energy and youll stop getting sick as much.
again these are just a few tips if you are trying to recover the immune system, and i write them from experience. everyones different.
id like to read some other tips, if i forgot to mention anything here. im not on here much so i might be slow to reply to this thread if theres any questions, and i prefer not to debate about it.
thats all i have for now
a lot of people including myself, as well as having your life saved by antibiotics, have had the flip side of taking antibiotics - which is total annihilation of your immune system because the antibiotics destroy all your happy intestinal flora (which have a great role in your health) once you get on the antibiotic train, sometimes its hard to get off if you are getting repeated infections without having a pre-existing auto-immune disorder. its basically like bleaching out your system. which over time is really bad. so i wanted to just list a few things ive found helpful if anyone struggles with picking their immune system back up after too much antibiotics, to prevent sickness in the future, and its useful to do this after just a round of em anyway. most of this is common sense, but worth posting i think because no one wants to look up this shit all day or pay a doctor 600 dollars for the info on easy ways to get flora back in your system, and keeping your immune system healthy, which is very important if on the road, drifting, or at "home". just cause youre out there doesnt mean you shouldnt take care of yourself
umm..yummiest way to get the flora back into your system. conveniently, theres some vegetarian/vegan friendly versions. eating a couple of these a day will build your flora back up. try to get it plain and no sugar.
fastest, most effective, and easiet. can be a pricey bitch depending..some require refrigeration.
4. HERBS (i will only list a few of many that are specifically beneficial in immunity recovery)
(as i always i urge caution and competence with taking herbs. im not a doctor, and you should learn more about them yourselves before just reading it on a site and self medicating.. and always test yourself for an allergy..) and they should never be combined unless instructed by someone who has the legality to tell you so. i am merely providing information.
-Astragalus root (powder)
great immunity support/booster. used for cancer and AIDS patiences because of its amazing effects. take a tsp or smaller in water or on a bite a food for a few days, stop use, repeat for a few days if necessary. ive found this to be the most effective herb out there.
-Elder berries
easy to find if youre on the west coast and know how to identify them. can be eaten plain, made into mushes, find them in capsule forms in stores. great antioxidant and has anti viral/bacterial properties as well as just being plain ol good for you and good to eat whenever.
-Cats Claw
(should be used sparingly because it is toxic to liver in high doses)
because of its effectiveness, also used also in treatment of HIV, cancer, arthritis and alzheimers. has pentacyclic alkaloids that strengthen the immune system, like astragalus. a pinch in boiled water, few days on, more days off, continue a few days on if needed.
a lot of sickness and recovery rate has a lot to do with your state of mind. depression and stress are two of the main ones. eliminating sources of either of these can improve your health by leaps and bounds.
simple tasks for improving your mood
-relaxing in sunlight, getting sun on your skin
-exercise, sweating
-becoming creative
-getting enough quiet time to clear your head, and being comfortable with yourself when youre alone
-getting out of stressful social environments, like taking breaks
-adequate sleep
-proper fasting
-sometimes in individual requires and entire change of lifestyle.
6. VITAMINS (major for immune system, basically all vitamins help and this can be diet related)
-vitamin a
-vitamin c
-vitamin b
are best for it
can be taken in tablets, or find foods with these vitamins in high content.
gross but true:
watching your poo will tell you when your flora is back up. if your shit is watery and sad youre flora is still small in numbers. you can treat yourself with above methods until your poo poo is normal (floaty, soft, solid and happy) and you will notice you will have a lot more energy and youll stop getting sick as much.
again these are just a few tips if you are trying to recover the immune system, and i write them from experience. everyones different.
id like to read some other tips, if i forgot to mention anything here. im not on here much so i might be slow to reply to this thread if theres any questions, and i prefer not to debate about it.
thats all i have for now