
  1. Russetfur1128

    Water Company Issues?

    The water company wants proof of ownership if the name registered doesn't match up to the name on the water bill. However I could easily get the water bill in the owner's name due to them passing away and their ID and birth certificate being left in the house. My only worry is that I could get...
  2. Pdxportlanddude

    $550 water bill

    So I found out the property has a $550 outstanding water bill. I'm gonna go down to the city try to pay the bill. I talked to lady from the water service and said I can only pay in person and that I could set it up in a different account. I think I'm gonna go ahead and pay the $550 water bill...
  3. Tony G

    PFAS-contaminated water across the US

    Well i found out some disturbing news about the water supply the pnw is already going through a drought now they find pfas in our water supply and its all over the us filter your water people..... Wiki link
  4. identity

    Introduction to identity: currently starting an adverse possession adventure

    Hi folks, I'll go by identity here. I'm currently working on improving a rural property in California with the prospect of eventually filing for quiet title of the property in five years through adverse possession. I have experience squatting both short and long term and have worked with Homes...
  5. Vance Lee

    Water proof on the cheap.

    A tip for folks with just a few dollars. I bought these to protect some of my gear in the all day florida rains - despite some of the reviews, it did just that and I am quite happy to get two water proof bags for this price.. :D...
  6. Gwasher

    Free water locations while traveling. Is there already a list?

    I was walking through a redneck town in north Ga and I was incredibly thirsty. I started to get a little nervous bc its 90 degrees by noon and im miles from a store. I got an idea to cut through a closed for the summer middle school campus. low and behold a water spout right next to the playing...
  7. Trooper

    Life Straw/Water Filtration

    Hey all, was wondering if anyone has used this or owns one of these? It seems like it could come in handy in an emergency or to simply drink out of a pond. For $15 it might be a good investment to prevent getting sick or worse. What are your thoughts on this? Is there anything on the market...
  8. fig

    You've been stealing water

    Hey my name's Sinéad like O'Connor, most people just call me fig like a fig leaf or fig newton. Love to travel, love to come back to my home city (Buffalo NY) and work a little bit on helping the community. End wage labor, feed the poor, dismantle the gender binary, an ye harm none do what ye...

    treating water and the options on how to do this

    as i have just gotten norovirus for the uptenth time, i felt that it would be quite benifical to make a post on how not to not get water born illnesesses (and perhaps i should follow my own fucking advice) there is a few options and i will go about the pros and cons of all these treaments...
  10. K

    News & Blogs Standing Rock Water Protectors ordered to leave #NoDAPL

    http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/03/us/standing-rock-pipeline-protest-north-dakota.html?_r=0 Standing Rock Pipeline Protesters, Ordered to Leave, Dig In Protesters facing off with the police on Friday outside the Oceti Sakowin camp in North Dakota. The authorities have ordered the protesters to...
  11. Tford

    I have a houston squat

    I currently squat a houston home. 4000 sq ft . no water and im tired of using loogyloo. electricity is on in my name water company wont let me turn water on due to previous foreclosed owner name stilll listed. anyone need texas squatters info . i am the guy
  12. snakefoot

    Sacred Water Camp against Sabal Trail Pipeline

    Hey everybody, this seems to be the year to get yo asses in gear against those greedy oil bastard!. there are camps being set up in Florida in the path of the Sabal Trail Pipeline. They are still forming, but permanent occupations being TOMORROW 17 October 2016. Here is the crackbook page that I...
  13. warlo

    Chlorine / Bleach drops for water purifying

    Has anybody done this? Im preparing for some long traveling and been considering having some water purification method included in my pack. Most stuff is expensive and/or bulky. But just thought about carrying a dropper with some pure chlorine in it and add enough drops to the amount of water I...
  14. wizehop

    News & Blogs 'self-filling' water bottle turns air into drinking water

    This seems like it will be cool, if not a bit pricey... http://www.techinsider.io/fontus-self-refilling-water-bottle-2016-2 Things appearing from thin air is something no longer reserved for magic shows. The Fontus is a water bottle prototype that uses condensation to absorb the moisture in...
  15. lone wolf

    Microwaved water kills plant in home grown experiment

    http://www.naturalnews.com/031929_microwaved_water_plants.html# An experiment conducted at home for a high school science fair five years ago has verified the dangers of microwave ovens not only to humans, but even to plants and other organic matter. The experiment showed that microwaved water...
  16. Tude

    News & Blogs New amazing metal is so hydrophobic it makes water bounce like magic

    Pretty cool --- from University of Rochester (my backyard!) couple of vids at link - I couldn't embed them - and they copied in over top of stuff. Comments are fun too "My god, this will make an amazing urinal." - but there are some very good ones (not funny) as well. --------...
  17. Dameon

    A Windy Day on the Water

    So this is a bit of a cautionary tale for those of you who want to get into boating. This literally has been my day so far. It's been a crazy one, and it's only 2 pm. A bit of background: Me and my dog live on a sailboat in Richardson's Bay, which is just across the Golden Gate bridge in the...
  18. Raven1998

    Wild water sources

    Ive been wondering if anyone knew alternatives on the west coast to buying bottled water or filling water up at fountains and what not. Maybe like wells in national forests or other sort of off road spickets and refill locations.
  19. brax

    Water proofing clothes

    1lb of paraffin wax and and 3/4 lb. of beeswax melted them together over low heat.. Apply with rough brush and blow dry into the fabric! There are a lot of diy recipes for making this kind of water proofing wax .
  20. benjysirois

    Water filtration-Sapwood Tree

    Neatoooooo! How to Build a Plant Xylem Water Filter Cheap, simple water filters made of plant xylem could dramatically reduce the incidence of water-borne diseases in places without access to clean drinking water, say engineers. One useful tip to avoid food poisoning while travelling is...
  21. garytheoldguy

    Waking up next to strangers, sans water

    So sometime around August this year I wound up in Birmingham on my way to nola. Things were ok other than the heat, but I had booze and smokes so I was a pretty happy camper. Well, I was by the yard, flying a sign and drinking with some amusing homebums, when I see a trainhoppin couple so I...
  22. Joni

    Drinking Water for Hiking: Myths and Facts

    Drinking Water for Hiking: Myths and Facts by Ben Crowell This article discusses some of the popular mythology surrounding hydration and water contamination, from the point of view of hikers and backpackers. Myths about hydration Our popular culture has picked up some pervasive myths recently...
  23. Joni

    Long term water filtration on the road

    In another thread some are/were talking about water filtration while on the road. over the years i have learned the hard way that yes you need some form of filtration while traveling because our society as a whole has really f***ed our water supply. This messed up water is in comparison to...
  24. S

    running out of water in the middle of no where, what would you do?

    Hi guys not sure if this is in the right section of the forum so forgive me if its not and forgive me if its a stupid question. I have a scenario for you, you are walking along a long stretch of road miles and miles from any towns or truck stops its a warm day so you have been drinking plenty of...
  25. eske silver

    Saving Damaged Books - Water and Fire

    How to Dry wet Books and Save them from Mold DIY Air Drying Wet Books Blow Drying Wet Books Dealing with Mold Growth Additional Tips and Advice ~~~ When books get wet, prompt action is the key to restoring them and bringing them back to life. There are professional services that will do the...
  26. Mongo

    making denim and canvas Water Proof and Fire resistant

    I was looking into tin cloth when I ran into this recipe. http://www.motherearthnews.com/diy/waterproof-fabric-using-tin-cloth-zb0z1303zpit.aspx#axzz2hS2DNtef
  27. cport420

    New product called Never-Wet will change the way we look at materials and their resistance to water

    http://www.insanee.com/update/interesting/a-wild-new-product-called-neverwet Watch that fuckin video there and tell me that doesn't get your gears running. Its made in a two part application and I don't know shit about it. Like if it's bad to have near the skin or whatever? Or how long it...
  28. Everymanalion

    Clean drinking water....

    So I am heading back down to Mexico again in about two weeks, only issue I have had is finding drinking water without paying for bottled water(I am poor), does the old using a bandana/t-shirt as a water filter over the top of your water actually work when getting it from a moving water...
  29. Derner

    Should i use a camelback to carry water?

    I am going train hopping for the first time in a few months with a few buddies of mine and i was wondering if carrying a camel-back to carry water along with a few water bottles was a bad idea or not. Can anyone help me out with this?
  30. L

    Co2 Water Pump methods for Van Conversion

    I met a guy in Tacoma who had a compressed air cartridge system as means for water delivery through her sink. Does anyone know any easy method to use compressed air as opposed to an electric water pump? Im curious if C02 cartridges can be regulated by means of a a pressure valve or something...
  31. Everymanalion

    Portable water purifier....

    So i am going into Mexico/Central/South America soon and i am worried about when the random times when i will not have money to buy bottled water nor the means to boil any water, are there any water bottles/ purifying systems that you dont have to keep buying weird filter caps or whatever when...
  32. KatAttack

    whats in the water these days?

    Literally 90% of the girls I know are pregnant right now or have already popped a kid out. Keep in mind they're all about 21 and most live with their parents. What is going on the world? Are we going back to the olden days when you're dead by 40? Any insight into the cause would be helpful...
  33. Everymanalion

    To those who have gone south into/past mexico...question about drinking water...

    Lets say you are in mexico, no money and you are thirsty as all hell, you cannot drink the "local" water without getting sick from the pipes or protozoa or whatever is in the water, so what has worked for you? flying a sign that asks for agua? theft? water is my main concern down there when i...
  34. ridegnu

    Pastic > Oil & Water Engines

    So I just got my new old truck; 92 Ford F350. Going to start with another Veggie oil conversion. But I thikn it may be time to start researching something new. Don't wanna be collecting veggie oil all my life. What is plastic & rubber made from? Well thats easy, petroleum. So why not...
  35. makan kotoran

    Diy (well sort of) shock proof, water proof camera hard case

    The last camera I had got smashed up while in the carry case I made.. so this is my attempt at a water proof carry case that will stop my camera getting smashed up.. I'm sure I'm not the first person to think of it, as it's really easy.. I used... 1 little plastic "Sistema" food container that...
  36. EphemeralStick

    water purifying?

    Hey all, I'm looking for the best way to purify water. so far I've found boiling and filtering but i was wondering if anyone knew any other ways to get the job done?
  37. makan kotoran

    Water proof cover?

    does anybody have any good tips on how to make a durable water proof bag cover? i was just thinking some tarp and elastic rope crap, an other ideas? I'm kinda desperate, trying to hitch through the south part of Sumatra back to java, and the wet season is just starting, I've only got another...
  38. DanielP

    Carrying water

    How do you carry yours? Canteen? Camel Back? Just a bottle you refill?
  39. hiveranno

    Wilderness Squatting : on the subject of water

    Unfortunately, the days of simply cupping your hands cowboy style into a creek for a safe drink of water are over. Water purification is no longer just for water sources that look questionable; you should use some type of purification before drinking from any water source in the wilds. You ask...
  40. distro


    how exactly do you go about bringing enough water for a possible four day ride and still pack lightly?
  41. P

    Wilderness Squatting : can anyone help me turn pond water into drinking water

    i'm about to start a camp in the wood on my property and my neighbor has a pond right on the other side of the fence. I was wondering if their is an easy way to steal some pond water and turn it into drinking water. any suggestions will help thanks
  42. Grasshopper

    Best Backpacking Water Purifier?

    Anyone know of one?
  43. boris

    Clean(-ing your) drinking water

    Dear people, Last august I hitched the Himalayas near Leh (from Lamayuru to Lardo (which is near Saspol and the Alchi monastery)). The water we drank was water from the river and streams, but we always cooked it. We also had "Hadex" with us, in case of emergencies. One drip of this fluid makes...
  44. xbocax

    water filters

    so i racked REI more expensive water filters but as i read the cover when i got home it says does not filter viruses or chemicals. It does filter bacteria and a couple other things but how safe is the filter actually? Any suggestions on filters that are better? Should I even use a filter...
  45. CdCase123

    tap water new orleans

    probobly going to ride the sunset EBD later in the year. any suggestions for drinking water in the new orleans area. is it unsafe to drink sinkwater in the NOLA area? if so, how does one go about aquiring some for free? thanks
  46. Ravie

    Boiling water?

    I would love to know different ways of boiling water when you have basically nothing. Ive allways just put a can with water, soup or whatever im cooking on a rock in the fire. any other suggestions?
  47. S


    so about a week ago i started squatting in this empty grocery store.it has electricity but how the fuck do i turn on the water???