
  1. Shaggy Rogers

    Gasparilla parade, Tampa Florida

    Pirates on pirates. Beer. Cannons. Beads, beads and more beads. Pretty sure its free but parking is a bitch. Happens mid January but could cook eggs on the concrete bruh its florida. 100% gonna go to next one
  2. BlueGirl

    Omw out of florida..

    Old newbie.. As in been down this road b4, just been a while. Stuck in Tampa, FL. Looking for road dawgs! Leaving any second now. Where to, anywhere but here!
  3. croc

    Ybor Tampa February 11, 2016

    Alright, alright. I know this is a long ass shot since it's been nearly two years buuuuut. Anyone on here remember being in Tampa (Ybor City specifically) on February 9-11of 2016? I was with a friend walking around Ybor in the pm hours and passed by a group (3-5 people) flying a sign. One chick...
  4. Wandering isaac

    A boy and his dog

    Hey everybody, just posting so people know I exist. I quit a dead end job in Philly to explore my options off the east coast. Not there yet, I got hung up in Florida training a pup for the road. I'm kicking it around Tampa on a friends couch for maybe another two or three weeks, then I'm setting...
  5. Theo

    Tampa Florida Reporting In, Total Newbie

    What's up fellow travelers and punks! I've been working in kitchens for the past three years after I got arrested at 18... Had to go to rehab, all that bullshit and ended out alright actually; all charges withheld except my DUI. Regardless of the matter, I finally saved up a decent chunk of...
  6. CrotchInfection

    Strung out in Tampa

    and it really blows. I just moved here, don't know anyone, and in opiate withdrawal. Anyone here live in Tampa? I gotta get out and meet some people and shit. I ain't a bum, got a job and an apt and I can actually pay my bills. Hmu on here if you know the area please!
  7. Thought Criminal

    Hello from Tampa FL

    Hi guys! My name is Thought Criminal. 20 years old, I'm from Tampa, FL. Joining StP hoping to learn something about Train Hopping and to get to know the community. I'm pretty out of sorts with the direction of my life, have been for a few years now, I've been giving alot of thought to ditching...
  8. freeranger

    Tampa Bay, FL

    can anyone direct me towards anything vaguely authentic and alternative in brandon, florida? political, music, anarchist bookstores, something. i keep searching but keep running into dead ends.
  9. ipoPua

    lost in chinatown, redemption in the tampa ghetto, and the fine sharts.

    i guess these are pretty weak stories but whatever it was fun. and im stoned so i wanna ramble. last april i found out my father,who i'd never met, had colon cancer and might be dying. this was the first time i'd ever spoken to him, that he told me this. so i got myself a bus ticket down to...
  10. C

    Leah in Tampa

    Hey guys. My name's Leah, I'm looking to start train hopping around, squatting, meeting cool people, and drinking more beer. I've hitchhiked all through Europe, never the US. If anyone is around Tampa I'll be leaving here ASAP, but don't want to head out alone. I know Florida sucks, which is why...
  11. xRastaxRuggzx

    Tampa to Raleigh, pt 2

    Earlier I had discussed how I was traveling to North Carolina from Tampa and caught a ride to Ormond Beach. playing guitar baked at the beach is one of my favorite things to do and I was hopeing to get a chance to busk at daytona beach. The storm came in to town as I was at the walmart in south...