
  1. Matt Derrick

    Photos Infographic: How NOT to behave in 15 countries

    I thought a lot of the things on this list were pretty interesting and worth sharing here for anyone interested in traveling in countries outside the USA.
  2. Schnitzel

    Photos Over 700km (435 miles) through Germany on a fixed gear bike

    This is a little story I got about my first bike trip I did back in July. It took me 4 days and 1 night and I went from Düsseldorf to Munich, around 720km (447 miles for you Americans :). I'm not that great at planing trips so I just packed my bike and went for it. I followed the Rhine river...
  3. manitou


    HI i'm a girl from norway looking to get out of this country. preferably to germany, but i have to admit i'm not an experienced traveller, all advice is appreciated :) used to know a guy from this website, fred if youre out there, reply to this thread please lol for now i'll be lurking in the...
  4. kampeertent

    anybody around cologne germany

    hey everyone . 33 year old fella here looking to do some exploring. looking to link up with some people in germany/belgium/netherlands region. im based in cologne
  5. Ginli

    Germany squats????

    Hey people! I am travelling around Germany in June! Its my first time going here!! Any other travelers out here at this time that would wana hang out? Also any squats or alternative living communities ????? Thankkkkkks! Liarna
  6. ScumRag

    News & Blogs The Stasi + revolution in East Germany, cold war years + The Spirit of '77 Longreads ‘The Very Top Guy in the Stasi was Personally Involved in Figuring Out How to Destroy Punk.’ Will Hermes "Punkers and policemen face each other during a...
  7. DertyDers

    World Peace Gathering Germany

    Hey friends :) anyone in Europe? Anyone in the Portugal, Spain, France area headed for the rainbow gathering in Germany? I’m hitching my way from Lisbon to Madrid now and working my way up. If you’re in the area it would be cool to meet even if you’re not headed the same way
  8. protestandsurvive

    Heading to Germany

    Been into the idea of traveling for a while now, spent the last couple months wild camping a lot in the UK for a few nights at a time. Although last night I booked a 1 way ticket for me n a mate to Hahn Germany, figured that'd get the adventure going a bit. (plus a tenner for 2 flights, fuckin...
  9. TheWindAndRain

    News & Blogs EcoActivists of Germany Being Silenced by Repeated Raids Confiscating Communication Equipment

    There have been 3 police raids on the Meadow Camp in Hambacher Forest over last several years. During those raids the police would enter the location of our support “eco village” camp located on private property with search warrants listing as reasons either searches for weapons or even...
  10. Elizabeth

    Traveling Europe meet up ?

    Hey is anyone traveling around Europe? I'm currently in Berlin Germany andy.first time in Europe looking for the good hang out spots and if anyone else is traveling ad would wanna meet up ? Possible road dog for a bit?
  11. spikey ohara

    New Here: looking for a squat in mainland europe

    hey guys, im a 19 year old kid just out of school looking to grow as a person by exploring new environments and cultures before i begin college. i want to move out of Dublin as soon as possible, and am afraid to do so without a solid place to sleep in as im new to the scene. i would love to find...
  12. Art101

    Experiences with German version of Gortex?

    So I picked up a pair of German bibs for a really good deal.They are supposed to be their version of gortex.Just wondering if anyone has used them or has heard anything about them.
  13. Maximus

    Sold Everything and Traveled for a Bit

    Hey folks, long time no see. It's almost been a year since I was last active on StP and I deeply regret that mistake, as the stories and people that come through here are the realest I've ever seen them. Anyway, back in October of 2015 my GF of two years left me and it really fucked me up. We...
  14. Odin

    News & Blogs German Post Honors Lemmy Kilmister

    This is awesome. I wonder if US postal offices sell foreign stamps... Gonna try remember to ask next time I'm there When was the last time you wrote a letter? Well, you may want to pick up a pen and paper, quill and...
  15. wizehop

    News & Blogs Mummified body of German adventurer is found inside yacht drifting off the Philippines

    Damn, if I could chose from a few options on how to go, this would be on the list... Mummified body of German adventurer is found inside yacht drifting off the...
  16. R

    Video Germany without money :)

    After finding this forum and watching pics and videos, I just looked at on my own old videos, and thought perhaps its nice to share two here :) and Cheers, Tobi
  17. Anagor

    Popular song in Germany ...

    It's not my kind of music normally (which is Rock, Metal), but I like the lyrics ... It's in German, translation below: A rough translation I found online: In this House, where I live Is everything as usual Familiar to puke Man, every day is just so I put rounds through mine pond I want only...
  18. Anagor

    Hi from Germany ...

    Just wanna say hi! I'm a guy from Germany, not a traveller. Quite the opposite. I never travelled before. When it comes to getting somewhere: in the last two years I went from Cologne to Munich by plane twice. Big adventure. lol. :p Less than one hour flight and the first one I did was the...
  19. wizehop

    News & Blogs Exchange student rescued from stone vagina in Germany

    U.S. exchange student rescued from stone vagina in Germany Codi Wilson, Published Monday, June 23, 2014 1:09PM EDT Emergency responders in Germany had to rescue a foreign exchange student...
  20. wizehop

    Video ISRAEL thinks its NAZI Germany

    Wow I though I was watching a doc on NAZI Germany for a second here....Israel WTF?
  21. Matt Derrick

    News & Blogs Boat punks in german magazine neon

    The following is an article from the German Magazine NEON. I translated it with the help of Google translate, so it’s a bit rough around the edges, but I think it still conveys the story pretty well. It features many of the friends I was living with in Key West, some of which you may recognize...
  22. Doobie_D

    News & Blogs Death Toll From German Music Festival Rises

    Death Toll From German Music Festival Rises : NPR This just goes to show that techno music is harmful to your health. On another note. That "check if already posted" button is pretty conveniant. Hats off to whoever thought that one up!
  23. mandapocalypse

    How do you do it? (Move to Germany)

    So I've been flirting with this idea for some time now. I want to live in Germany for awhile, for a few years perhaps and just live life. This includes learning the language to the point of being fluent, and working. Is there a way to do it without going through the system so intensely and...
  24. D

    German Rucksacks

    Has anyone had one, or know anyone who has one? I'm thinking about getting one, they are pretty inexpensive. I just want to make sure they arnt so inexpensive for a reason. Thanks.
  25. bicycle

    Hello from Northern Germany

    Hello STP Folks, As I just found the forum it seems a good idea to introduce myself a little bit. I am a 22 year old male living in northern Germany at the moment. Born in a country far away to the east we immigrated to the Netherlands when I was still a very little child. I lived in...
  26. mandapocalypse

    Germany in March...

    I'll be in Germany for 2-3 weeks in March... Wanting to see/do as much as possible, as well as meet as many of you as possible... What's going on? Recommendations, advice? Punk shows? Any cheap tricks to get to nearby countries? :cheers: :chug: ....PROST!