
  1. Older Than Dirt

    Thoughts, comments, gear advice or suggested routes hitching Albuquerque -> Durango -> Ft. Collins -> Lincoln, Neb. in May?

    So i am thinking of taking my geriatric ass out west for a bit in May. Because i am old and soft and scared of hitching through Kansas/Oklahoma, but have never seen anything between Steelville, Mo to Denver on the ground (unless you count Winnipeg and Mexico City as being in North America), i...
  2. Coywolf

    Photos Firefighting in Colorado

    Hey all, been up here on a fire assignment as a Helicopter Crewmember for the last two weeks. Some cool stuff. Here's some pics of the 416 fire outside Durango, CO:
  3. Coywolf

    Random F-ing luck...I am now in Moab, UT

    So, by a complete stroke of Gypsy luck, my plans have completely changed, I went from wanted to hop out of Bend, OR to KF, to wanting to hitch the Hwy 395 to Reno, to hitching a ride with a guy, after waiting 4 hours on east Hwy 20, to Moab, UT. I am wanting to hear stories on how people have...
  4. MFB

    [Jun 15, 2013] Wild Roots Feral Futures (Durango, National Forets TBD)

  5. sons of vipers

    Durango, CO

    So I'm here staying with a friend and it's a rad place. I'm planning on moving here in a couple months. Anyone else here? Or know any info squat here? Thanks

    tavern sign in durango, colorado

    though this was pretty funny, medicinal alcohol dispensary. apparntly its funny too these durangatangs cos they have like 9 dispsearys in town. and some mountains.. plus some kid.