
  1. fryd0g


    Hi i'm Ben, 21 from London been stuck in the UK all winter :( I've been on a few adventures before mostly hiking trails around spainish island but some hitch hiking trips too, me and a friend went from Lille in France to Budapest last summer it was great! Looking to live on the road and railway...
  2. subornopeligroso

    Hitching from Paris to Tbilisi to Issyk Kul, doable? Many questions

    I'm 26 and feeling restless. Always wanted to travel to Central Asian and the Caucasus, but never got around to it because I was stuck in an LTR with someone who didn't want to travel. Now that I'm out, I recently met a girl who has gone on my dream trip, from Europe across Turkey into the...
  3. JC Kabu

    Event Turkish Highline Carnival 2018

    Hello Everyone! Just wanted to share this event going on in turkey. Its the Turkish Highline Carnival 2018 happening in the small town of Geyikbayiri near Antalya in Turkey. Its my first time going to the event so im very excited. It takes place from february 17th till february 24th. I read...
  4. Ignatius

    Photos Cycling to Greece through the Balkans.

    So this summer I cycled from Passau in Germany, some town near the Austrian border and next to the Danube river, to Greece and in the process went through Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Croatia. This is a bit how it went. I already had...