Should I bring my iPhone?


I've never traveled before, but I'm about to set off on my first trip. I've pretty much got my bag packed and everything set...except my iPhone.

I've read from a lot of you that it's a good idea to have a GPS (and since it's my first time, I'd like to know where the fuck I am). It'd be nice to have internet with me instead of walking to the local library, bookstore, etc. I'm just worried about possible water damage, being slammed around, things like that. I'd like to know from you experienced StP people, should I just get a cheap pre-paid phone so I don't have to worry and just use a map, or do you think my phone would be okay? I've seen lots of travelers with netbooks and cameras, so I wasn't sure.

(This seemed like such an obvious question that when I searched the forums and found NOTHING, I was really suprised...So, if skipped past the thread about it, I'm sorry!)


Internet SuperHero
Yeah an iPhone would be useful in many situations, but it kinda comes down to this:
How careful are you going to be with your shit?
How bad will it sting if you loose/break it?

I have traveled with some quite fragile things, and have safe-guarded it with my life, but that is just me.

No one can give you a yes/no answer
That is something that you NEED to figure out for yourself, and learn what works for you

Just remember, nothing is guaranteed safe


Active member
just sell it and get train intoxicants. unless you really need to know where the nearest 4 star restaurant is or if you just have an overwhelming urge to play brick attack. it's just something else to lose, get stolen, or break. if you really need a fone 20 dollar burn phones are the way to go


Well-known member
If I was going to bring any gear like that, I would use a Pelican case. You can get them in various sizes, and for just about anything. Pelican


Active member
I'm blessed with a mother who's a regional manager for AT&T, so I get free phone service with all the trimmings, and an iPhone. Since I've had an iPhone, I always take it with me on my travels. The GPS, map, and internet access to sites like Couchsurfing have saved me too many times to count. I wouldn't take it out in front of strangers, but if you feel safe with an individual, you can ask to plug a car charger in, or wait 'til you find outlets in coffee shops or outside gas stations to get a quick charge. It's really not a problem at all, if you're just careful about flashing it. I've seen people travel with laptops and shit too, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

iPhones are not as fragile and people think. I've thrown mine through a car windshield and it didn't get a scratch. I just keep it in my front pocket. It's easy to replace if you have any problems and come across an Apple store. Employees are typically idiots and don't really care about your warranty. If one person tells you no, just walk out of the store and come see another employee in about an hour.

However, keep in mind that you're easily tracked if you're carrying any network cellphones, especially one with on-board GPS.


Ballsy Adventurer
A friend and I on a long trip took his iTouch (like an iPhone without the phone part). It was really handy because, although it doesn't have phone service, you can just use skype to call anywhere in the world for free once you get internet service. It had a transit system application so we could download transit maps for cities we would be in a few days in advance or check out onramps, couchsurfing, etc. You can get them for 50 bucks online if you get a good deal. Maybe it's not crust or whatever, but damn, it was useful. We just made sure not to flash it around and to keep it stored in a waterproof bag packed between squishy things.

I say that if it's not going to break your balls to break or lose it that it would be worth it.


The Pelican case is exactly the way to go if I do take my phone...and that scanner app sure would be nice to have...

But the truth is, that phone is the only nice thing I have and I'm not sure if I could bare if it got lost. I'm so torn...


Like A Boss
I've traveled with my professional camera, and it cost roughly 1200.00. Pelican case is a must! Water and dust proof! And idk about you....but I keep my camera on me at all times. I don't leave it anywhere, period. The only time I would, is if it's someone I have KNOWN for a LONG ass time, and I know their pad is safe. And even THEN I'm sketched about it. I don't really get too fucked up either for fear of an accident involving my camera. That's the price you pay I suppose, when you love something that much and you just HAVE to have it with you. I could go get a crappy shoot and point, but I just can't bring myself to honestly :p


Well-known member
Widerstand said:
Yeah the scanner app is the shit! I am just waiting for a phone that runs windows programs cause then you can do real time ATCS interception.

maybe check out Citrix for the Iphone

that or maybe an Eee PC running *nix and GNURadio would be fairly manageable in the thick of things.


Well-known member
Is there a "Rob Me" app for the iPhone that just repeatedly shouts "beat me up and take my stuff"? 'cause if there is, you might as well turn it on.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
i'd do it. An iPhone would be easy to carry/conceal/protect, and the benefits seem pretty tremendous (I'd kill for Brick Attack on a long siding!!!).

Edit: someone should really write some trainhopping specific iPhone apps. CCG, Rail Atlas, ACTS, scanner, etc...


Well-known member
I've traveled with my iPod touch for like a year and it's still in good shape. I'm actually on it right now mooching McD's free wifi! I feel like it's a little bit oogleish but oh well. But yeah, just don't wave it around and you should be alright with it. I say do it!!


StP Supporter
I personally refuse to carry a phone with me. I don't ever own a cell phone period. However, I recognize that within the next decade, pay phones will probably cease to exist, or just remain unmaintained and vandalized. What am I going to do then? Probably get a cell phone. But I don't like to think about that now. My point is that in 10 years, this thread won't really be in question anymore. I'd go with the "weigh the costs and benefits and decide for yourself" school, which is probably what the OP is trying to accomplish.

120 Proof Vomit

Well-known member
seems risky, but if you really need a phone/internet/what the fuck ever else is on an iphone, go for it. personally, I'd never drop that kinda coin on a phone, they got the cheapo phones at Mal-Wart, and I'm sure they work fine for phone calls.


Playground Monitor
Iphones and Itouches are definitely useful, but they can make you look like a victim. Using one on the street I had two people threaten me, but then they changed their mind when I gave them a I'm-going-to-gut-you-if-you-stop-walking look. I guess if you're in a decent sized group of people, that would work, too, since at the very least someone else can watch your back so that you don't have to divert too much of your attention.
Picture scenerio: "Cool phone, can I use it?" "Sure" Boot to the chest and off the porch ya go..
Either that or "suitcase" it till your ALL alone..
Are you a robo hobo or something? With somthing like like that ya definantly takes ya chances..


Poking Victim

Well-known member
As far as abuse, it's a little safer to carry fragile electronics if you're hitchhiking. I wouldn't advise hopping a train with a $1200 camera.
I'd travel with an iPhone if I somehow got one for free and somehow couldn't sell it. But I wouldn't get robbed or cry if it broke; you might.


Active member
Notice that the people against taking an iPhone are the people who don't have experience travelling with one.


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