misc gear

  1. Matt Derrick

    If you could design your own travel gear?

    Hey I've been tossing around a few ideas with @KinowaGear about different kinds of travel gear we could make that would be useful to the StP community, and I figured i'd just throw the question out there to ya'll and get your opinion on it. So, if you could design a custom piece of travel gear...
  2. Jeddar

    Tenkara Fishing on the cheap.

    As a question, I've been hearing about a REAL simple style of fly fishing called Tenkara. Essentially stick, line and a fly. In searching Amazon and staying away from the pre-built kitch-kits or the name branded hipster tax, it seems you can put a setup together for around $20-25. Anyone know...
  3. Luna Walsh

    DiY Out Of A Backpack

    I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for projects or crafts that you could carry with you in a backpack? I'm housed up atm and have been brewing a lot of tinctures. Since all you need for those is a jar, alcohol, and herbs, I'd be able to brew those in my backpack whenever I travel next...
  4. P

    Saddle bags for dog

    Saddle bags for my pooch ! 60lb American staff . Need asap would like em made by member . Not china made
  5. ScumRag

    An often overlooked item for gear- socks!!

    I posted to a thread a while back but couldn't locate it to edit but just picked up these great steel toe boot socks from Dickies @ Target- $9.99 for 2 pair. I tried them with my new Carolina 1821 loggers & they work great!!! No bunching or sagging and my feet are relatively dry...ie: not too...
  6. garrisons

    Packing help

    Hey y'all I need some help I have pack list and and I'm need to know if im taking too much or not. I have a large Alice pack that have no frame on it Clothes: 3 jeans black hoodie 3 t shirts 3 pairs of underwear 4 socks Gloves Beanie boots 2 ponchos Rain coat 3 coats Shelter...
  7. best guess

    Travelling heavy

    I pack a tent that honestly could probably sleep 7 or 8 people comfortably, 2 backpacks full of clothes, hygiene, gear, etc. misc., a sleeping bag, and either a gallon jug of water or several 20 oz. water bottles. When carrying it all, I have one backpack on my back, one on the front of me, my...
  8. The Hiker

    mocassins question

    I'm planning on buying some elk and bison hide and making a pair of mocassins, but I'm curious if anyone knows, are they wearable for everyday life (asphalt, concrete, tile) or are they only practical in nature?
  9. BenAxeMan

    Skate shoes or hiking shoes?

    I recently decided after much thinking that combat boots are cool and great but that since they offer almost no comfort and weigh a lot on your feet that I'll probably be investing (or more likely stealing) a pair of durable suitable shoes instead. I work at goodwill taking donations so I get to...
  10. andi

    18 in 1 Soap

    Not sure if this has been mentioned on here, but i thought i should share anyways so everybody knows about the Dr. Bronner 18 in 1 pure castile soap. It can be used to absolutely everything and anything which makes it so handy when traveling. Here's a list of some uses: 1. SHAVING Dilute one...
  11. XAlbertaWarriorWomenX

    What's the best way to stash your shit outside?

    What's the best way to stash your shit outside? I don't have a lot of people's places to stash my shit at ( clothes, gear, personal hygiene, food), wondering how to do that safety without it getting wet or my stuff stolen. Thanks. :) (Sorry if a similar post as been posted, couldn't find it here. )
  12. N

    My current gear load out

    Sorry for the shitty pic, my phone camera sucks bad. But aye so I'm loading up to leave tomorrow until at least thanksgiving aand this is what I'll be leaving with. 65 liter pack(wayyyy more room than I need but it's nice if I wanna pick up stuff along the way) Train food (sardines, olive...
  13. BenAxeMan

    Did I get ripped off on my bag?

    hey everyone, recently I ordered a medium Alice pack (super original, I know) and I have it now and the thing is pretty fucking small. Like honestly I'm not sure if they even sent me a medium. Maybe it was a small by mistake because this thing is pretty small for something called a medium. I'm...
  14. Zbart1108

    Bright colored gear

    I read somewhere once about someone saying they had used a bright green or orange vest that helped them look more like some kind of laborer that in turn helped them get rides as well as less harassment by the powers that be. I was wondering if anyone else has tried this approach in...
  15. BenAxeMan

    Cheap alice and molle pack stuff?

    Hey everyone, I need a medium sized alice pack for train hopping and everywhere I look online sells them for quite a bit of money, like over 20 bucks which doesn't sound like a lot until you consider that that doesn't include a frame or any straps or anything. Since I'm buying those seperate Im...
  16. BenAxeMan

    Is my coat worth the weight?

    Hey everyone, I have a military surplus coat I was planning on taking with me for train hopping/hitchhiking. It's an m-65 field coat. It's extremely durable, very warm, it's got a rain hood in it which makes it my poncho as well and it's a nice dull green color. The only problem is it's 3 pounds...
  17. Coywolf

    Photos My winter gear setup/list

    Thought I'd share my winter gear setup, see what ya'll thought about it. I do realize it's alot more than most carry, but I'm used to it, and I use every piece of it. Gear List: Pack -Osprey Aether AG 70L -Osprey waterproof pack liner Shelter/sleeping: -OR Advanced Bivy -8x10' tarp...
  18. adventurekid

    Am I packing the right things?

    I'm planning to travel soon (train hopping mostly) and I'm trying to get things together. Can some experienced people take a look at my list and see if there's anything to add or subtract from it. Thanks! Clothes: Black pants (jeans) Jean cut offs Bandana Vest (with black hoodie) Two t...
  19. angerisagift

    Just want to buy a FUCKING Tarp

    I don't know where to post this so choose here. More of mini rant to Harbor freight. I just want to buy the tarp and knife. No I don't have an email or phone so u can't have them. I am sure you got grrrreat Fucking deals to send me but here is my money can I just have my sheeeeeeeit plzzzzz...
  20. BenAxeMan

    Packing help

    Hey everyone, I made a packing list of things I want to/think I should take with me when I start train hopping and hitch hiking. I tried to think light but the more I thought the more I remembered something I temembered I should bring. I'm packing it all into a medium sized Alice pack with the...
  21. ntdxc1878

    Easy, efficient way to pack clothes- the Ranger Roll

    I came upon this through reddit, and it's an easy way to conserve space in your pack by rolling your clothes into a compact roll, similar to the hobo roll I guess. For a t-shirt: For jeans: For socks: For a day's worth of clothing: Hoodie: I thought this was a good method...
  22. AaronOnTheRoad

    Gear you need for hitchhiking.

    Hitchhiking is fun and rewarding way of travel but you're going to need gear to hitchhike. So, I'm making a list for the new hitchhikers that wants to hitchhike, but has no idea what to pack. One more thing i need to express before i make this list. The gear i list is opinion based. Some gear...
  23. BadBoBo


    Ok so we have all done it. EVERYONE POOPS....They even wrote a book about it. This was one of the biggest things in my bag. Yes I took the freaking cardboard tube out and squashed it down. But it was still huge and a pain to carry around...Not to mention I had to keep it in a ziplock incase I...
  24. BadBoBo

    Follow up for what I carried in my Jacket

    A few people liked the thread about the ScotteVest. So I will list all the things I carried in it and why. Also keep in mind. I carried all of this stuff and managed to keep the big pocket pretty much empty. LockPicks- Carried in the upper right breast pocket. These things helped so much and...
  25. AaronOnTheRoad

    My hitchhiking summer gear

    Okay everyone I've been reading the great information on Stp and gathered everything ill need for this trip. Please comment anything i might have missed and or what you bring that is useful. 50+5 wasing backpack One person tent Sleeping bag 1 t shirt 1 pants 3 pair of socks Muscle shirt Hygiene...
  26. blumerang

    Tent vs Hammock? Amry vs Hiking Backpack?

    Hey Everyone, was wondering if any of you had strong recommendations either way regarding both tents vs hammocks and army vs hiking backpacks? I'll be hitching/ridesharing and camping mostly. Will be hiking ALOT and plan on months of travel as I want to experience the Rockies. I've already...
  27. beginnavagabond

    Gear list

    I have my gear list up to date and I was wondering if you could tell me anything you see on my list you happened to throw away because you didn't need it, because it weighed down, or any other reason. Thank you. My plans are hitchhiking along with stealth camping and maybe working some short...
  28. ntdxc1878

    Making lighter gear darker?

    This may be an odd question, but I have an orange tarp and a mostly orange sleeping bag that I would very much like to keep. The problem is, bright orange isn't very stealth. I'd rather it be black, a dark gray or blue, just not orange. I was thinking about possibly trying to get some black...
  29. N0MAD

    Blow out/ditch kit

    So i'm not sure where to put this, wither here or in rubber tramping hopefully here will suffice. I'm looking to put together some kid of blow out/ emergency kit or bag for use when i balls up in the middle of no where. I used to have one but i cannibalised it for parts and no need to get...
  30. ironman


    What would be the most durable pack to live out of. For year
  31. dumpster harpy

    Blanket/Poncho coat

    I just got a fleece blanket for sleeping, but I found some videos about using a blanket as a coat. If you throw a decent poncho over it you have a warm, waterproof overcoat.
  32. D

    Video My Minimalist Travel Gear Set Up

    My tried-and-true minimalist backpacking travel gear, essentials to bring when traveling, back-country hiking, and hitchhiking the World. This gear has taken me over 23,000 Miles hitchhiking, and countless miles through the back-country. I hope this helps. Check out my channel...
  33. PatchTwist

    Waterproofing Canvas Shoes and Boots

    I researched this method to waterproof shoes and boots, but I see no reason this couldn't work on any fabric/canvas gear. I think this makes things more water resistant than proof, but whatever works is what I say. In this example, let's use shoes. Get yourself some beeswax. You can find it...
  34. Lucky 13

    Where to safely leave your pack if needed?

    If needed should you ever leave your pack anywhere, and if so, where? For example you need to enter a gas station, restaurant, supermarket, music venue, etc. but they won't allow you to enter with your pack. I personally haven't encountered it before but I do get a lot of looks. I'm about to...
  35. G

    News & Blogs Real men pack light

    I learned that traveling is not as hard as one would think. If one keeps to Transporation, Shelter, and Food (TSF) one can go farther than expected. However, I learned people pack too much (I am also guilty of this). Unless you are going to outer space or the Artic, you really don't need much...
  36. A

    Advice for Outfitting a Wheelchair

    Well it looks like I will be in a wheelchair before the end of my journey. So I'm going to have to think carefully about what I take with me. So I was just wondering some general advice on the best way to lash gear to the back or bottom of a chair And also what gear might be important to have...
  37. CelticWanderer

    Gear list- trying to downsize as much as I can, help?

    My ways of wandering involve a lot of walking and being in the middle of nowhere for sometimes long times. I never really actively hitch just walk and if rides happen cool. Trains freak me out despite how bad I wanna do that, anyways, Big three -Astral Cruiser, Camp trails external frame pack -A...
  38. A

    DIY Crusty Cologne

    Just because I'm crusty doesn't mean I don't like to smell good. I am a crusty with class and refined tastes. Feel Rugged, Smell Amazing – DIY Natural Men’s Cologne Using Essential Oils June 19, 2015 • By Christina Masculine essential oils to create your own blends Essential oils may seem...
  39. A

    Anthracite Coal for winter survival

    I'm not very good at sleeping outside and have been freezing to death, but I've found a solution for cheap. You can buy 40lb bags of Kimmel brand anthracite coal from tractor supply for 6$ (or take it out of a train). Its hard to get started but once it goes it kicks out insane heat and lasts a...
  40. Heath Bar

    copper cup cook fire

    On a rainier day a while back I was having real trouble getting a proper cooking fire going. All material was pretty wet and so was the ground. I had a copper cup i took from a bar that is used to drink cold whiskey mules. I had been using the cup as an ashtray for a while so ruining the cup...
  41. Andrea Van Scoyoc

    Wren Hollow Outreach for Misfit Travelers!

    Hi, ya'll! I've restarted my free outreach for misfits, vagabonds and gypsies, providing clothes, shoes, blankets, ugly dolls for children (my own personal creations) pillows and toiletries. I also offer free meditation, online. Need shampoo? Soap? Toothpaste? Got chapped lips? The...
  42. briancray

    Looking for Waterproofing Advice

    I was wondering if you all had any advice in the waterproofing gear department. Like something I can use on the road while I'm traveling to put on my jacket, pants, boots, etc. My gear is getting old and just wondering what you all use to keep your stuff dry. I hate spending days drying out my...
  43. Will Wood

    Gear trade and donations (Colorado)

    A short one. Found this site. Have you heard of it?? Might be a good source for gear.. Check it out. http://homelessgear.org/
  44. ratscratch

    Keeping contacts clean on the road? or avoid contacts altogether?

    sight impaired here, can only see up close... had glasses for a really long time. don't really want them anymore and would love to hear some opinions
  45. RSTY802510

    Waterproofing your carhartt.

    http://www.instructables.com/id/Cheap-and-Easy-Vintage-Style-Weatherproofed-Gear/?ALLSTEPS Here's a link for a how 2. There's a bunch of different recipes and methods for this and it will make your jacket heavy as fuuuuuck. I used a mixture of neatsfoot oil and beeswax and it word out fine...
  46. dirty andy

    Auction wins

    Been going to a buncha rural auctions with the fam on my days off. It's fun and I have seen opportunities to get cheap gear. The auctioneer just wants RID of the stuff and it goes super cheap. Case in point , the sweet Stanley thermos I got for FOUR FUCKING DOLL HAIRS! I thought it was...
  47. A

    If you had $1000 to spend on Gear...

    What would you buy? Or what adventure would you go on? Please don't say rent or drugs those are boring. I meant for this to be a fun post. If money were no object. So far I have Leatherman Wave Carvin Jack Go Pro MSS SLEEP System Team Gemini Light Brigade Gransfors Bruks Norse Axe Gold Nugget...
  48. Rob Nothing

    Collapsible fishing poles / fishing gear recommends

    Anyone? Fishing noob here.. thanks a ton. Peace
  49. johnny possum

    Anyone ever made your own gear? DIY, modifications, quickfixes?

    In a pinch and would love to hear some suggestions or experiences with making your own rucksack, sleeping bag etc
  50. A

    How to dry out a lighter

    For @klaiash in the hopes that she revives her dear friend. If you ever find yourself with a soakedlighter you can dry it out quickly using this trick. Simply turn the lighterupside down and rub it quickly on a solid surface. You'll want to turn the wheel of the lighter directly on the solid...