
  1. U

    my hobo band suckas!!!

    yeah soo this is my band the plug uglies the recording was done this summer while traveling in alaska which is where we found the clairnet player check us out if you like it add it! http://www.myspace.com/thepluguglies
  2. hg14

    hobo by eddie joe cotton<anyone read it before?

    It got me into wanting to hop trains, but the only thing I've ever done is hitch, I'd like to know if someone else has read it or not and what they think of this book.
  3. Bendixontherails

    The flatest in hobo biker transportation...

    The latest in hobo biker transportation...
  4. connerR

    Hobo Grasshopper

    I was sick all day so I hadn't been eating much. With the evening hours rushing in at a time-crushing pace, I went up the road to the humble McDonalds to get some bland, unhealthy "food" that is likely only going to make me worse. Anyway, there I was. I was waiting to receive one of those...
  5. Coughing Prophet

    Another Aspiring Voluntary Hobo

    So, we've all seen this one before. A kid at the age of nineteen, aspiring to never work an hour in his life, never spend a penny on anything, and live in rent-free establishments. Stuck in the frozen north, where this lifestyle would surely kill those unprepared and with a lack of knowledge on...
  6. maus

    aging hobo

    ok, i turned 25 this year. i know it isnt *that* old but i definitely started going 'wtf am i doing with myself?!?!' a lot. my back hurts. my liver hurts. i live under a tarp in the woods. i dont even really travel anymore. i am just one bum among a thousand in santa cruz. i dont aim to end up...
  7. Dameon

    Hobo Film Festival - Seattle

    The Hobo Film Festival hits Seattle next Monday (June 1st), if you're in the area. It'll be $8 to get in, 7 pm at Central Cinema, 1411 21st ave. You know, if you want to watch movies about what you're probably already doing. Maybe people will fawn over you for being an actual hobo and give you...
  8. Shoestring

    What it takes to truely be a hobo! (Comical view).

    Pretty much, every Bo that rides has his own view about what it takes to be a hobo. Generally if you can't survive in the regular everyday life of the common citizen and you really don't care for a house, car, phone or back yard, you can move into this world and survive just the same with your...
  9. Shoestring

    Newspaper article about my 20 years as a hobo.

    My 20 year aniversary gift being a professional hobo......lol! Callison: Riding the rails | argusleader.com | Argus Leader
  10. Shoestring

    Another near 6,000 mile hobo trip!

    Hello all, meesah back home at the "homebase" in Sioux Falls! I rode down to Beaumont, Texas and then took "KCS" back up to DeQuincy, Louisiana where I met up with "TravelingFisher" from "StP" here. We rode together for about 10 days. We rode back up to KCMO and almost to North Platte before we...
  11. Shoestring

    Real hobo camps are almost a thing of the past.

    These are two MRL locomotive units. Riding into Laurel, Montana, last winter was cold and lonely. I had ridden in on a pusher locomotive unit on a coal train and got off at rail mile-marker 11 on Montana Rail Link property just east of town. (MRL is short for Montana Rail Link). I walked to an...
  12. Shoestring

    Guilford Railroad hobo trip that led to Nova Scotia/Greenland/Iceland.

    I had just hopped a freight train to Bangor, Maine, from the Framingham Conrail Railroad yards near Boston, Massachusetts. I was tired, thirsty and hungry! I bailed off my boxcar and walked to the fisherman's docks along the Penobscot River. I started asking various boaters in the small...
  13. Shoestring

    Hoboes poem

    I love waking in the morning, to the train horns blow, sitting by my campfire with hot coffee, nowhere in particular to go. Hopping into a boxcar in the cold of winter, when Santa Clause says ho, ho, ho. riding in the warm rear unit, when outside lies three feet of snow. When I first...
  14. Shoestring

    Riding with the hobo king of 1998.

    I had just ridden into Kansas City, Missouri, this early, warmer than normal December morning, and had made camp under the "I-435 Loop" overpass that traverses over the Union Pacific train tracks about six miles east of downtown. The temps were actually in the mid-50's, so I chose not to build...
  15. Dmac

    09 hobo convention, britt iowa

    hey you hobos out there! i am in omaha and have lots of space available for people going to and comming from the convention in britt iowa. i lucked into a caretaking job for a 14 acher spread in omaha. this old horse stable used to house 60 to 80 horses. now there is only 1 old racehorse, 2...
  16. S

    Hobo railroad lincoln conneticut.

    Hahaha I got a kick out of this place when I was up north. Its train and hobo themed. It has a golf course that teaches you hobo symbols. And then of course the hobo jungle playground has to have a sign warning kids to watch out for and I quote " the bull (railroad police) or face eviction)...
  17. Matt Derrick

    Hobo Heaven (BBC Audio Documentary)

    Gerry Anderson recalls the days of the hoboes - railroad tramps and itinerant workers who "jumped the boxcars" and rode the freight trains around America. During the 1930's and 1940's thousands of people chose the hobo life, traveling with no possessions beyond a bed-roll and a rucksack...