
  1. landpirate

    News & Blogs British councils move to criminalise homelessness Revealed: More than One in Ten Local Councils Are Moving to Criminalise Homelessness By Mark Wilding February...
  2. OutsideYourWorld

    Anyone hanging out in Eastern Europe/Turkey areas?

    Heading out to Budapest on the 22nd of Feb. Meeting up with old friends, getting some cheap dental work done, then heading South and East where it's not AS chilly. Hopefully getting as far as Georgia before I fly back early May for tree planting. Figured i'd see if anyone else is in that part...
  3. Mankini

    isle of skye

    i got into inverness a few days ago looking for scotch distilleries. and was quickly informed "here we just call it "whiskey". lol!!
  4. Whereamiwhatdoido

    Tenerife, Canary Islands

    HI friends, I am in the lucky occurence of going to Tenerife this weekend, I am travelling without money and have no idea of what I'm going to do on these paradise islands, except for maybe swimming in the sea a lot. Do you know of great places to go, see, visit, camp, etc.? I'd really like...
  5. Mankini


    i was here 5 minutes and instantly fell in love with Islenska and its people. everyone is really cool and friendly. then, i found this... News A Dumpster Diver´s Paradise Words by Nanna Árnadóttir @nannaarnadottir Photos by...
  6. Ash Ludd

    Travelling Europe, Need Inspiration

    Think I'm gonna head out to mainland Europe again fairly soon, need some inspiration for where to go though... anyone know any cool places they recommend? Radical farms, beautiful landscapes, good squatting communities, street festivals, good folk/metal/punk scene etc.? Pretty burned out on...
  7. Whereamiwhatdoido

    Up to no good

    Hi squatters of the planet, misfits and fellow guardians and representatives of openmindedness and free spirits. Being a Dane who went away from his country and birthplace at the age of 19, just to find that the world has so much to offer that isn't available in Denmark, I've become a wellknown...
  8. Matt Derrick

    News & Blogs The difference in hitchhiking between the USA and Europe

    I found this and saved it offline, but now the page doesn't seem to be there anymore. Anyways, I thought I'd post it here in case it helps anyone. The difference in hitchhiking between the USA and Europe by Chris Road, Two different continents, the same way of traveling. As an...
  9. landpirate

    I hope anyone in Paris is OK

    Paris attacks: Bataclan and other assaults leave many dead - Sorry on smart phone can't do better than this right now. Hope everyone in Paris is ok. Use #PorteOuverte on twitter to seek out a safe place to stay. Parisians will help you.
  10. undine

    Featured Squatting on the rise in Ireland

    Hi, I am an Irish squatter, updating on how things are going in Ireland; The squatting scene here is really taking off, its legally a civil matter until injunctions or ejectment orders are issued. So legally its very similar to the UK before the law changed. There is a massive homeless crisis...
  11. Pisum Sativum

    Bulgaria, help! Sofia and around

    Hello, I'm travelling to Sofia in about a month and I'm in search of squats (don't really know if there are any), underground and anarchist movements or anything of the like. Not exclusively though, any nice place suggestion would be greatly appreaciated!
  12. landpirate

    American Tourist's observations of small town Britain

    Just a bit of silliness here. I found this American guys lists of things he observed whilst on a visit to the UK. Like it says, some are a bit far from the truth. Although it might feel like a foreign land and the people of Cornwall would love it to be an independent country, it is actually...
  13. Rytis

    Hitchhiking in Europe

    Hey everyone! My name is Rytis, I'm planning a small trip around Europe in a week or so and would like to get some tips :) As I'm lithuanian and it's not the best place to start hitchhiking from here (as for a first-timer), I'm taking a bus to Berlin, staying there for a few days and starting...
  14. JanuaryBell

    Italy, not feeln' you

    I've been here in Florence for a few days, and maybe it's just me or the rainy weather, but I'm ready to ditch the idea of going further south to Rome. A younger guy I met at the hostel I'm staying told me it would be worth my time to check out Rome. He's from New Zealand backpacking around the...
  15. Danny Hammons

    London squats or punk houses?

    Anyone know of any decent squats or punk houses in London? I am traveling solo and this will be my first time in London... any ideas would be very helpful!
  16. ATX

    Methods and countries of escape for schengen renawal

    So in early Jan I'm flying out to Barcelona to get the hell off of the same continent I've been traveling around in. That's not the point though. A lot of people ask about the visa situation, including me, so I thought I might as well get a thread going on everyones different ideas and methods...
  17. Dalila

    Urban arts?

    Anyone in Rome, Italy into the underground urban art scene? I've got some friends back home that do it and it's piqued my interest! Curious/want to try it out.
  18. landpirate

    News & Blogs Their Law: The New Energies of UK Squats, Social Centres and Eviction Resistance

    A really interesting paper documenting some key legal points and struggles being faced by those trying to defend themselves from eviction in squats, Occuaptions and social centres in the UK...
  19. landpirate

    News & Blogs Squatters bed down in Vatican church

    This article is a little old but interesting nonetheless. Squatters bed down in Vatican church Rome homeless group has lived for nine days at Santa Maria Maggiore, a papal basilica where Pope Francis...
  20. landpirate

    Video Where am i sleeping tonight? - britains young homeless

    This was shown on the BBC a couple of weeks ago, but i found it on youtube. It's a film following some young homeless people in Bristol, England and seeing what kind of struggles they face.
  21. Matt Derrick

    News & Blogs How to (Legally) Stay in Europe for More Than 90 Days

    How to (Legally) Stay in Europe for More Than 90 Days By Nomadic Matt | Published May 8th, 2012 As I’ve been planning my move to Sweden, I’ve been trying to figure out how to get past the 90-day...
  22. landpirate

    News & Blogs Anti-austerity campaigners squat empty Brighton Bank Anti-austerity campaigners squat empty Brighton Barclays Posted On 09 Jun 2015 at 7:57 am By : Jo Wadsworth Comment: 1 Anti-austerity squatters have taken over an empty branch of...
  23. landpirate

    News & Blogs Fining People £1,000 for Being Homeless Is a New Low for London Fining People £1,000 for Being Homeless Is a New Low for London June 4, 2015 by Mark Wilding A homeless man in Hackney (Photo by Tom Johnson) Imagine you have almost nothing in the...
  24. L

    Dirty kidding in europe

    How is it getting god food and flying signs in europe? Is there anything specifically different that we should know to make sure we get by?
  25. Tude

    France to force big supermarkets to give away unsold food to charity

    What a great idea!! Put the food to good use!! _________________ France to force big supermarkets to give away unsold food to charity Supermarkets will have to take measures to prevent food waste and will be forced to donate unsold but edible food to charity or for use as animal feed The...
  26. Mankini

    Flying a sign in France? Be sure to glue this guy's face to the sign.

    France's most famous and beloved actor, ever!
  27. Anagor

    Photos Backpacking in UK/Ireland

    Hi! Just wanna share some photos I took while backpacking UK/Ireland: First Trip - Sept/Oct 2014 Second Trip - Dec 2014/Jan 2015 Cheers!
  28. wetcat

    anyone know about the Sami people of Norway

    If anyone knows how to get in contact with a Sami family which may be a long shot but its worth a try. I would love to do whatever i can to be a part of that. to just be able to help.
  29. wizehop

    bridge between Russia and Alaska could lead to the ultimate road trip A potential bridge between Russia and Alaska could lead to the ultimate road trip April 20, 2015 BY: ZOE MELNYK A road trip stretching from New York City all the way to London could...
  30. wetcat

    Flying into moscow russia

    but i havent gotten a visa yet. i dont get there til the 27th of may which is still pretty close i guess. i need to have a tour booked but id really not like to do the typical tourist shit of course. there has to be some rad groups out there doing shit. anything at all would be rad.
  31. K

    Czech Man Claims to Create New State By News from Elsewhere... Mr Jedlicka (left) says Liberland's finer details, including a constitution, will be sorted out in the near future A Czech man claims to have established a new state on the west bank of the Danube, it's...
  32. isai

    been living in europe, stoked to begin roaming stateside.

    Hey community, At the end of April I will be hitching from NY to TX for the first time in the states. I am stoked to see how this goes and hopeful to meet other drifting types along the way. If anyone knows of other travelers going a similar way I would love to connect and maybe share stories...
  33. Tude

    News & Blogs Eiffel tower has gone green with wind turbines

    Pretty cool - I'm sure there will be more out there on this with some better video. _______________________ The Eiffel Tower has new wind turbines, and they're beautiful Paris' most iconic monument goes green The...
  34. R

    Video Germany without money :)

    After finding this forum and watching pics and videos, I just looked at on my own old videos, and thought perhaps its nice to share two here :) and Cheers, Tobi
  35. E

    France, Spain, trains, not paying, countryside

    Hey guys, I`m planing on going from germany to france and spain. I was just wondering if anyone has some rather up to date information on the conductours practice if you don`t pay for your tickets on trains. The hitchwiki suggests that they will just take your personal information and that´s...
  36. Anagor

    Photos Trip to England January 2015

    Hi! I uploaded some photos I took while being on my trip to England last month: Newest pictures are first (unfortunately), so to have it in the right sequence, begin with page 4 ... Cheers!
  37. ChrisHitTheRoad

    Difference between hitchhiking USA and Europe

    I wrote an article on my website dedicated to the difference between hitchhiking in the USA and Europe. Hope it's useful for you. Feedback appreciated.
  38. dave raven

    squat in Latvia, North Europe

    I have a little squat in Latvia. It's called "Tenth Bunker" Every second friday we do the "Poetry Evening" Here's the link to bunker
  39. ATX

    Work for Nationals of Canada and a few other countries on 90 schengen visa

    According to this article on hitchwiki citizens of Canada and a few other countries are legally able to work while in the country. They cite a French government website, and upon reading further, it seems that citizens of those countries are allowed...
  40. ATX

    Taking a dog to Europe?

    I'm currently planning on hitting up europe sometime in the fall of next year or spring 2016, but am running into obstacles with my dog. We have hitch hiked all across America together and are about to go through Canada after the winter, and simply getting rid of him to go to Europe isn't an...
  41. Anagor

    Photos UK/Ireland

    Hi! Just uploaded a few (more or less interesting) pictures taken on my trip to UK/Ireland ... Cheers!
  42. sucuri

    Photos Little canoe, big river

    View from Barcelos today, down to my faithful little boat :D
  43. Anagor

    In UK finally ...

    Hi ... Finally I made it to UK. Got from Cologne to Maastricht (Netherlands) then to Leuven (Belgium) then to Lille (France) and then to Calais and took the ferry to Dover. Quite conventinally travelling (passenger train, hostels) but Ill try to hitch out of dover to canterbury tomorrow. :)
  44. Reed

    Anybody in Prague cz?

    Any people in Prague/Praha ?
  45. Pisum Sativum

    Bucharest.. any cool place?

    So, I'm heading off to Bucharest in a few days and I was wondering if there's anywhere nice I could go to. I'm mostly looking for a squat, an underground music scene etc. Only place I could find so far is "Carol 53".
  46. Anagor

    Two week trip England/Scotland

    Hi! I plan an England/Scotland trip in the last September weeks. First going from Cologne (Germany) to Calais (France), then by ferry to Dover. Then visit London for a day and travel through England and Scotland to Edinburgh. Finally back from there to Cologne by cheap flight. That's the rough...
  47. lungfish


    hey y'all! i'm headed to Portugal in a few days and I can't seem to find any info about radical spaces/squats/anarchist hoopla in the country at all. does anyone have any info? I'm looking for a place to stay in Lisbon and beyond but also into hearing about rad spots to check out. thaaanks!
  48. F

    Euro-Trip and Budget

    Hey everyone, Glad to see the forums are alive. Next summer I'll be making a voyage to the old world, my experience traveling internationally is void and I'm hoping someone here with a few deep notches under their belt could chime in and help paint this picture for me.... I will be traveling...
  49. Haarlem Venison

    Looking for roaddog to hitch with across Turkey in July

    Hi all, As I mentioned in another thread, I'm currently in Ukraine and will be making my way down to Istanbul shortly, then plan on hitching/camping across Turkey through most of July. From what I read on hitchwiki, it's paradise. Not planning on spanging or getting too shwilly, although yes...
  50. B

    UK Hitch/hop

    Any people from the uK fancy a cheap as feck hitching/ hopping trave beginning in England, maybe the north? then heading out into europe. I I've got a fair amount of experience hitching in this country and I think freight hopping is also posible over here and I've got some idea how depending...