
  1. Caro

    Tryna get from Florida to Cuba

    Any ideas, folks?
  2. Domnique

    Hello there!

    Hi all and every one! I am just a guy that came into "the mind of the beast" (Che Guevara word about Switzerland) by natural way it was 59 years ago. Back in the eighties, I was living ten years into a squat in Geneva. After these years, I was living an ordinary life made of work, food, drink...
  3. valkata

    searching for info about underground cuba

    hello,my first post in squat the planet so sorry if i'm doing something wrong:} I am a london squatter and am planing to visit cuba somewhere this year,so i was wondering about the do's and dont's,hitchhike or hike, any squats,infoshops, activism, anything that would be related to the...
  4. Tude

    Abandoned Cuba

    Putting on here for @Kal cause it is cool. Man alive I'd love to go through more of these places. Wonder where @sucuri is these days!!! Cool article though and cool pics :) __________________________________________...
  5. L

    Sailing/Rowing from Louisiana along coast to Yucatan then Cuba

    I want to make this trip in a boat. If anyone has any experience sailing this area or information, share it. I want to do this in some real cheap boat something with sails and oars. if getting a boat in the US and going all the way along the the coast is too difficult then I would like to...
  6. Dirty Rig


    In summer 2002, my grandparents were kind enough to send me on a 2-week trip to Mexico City to explore and experience life beyond "these United States". I'll be returning to Mexico later this April. During my last trip to Mexico, my father and I were able to get into Cuba by bribing a series of...