
  1. Dmac

    Video Cool Bicycle Camper/Trailer

    This looked easy enough to build. Wonder if he sells plans?
  2. Mankini

    Stealing a pay-per-ride bike

    Does anyone know anything about those tourist cruiser bikes where you pay $8 an hour? Do they have any sort of GPS/RFID/tracking technology? My plan is to use a pre-paid debit card with just enough on it to check out the bike; then keep it for 'awhile'. I wouldn't keep one: theyre dorky and...
  3. Psylock1045

    DIY bike tools?

    Anybody have advice for how to make your own bike tools, particularly the fourth hand cable stretcher tool? That bastard is expensive ( cheapest I found was $32 ) and I'm kinda broke.
  4. shabti


    So................. folding bikes. Or a bmx. Whatcha think? Is an extra 30 pounds worth it? (with tubes, pump, patch kit, lock, multi-tool, lights...? all that jaz is like, 30 pounds.) would you guys take one with you?
  5. el norte

    This bike gets me the hell outta' here

    Howdy all, My name is Noah, or 'el norte', and I'm from the US, currently living in Scotland. I am very happy to be posting this introduction here. My name, 'el norte', means the North in Spanish, named because I am a huge fan of northern environments and the cold! Hence, why I decided to make...
  6. Laekkai

    Bike tourist

    Hello everyone. I'm new to the site, been lurking here for awhile. My experience with traveling is limited to self-supported, budget bike touring but I've always had a plan and a place to go home to, with stability and a chance to make an income on the other side. However, I want to travel North...
  7. Psylock1045

    Which bike should I fix up? ( pix inside )

    Ok, so in making my final preparations for my upcoming departure in the Spring, I've come to a bit of a dilemma. I have 2 bicycles, and no clue which one I should use for the trip XD. My original intention was to avoid cities whenever possible and stick to mountain/forest trails and back roads...
  8. Tude

    Louisville, KY - Underground bike park - mega cavern

    Don't know if anyone does this - I do some dirt - this looks freaking awesome! Wonder if anyone has been through it before they came in with the track. ____________________________________________ Underground Bike Park Opens Monday 20K+ shares / By: Billy Brown How do you design a bike park...
  9. Matt Derrick

    Girls on Bikes

    I just thought this was cool, and I wanted to share with folks here. Also, why aren't there more girls on motorcycles? Girls on Bikes 13 There aren’t enough girls on bikes. If I ever see one, I have to stop and wonder, sort of like...
  10. OutsideYourWorld

    Bike touring and safely storing bike in populated areas?

    I'm very much new to the bike touring world, just reading lots to get an idea of the things to look forward to. i've hiched a hell of a lot, and one thing that can be a bit of a bitch, when in a populated an area, is what to do with the gear. With a backpack I usually ask a shop/bar/hostel to...
  11. Matt Derrick

    News & Blogs Solar-Powered, Glow in the Dark Bicycle Path Opens in the Netherlands

    Solar-Powered, Glow in the Dark Bicycle Path Opens in the Netherlands The world’s first solar-powered, glow in the dark bicycle path opened today in the Netherlands city of Eindhoven. The Van...
  12. Thought Criminal

    Photos Lets see those bikes!

    What's everyone riding? I got a DUI last year and have been biking everywhere since. Beats the freaking bus and it's fantastic exercise. The city I live in has a great cycling community too. I've got an old Giant mountain bike frame that's been that's been converted to a road bike. It's got all...
  13. TheUndeadPhoenix

    Appalachian Trail bike tour 2015

    So I wanna get a crew together to bike the legendary AP. I don't want to go it alone and I've been meaning to hike it, anyway. I'd like to shoot for fall of next year, north to south through biking. If anybody is interested, let me know. I'm still working on getting physically fit and if you're...
  14. joeycalzone

    Any bike punks wanna meet up in Richmond?

    Im on tour from Fl to Philly getting kind of lonley lol. Ive been all over but have never been to Richmond just looking for someone to hang out with maybe bike around. Should be there in about 3 days if the weather stays nice.
  15. sofarfromhome

    where is a good place to get a good cheap bike? and also,

    what kind of bike should i be looking for? i don't know much about bikes and have no idea where to start looking i have a skateboard but i think i'd rather bike.
  16. OhioRiverTrail

    Is there a national bike and rail trail atlas out there?

    I can find state by state and some regional rail trail maps but not one big bicycle route and trail atlas for the whole US and Canada. If there is not one should somebody (perhaps me or my bike club) write one?
  17. wildwerden

    Alice Pack Bike Panniers

    Just stumbled across this and thought I should share this brilliance with ya'all -- i will definitely be trying to do something similar to this -- maybe the alice on one side and sleep sack on the other... Source:
  18. Thorne

    Info for Bicycle Riders>>Handlebar Palsy or Ulnar Neuropathy

    I just got diagnosed with this today. It sucks and I am not supposed to be doing much typing so I have taken photos of the papers the Doctor gave me instead. These explain what it is, how it is caused and treated, and some exercises you can do as well. Sorry for the quality, I can't get my...
  19. briancray

    Bike Tour CO to NY

    I'm doing another bike tour from Colorado to New York in the next few weeks. I already have all my gear since I did this six months ago to get here, but I need to get there in 30 days and was wondering if anyone had any luck touring and either hitch hiking or hopping freight trains. I'm making...
  20. D

    News & Blogs The first man to reach the geographic South Pole on bicycle

    (more info in link to the article at the bottom. This article is copied and pasted from that link) (By Correne Coetzer) Spaniard, Juan Menendez Granados, and his fatbike reached the South Pole on January 17th, solo, unassisted and unsupported, after traveling 1130 km in 46 days from...
  21. A

    DIY Bike Panniers from recycled kitty litter buckets.

    If you ever looked into buying panniers, you have probably found out they are one of those items on the niche market of cycling touring equipment that can be quite expensive. Even used they can run around $100. There are a lot of cheap and easy diy's out there if you do a google search. My...
  22. wizehop

    World’s Fastest Pedal-Powered Bicycle - To 110 Mph Man Builds World’s Fastest Pedal-Powered Bicycle That Can Speed Up To 110 Mph BY UBER GEEK - JANUARY, 4TH 2014 Jason Rourke, a 42-year old bike shop owner, spent 10 days and £5,000...
  23. Matt Derrick

    Megathread Bike Touring Megathread

    -- Bike Touring Megathread -- Contribute comments, edits, and additions by replying to this thread and a moderator will add it to this post. Useful Bike Touring Websites Bike touring is a big subject, with a lot of resources available both online and in print form. So if you're planning on...
  24. Matt Derrick

    bike trailer or panniers?

    Hey folks, just wanted to get everyone's opinion on bike trailers vs panniers. i'm gearing up for a west coast tour this spring, and while I'm mostly leaning towards panniers, i'd like to get your opinions on which you like better and why? thanks!
  25. briancray

    Photos DE to CO Bike Tour

    Here are some of the best photos I took from Colorado. Goes from Pueblo to Breckenridge with a part of Western Kansas at the end. There are others, but the max upload is ten files, so if you are interested in seeing more let me know and I'll make another post.
  26. Isaiah54

    DIY bike panniers

    Not sure whether to post this in how to or bike touring. I made panniers out of kitty litter tubs so I can lug shit around on the cheap. They are awesome, you can remove them and take them in places so your stuff doesn't get stolen. They seem very durable. This guy took pictures and showed...
  27. Kate Westcoast

    Long distance bike attempt

    Frm thun switzerland to amsterdamn...and if our cheap shit bikes last us that long its down the western european coast until morocco... Anyone have any experience or expertise they would like o pass on? The reckless and unprepared way...wont be surprisedd if were on the hwy carrying our...
  28. schmutz

    Hike or Bike Camp sites?

    I know they exist, I have stayed in them before, but I can't seem to find a list of where they are in California. Does anyone know what I am talking about?
  29. Matt Derrick

    Bike touring on a budget

    Hey everyone, I've done a few bike tours in the past but it's been a few years now and I want to get back into it. I was lucky enough to have an awesome bike each time, but now I'm on a far more limited budget. What I'm wondering is if anyone here has any suggestions for road bikes that are...
  30. EphemeralStick

    Traveling Bike Caravan?

    At the end of this month I'll be heading west and I'm seriously considering bike travel. The main driving force here is because its something I haven't done yet, ha. Was curious if anyone would be interesting in joining me in this endeavor. I'll be heading out from Chicago, totally willing to...
  31. cport420

    Weed Wacker Bike DIY

  32. wildwerden

    what bike / gear would you get if you had the extra cash?

    so i'm driving around the country with the jeep for a little bit then i plan to sell it (really don't want to deal with insurance / registration / gas / possibility of getting in an expensive accident / etc). i'm looking at hitch-biking and it sounds kinda awesome. i can ride out of a bad spot...
  33. Roots317

    Bike Tube Hammock

    Been wanting to make one for awhile. Has anyone else/any tips or ideas?
  34. soapybum

    Mobile Bike Crew?

    So me and two friends are biking from Indianapolis to Crested Butte Colorado, heading out in a week. When we get there we'll either be a) working at the ski resort there (you get free ski passes :D) or b) continue to bike whereever we please. b) is going to happen regardless, just might happen...
  35. up2eleven

    Would you rather hitch, drive, or bike?

    If you had your choice about it, would you rather hitch around, drive a vehicle, or ride a bicycle around? Why? What is it about your choice that you like and the others that would cause you to not do that?
  36. A

    Traveling Shadow Puppet Show, On Bikes! (San Francisco to San Diego)

    Hey, y'all, we're a group of folks leaving from the San Francisco/Oakland area on an epic bike journey down the California coast down to San Diego, and perhaps further on after that on towards Southern Mexico. We'll be performing a shadow puppet show and playing music as we go along and we need...
  37. Kabukimono

    Bike Panniers

    I'm not too sure if this is the right section to post. I just got a new set of Ortlieb Front Roller Classic and the lower clip that secures onto the rack seems to not move unless loosened - when it is, it has too be tightened as it slides all over the shop. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong...
  38. Rolling Blackouts

    Let's Talk Tall Bikes... Built this contraption with much help from an awesome friend earlier this winter. It's a bad idea with wheels, but it's a blast to mob around the hood, albeit sketchy. This was my first...
  39. Alleycat Matt

    ATTN: Bike punks!! Help!!

    I have a Trek 920 Singletrack bicycle with tubeless tires but both tires have gone flat and I do not f*****g know how to fix them. One won't hold air, and the other tires stem is broken off. What do I do? I seriously don't want to have to buy a new tire. I don't even have the money to do so...
  40. shiftingGEARS

    Community Bicycle Organizations (worldwide)

    Here you go.. found, copied, and pasted this for you bike peeps.. Non-profit bicycle organizations Bike shops that are accessible to people without money Shops that have an educational focus, teaching others how to fix bikes Shops that are volunteer run Organizations that ship bikes to...
  41. shiftingGEARS

    Takara road bikes?

    i acquired an older Japanese (Takara grand touring) from a buddy, cant find much info on the company. If anyone knows of any info, please post away.. thanks and cheers.
  42. jobe

    July 11th-17th Buffalo Bike Punk Week!

    One whole week of shows, workshops and bike events in Buffalo! Footdown ring toss egg-on-a-spoon race whiplash kids bike race tandem race tall bike jousting! Kids bike jousting?! ------------------------------- all kinds a punk bands! -------------------------------- working on setting up...
  43. mattattack

    Central American Bike tour!

    I just finished a two month bike tour across Central America and it was freaking incredible. If there is a haven for scumbag travelers this place is it. Super easy to live on the road, very kind and generous people. We free camped every night in peoples farms, lands, houses, & beaches without...
  44. MxEx

    Bury Your Bike 4 - (first week/weekend in May)- Jacksomevile, Florida

    Yea dat's right. Zombie Bikes and other friends put on this event. Pretty warm around here by then but it's usually a fun time with drinking, bike games, mass rides, music in public places, dance parties, 40ft beer bong, couple free kegs. So it's relatively cheap living/festivities...
  45. madewithpaint

    the camper bike!

    thought some of you would appreciate this.. kevin_cyr
  46. EphemeralStick

    Shock Absorbers on Bikes?

    So i was talking to the guy at a local bike shop about my rusty old mountain bike and he said i should upgrade. His suggestion was to get a bike with shock absorbers for a smoother ride. Now I'm pretty sure he was just pulling the salesman card on me but it got me thinking, is it worth it to...
  47. wartomods

    The Bike Topic

    As i've seen lately there has been a rise in the number of bicycle related threads, so i created this topic for everyone who has any bike related question, wants sugestions or advices, i would glady answer, i consider myself a bike afficionado, i worked previously in a bike shop.
  48. Pedal

    Preventing bicycle theft.

    For those times on the road where you can't sit around and wave a sharp cleaver to deter would be thieves. Going on a bicycle journey soon, and I would like to hear the best lock(s) and/or security method for locking up a bike. While your gettin' food, or getting some sleep. Ive been...
  49. carlylanea

    best bike?

    hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could give me recommendations on the best bike for cross country travel? Please and thank you! :D
  50. B

    Doing a bike tour, looking for housing in Phoenix area.

    A friend and i (both males mid 20's) are doing a 2,000 mile bike ride and are going to be in Phoenix for a couple of days in early april (possibly arriving the 6th or 7th). i was wondering if anyone could help us with housing. We would be down to help with house work, or anything else that...