So, foolish me, I began a dialogue with narwhalmom aka January Oliver aka Mischka Zubke from Maine (who was actually in New York). She is a talented writer, feelings manipulator, and con artist and in no time had me wanting to help her, as she was "stuck" in a cult in New York. She convinced me to buy her a greyhound bus ticket to join me in Arizona (nearly $300) and after many emails, texts and long phone calls with her very convincingly making me believe she loved me, I bought her the ticket. She arrived and in the first 24 hours she really put on great act, being affectionate and loving and making many flowery speeches of the life she wanted with me and how much she loved me. I paid for whatever she needed, made a place for her in my camper, drove her around everywhere she needed, showed her the ropes of being a nomad out west, and even found her a job. Once she had what she needed, she immediately changed her tune completely. Oh, she still needed me to drive her everywhere and give her a place to stay, but suddenly she wasnt ready to be in an intimate relationship, reversing everything SHE had initiated, asked for, and promised. For a week I hung in there as she strung me along on the possibility of us having something together "at some point". Also, she is still married, has five kids who she not only cant see legally, but she had to flee Maine or go to jail. She was in a psychiatric hospital (court ordered) in Maine last winter, she has an invalid drivers licence in one name but says her legal name is something else but of course has a great story for why she doesnt have any valid ID for that name. She will tell you a hellava good story but beware, its just a con to use you however she can. In reality she is a pathological liar and sociopath who threatened to stab me (as she has threatened others it turns out). That was the last straw and I left her. Out of pity I gave her a very nice tent, my lantern, and tea pot and offered to drive her to a shelter once I decided her lies and betrayal of trust and help were too much and I was done, but she chose to continue to make nasty comments and threaten me in response. As I drove away tonight, she had to attempt one last pathetic ploy, shouting that Id got her pregnant and she would "turn me in", well the jokes on her since I had a vasectomy 8 years ago. Anyway, just a heads up to my fellow rubber trampers, nomads, etc. Dont be a fool like me, the heartbreak isnt worth it (and neither was the waste of time or money, and even the sex was lame). I have been fortunate to meet some fantastic people who choose our free living lifestyle, but this woman is just a user and is not genuine at all. Beware.