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  1. Argus

    God, Truth and Perception

    It's said that at the center of every lie in a kernel of truth. It is my belief that every truth is incased in a shall of lies. Incased, but not trapped. It must be mined, sifted and extracted and eventually, with enough decrement, a precious piece truth is reached. Human beings are like broken...
  2. Argus


    I've been reading a lot of Ayn Rand's books and after much reflection I have been lead to an interesting conclusion. There are two realities. One is the objective reality that is independent of the mind, that we interpret through our sensory experiences, and which we percieve through...
  3. Argus

    The MBTI Personality Test

    Maybe you guys have heard of it. It's a pretty sweet personality test. The Lenore Thomson Personality Test is a really accurate one. or HumanMetrics if that one didn't work out for you. Both of them are the MBTI. Post your results! I must admit that I know a freakish amount about it so if you...
  4. Argus

    Hello from Seattle

    Hey guys. I've been a native Washingtonian all my life. If you know anything about the MBTI I'm an ENTP. I'm really glad I've found this forum. I've had a wanderlust for quite sometime and more recently a strange intrigue with who I believe to be Vagabonds. Occasionally I see them on random...