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  1. C

    long time imaginer, first time do-er...

    Do some reading about riding the HiLine in summer. Particularly Havre, MT. cxR - not an easy route
  2. C

    What classifies someone as a "slut"?

    Cxr - what people do in the bedroom is their business
  3. C

    Anyone out there like folk music?

    This band is one of my favorites at the moment. cxR - folk is good stuff
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    News & Blogs Maybe Buses Should Be Free? To pay for it: cxR - the traveler in me says, "YES!"; the environmentalist in me says, "YES!"; the part of me annoyed by homebums says, "NO!"; all in all I think it should happen
  5. C

    Photos Tattoo

    I think that's sadly very accurate. I always see SoCal construction workers with what used to be jesters (or whatever other 90's trash they got) that now look like gelatinous blobs. cXR - my girlfriend is crazy on the aftercare. she won't work on train riders if they plan on catching out...
  6. C

    Photos Tattoo

    Any legitimate tattoo artist would touch it up - it seems that this would solve any problems of fading (in addition to taking care of the tattoo). Further, I've seen plenty of realistic/lineless tattoos that have held up more than two years okay, typically on people who take care of the piece...
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    Photos Tattoo

    From what I've heard/read, if you take care of your tattoos, they won't fade into blobs quite as fast as people think. Cxr - I'm under the Orange Curtain
  8. C

    Photos Tattoo

    I don't want to make it seem like I hate anyone or their tattoos - tattoos should be personal above all else, who cares what others think? - but I really...strongly...(personally)...dislike traditional tattoos. I see them on hipsters and bros all over the place out here in SoCal and I just think...
  9. C

    Photos Tattoo

    Nice colors. cxR - when I see "tattoo" on here, I get my girlfriend ready (she's an artist) to laugh at someone's poor attempt at stick n pokes.
  10. C

    hello people

    This is an obviously sexist and misogynistic country (USA). So while you may be a radical progressive activist, some meth'd out trucker is going to look at you like a quick and easy dose of pleasure (source: growing up knowing a few truckers. They're the worst people in the world). Same goes...
  11. C

    Dear kids...

    If you want to be an economically conscious drunk punk train rider, spend your spange money at local breweries. Most do growler fills. cxR - And after you're done with it, you have a nice glass bottle!
  12. C

    New Orleans here

    inb4 gradeasmarts gets killed bumbling around Nola. cxR - here's to planning!
  13. C

    Traveling with a Rat

    Trains are way out of the question. Hitching I don't think is much better. If you're in a van, that's better, but rats are fragile. I don't know how much you know about rats, but make sure you've got antibiotics on hand for myco flare-ups/other meds for any other sickness they might get, proper...
  14. C

    Is this worth fixing up for long distance travel?

    Deck that bike out in SRAM stuff and ride hard! cxR - yeah looks good dude
  15. C

    Mojave Meltdown

    Yeah a good rule is: if you see empty intermodal cars, don't get on them. UP and BNSF both leave big cuts of wells out in the middle of nowhere. When things get backed up they just don't have enough room in the ports, so out they go. cxR - BNSF has air stations coming out of the ground at one...
  16. C

    Mojave Meltdown

    lol lol lol lol LOL cxR - i take it you were on a baretable train to Yermo?
  17. C

    Help with the DEEP WEB

    Well I hadn't thought about it that way before, but it really adds a new dimension to my reply! CxR - more of a humorous anecdote than a joke
  18. C

    Help with the DEEP WEB

    I prefer just cracking into innocent people's wifi networks and browsing from their IP (using a stolen laptop, of course [preferably stolen from a single parent or low-income student]). Cxr - life lessons with cxr1037
  19. C

    Boston Bombings & Government False Flags

    Actually, nevermind. cxR - not worth it
  20. C

    Help with the DEEP WEB

    ITT: people new to the internet. CxR - i have some friends who are white hats, i should take some time and l2h4xx0rz one of these days
  21. C

    Boston Bombings & Government False Flags

    That's a dichotomy you make in your head. I don't trust the public sector anymore than I trust the private sector. Here's how these extraordinary claims usually work: "give me undeniable empirical evidence." Typically, there is none. Then it just falls to, "well, I guess we'll just have to...
  22. C

    Boston Bombings & Government False Flags

    I vomited. This is some Alex Jones shit. cxR - no time for conspiracy theories. painfully asleep, i guess? maybe i'm just a sheeple? or maybe I'm on the payroll for a certain three-letter organization. ;)
  23. C

    Oh hi!

    Occupation:Mermaid She is lucky. The mermaid business really took a beating in '08. cxR - suddenly formatting is all messed up
  24. C

    domesticate a wild rat/mouse?

    From what I understand, feeder rats and wild rats are entirely different species. I'd also be interested in knowing if common antibiotics have the same effect in both wild and domesticated rats (Baytil, Doxycycline, etc for myco). cxR - i guess your only shot at domesticating a wild rat is...
  25. C

    SoCal to Berkeley

    I'll be in Colton sometime over the next 48 hours. Odds are you won't even know I'm there. cxR - like a superninja (just follow the spacebags)
  26. C

    SoCal to Berkeley

    You oogles better not be in Colton when I'm there! cxR - 40 miler
  27. C

    Tattoo removal...

    My girlfriend is an artist and pretty much agreed with this. CxR - check this out: white supremacist who got his face tats lasered off pretty well
  28. C

    Albequrque New Mexico @ Big D's

    Okay. cxR - wat
  29. C

    Albequrque New Mexico @ Big D's

    fuKkIn SoOoOoOoOo sIiIiCCCkkkkkkkk BrOOOo!!11!1!1!! helLLalala dANk AZZzzzz fAdeD uP dA pUnKxXKXKSsx 42OOOooooo 4 lyF!!1!1!1 BiG DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD is THe CHiLLllLllllEST HOMMMMEEEY. CxR - painful to read; partying with you and Big D will not, and can not, help anyone out.
  30. C

    News & Blogs Trains, Punks, Pictures And Books You Maybe Shouldn't Read

    Damn it Brodie...damn it. cxR - POLAROID KIDDDDDD YO
  31. C

    Tattoo removal...

    This just sounds like a terrible idea. cxr - lasers
  32. C

    [May 1, 2013] May Day General Strike Solidarity (Olympia, WA)

    Their teenage angst is misguided. Instead of working towards goals that matter, you guys just paint some apocalyptic picture of the world, then seem to think everything will be fine in the void that comes when you "smash da state!1!1!". This is idealism; it's naive optimism. Cxr - way to...
  33. C

    Anti-Defamation of Jews and Italians works both ways

    I'm pissed; my NWO shill check is late. Cxr - master super imperial overlord 33rd degree Statist
  34. C

    National hitchiking/trainhopping race

    I've thought about this amongst friends. We were more thinking something like LA to NYC with parameters in place - ie you must hitchhike at least 50 miles, ride three different trains, take 1 bus, 1 light rail, 1 commuter rail, walk a mile - but it's too hard to coordinate. That and rushing...
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    I am dirty, broke, beautiful, and free

    More Pat the Bunny: "I want something more than an apology to say when I look the world in the eye." cXr - benny is right, slabs heat up nice
  36. C

    I am talking to Steamtown about setting up a authentic Hobo Jungle

    Fill the jungle with 40's. Cxr - and cigarettes. hobos will come
  37. C

    How many of you actually travel with SMART phones?

    By and large I agree. I think smart people will use their phones productively, but I've certainly seen people waste time with a smartphone on otherwise banal stuff. A lot of people seem to get annoyed when you walk into a room/elevator/whatever and everyone is on their phones. While some...
  38. C

    Advice on essentials to bring for a first timer

    That's kind of misguided. While I'd say you're mostly correct, I certainly remember temperatures below 30F in that time frame far south of Bakersfield. Alright so here's what I think: 0-20 days on the road: 1.) cell phone/iPod/scanner (if on trains)/and chargers; 2.) relevant documents...
  39. C

    Advice on essentials to bring for a first timer

    Sand paper is just as effective. CXr - FEEL THE PLEASURE
  40. C

    Looking For Train Schedules

    Hi! You can call 1-800-USA-RAIL for train schedules! CXr - here to help!
  41. C

    All that BullShit about the collapse of Civilization

    What a lazy convenient position! That way, you can never lose! Because you have faith in your tinfoil hat beliefs. CxR - vampirism is for poseurs
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    I've only got the week off. I'll probably be in RV sometime next week. I have some friends going up to Dunsmuir but I don't think I want to go that far up. Cxr - rainy?
  43. C

    All that BullShit about the collapse of Civilization

    Brilliant rebuttal, tons of evidence, thanks. My mind has been made up! You should sell your insider info to MSM!!11!1! cxR - "cynicism isn't wisdom..."
  44. C


    On the UP train Z-NOPD. It's a Z train that goes from Portland to New Orleans and back, crew changing only in Roseville, Colton, and El Paso. CxR - I won't be up there for a while mikefwt, but check yo mailbox
  45. C

    All that BullShit about the collapse of Civilization

    Please show me with evidence how this is going to happen. Do you have a manual on nuclear reactors that says: "WILL PRODUCE NUCLEAR FALLOUT IN EVENT OF COLLAPSE!" It's also responsible for a decrease in poverty, famine, disease, and infant mortality. cxR - lots of problems in the world but...
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    You guys should roll south to RV or the bay and meet up with ole' CXR1037 next week. cxR - i'll tell you all about the time I rode the ZLTLA
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    Can I roll up there with my oogle crew and leave empty spacebags and piles of human shit all over? cXr - hell yeah, brother bear
  48. C

    [May 1, 2013] May Day General Strike Solidarity (Olympia, WA)

    You make it seem like everything is getting worse but I don't know if that's necessarily true. CXr - effete
  49. C

    Girls who travel by themselves

    I'm not a female, but my girlfriend always travels with pepper spray. I think it's just better than having to rely on a knife as it keeps you at a distance from a would-be attacker. She also sometimes carries a flare gun which could be used defensively (or offensively if you want to become a...
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    Relevant Quote....

    Wh cXr - at?